Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Saydet Al Najat Church Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Saydet Al Najat Church - Assignment Example In the article writer again shows an element of joyfulness when Ali the sixty-five years old woman accompanies her grandchildren to the celebrations (Mohammed, 2010). The old woman in the article is a patriot to her country as she says she is waiting for the day that all terrorists will face the arm of the law. She says this day will be important to her because it will prove to the whole world that Iraq does not support terrorism. The police force in the article proves to be persistent and determined in their efforts to hunt down the terrorists. In the article, it gets noted that the police made vigorous efforts and intensive intelligence gathering. This shows the police force got determined and dedicated to its work. Their hard work gets shown when they raided the five terrorist dens on the same day (Mohammed, 2010). This also shows that the police had a purpose that resulted in action. Their main purpose was to find the perpetrators of Saydet al Najat church, and after their investigation and efforts, they finally found them. The old lady Amina also depicts the purpose of the police when she says that each day a group of the terrorists got arres ted and brought to justice. There is the use of sensory language in the article when the old lady says that she will celebrate without dancing, and she will shed tears out of happiness for the world to see she rejects terrorism. This statement involves the readers’ sense of sight as through this we can see her real picture crying tears of joy. The sensory language also gets used when the writer says hundreds of people were celebrating on the streets, and they were launching fireworks (Mohammed, 2010). Through this statement, the author gets to capture the sense of the sound of the reader. One gets to imagine the noise that was prevailing in the area during the celebrations. The use of sensory language makes the article to become interesting for the reader.  Ã‚  

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