Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Policy Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Policy Proposal - Research Paper Example When all else fails, the oppressed may take up to armed struggle and attempt to secede from the parent nations and this brings in a long period of conflict marred with wars and fights in which innocent people get killed. During such times, the nation has to bring about a policy that would attempt to assuage the grievances of the minority people and attempt to bring them back in the mainstream politics and make them give up arms (Stavenhagen, 1996). The paper provides a policy that recommends a strategy for conflict resolution in a fictional country called Calendra. The paper is organized as follows: in Chapter 2, a situational analysis is first performed to understand the activities that have occurred and to identify the stakeholders. In Chapter 3, a literature review of implemented policies across the world is provided, that have addressed the same issues. In Chapter 4, a set of policies are recommended for Calendra.. Chapter 5 gives the conclusions and sums up the paper. As given in the case study, an armed conflict has been occurring for the past 18 years in the Western part of the Calendra where the Lathi people have been staying. These people make up 12% of the population and want to secede form the country as they have some severe grievances that have not been met. The dominant ethnic group is the Pugn and this race is which is concentrated in the north and east of the country. The fighting elements of the Lathi are few in numbers and in the 18 years of conflict, their strength has varied from 700 to 10,000. It must also be noted that the total population of Calendra is about 8 million and in the western region where the conflict occurs and where the Lathi are in power, the population of Lathi is about 45%. The Lathi have a number of grievances an the main ones are: that Lathi have been marginalized in the national power structure and the bureaucratic apparatus of the

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