Thursday, August 29, 2019

Art History: Traditional and Contemporary Essay artist, art, painting

Today, society call many â€Å"works† produced by individuals and call themselves artist, but is it really art? If you were to try to determine a definition for the word: art, you would find it to be an elusive word. I recently observed a landscaper cut and shop a pine tree which had overgrown in size. Although, some would say the pin... ...know it will go eventually the way of the west. Art is important to learn and to appreciate while we have the means to do so. Incorporating all of the elements which make for traditional or modernistic art is in the hands of this generations and like the mentors of yesterday, today we need to look around us for the next Rembrandt or Picasso. Tomkins, Calvin. Time Life Library of Art: The World of Marcel Duchamp. New York: Time Incorporated, 1966. Print Coughlan, Robert. Time Life Library of Art: The World of Michelangelo. New York: Time Incorporated, 1966. Print Getlein, Mark. Living with Art. 10th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2011. Print Lynton, Norbert. The Story of Modern Art. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2008. Print Eimerl, Sarel. Time Life Library of Art: The World of Giotto. New York: Time Incorporated, 1966. Print

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