Saturday, August 31, 2019

Compare?Contrast Van Gogh and Chagall

Compacter/Contrast Van Gogh and Chloral For this essay, I chose to compare and contrast Vincent van Sago's â€Å"Starry Night† with Marc Chloral's â€Å"l and the Village†. The two pieces are lovely and most interesting to evaluate in relationship to one another. I personally love both artists and upon closely examining these famous pieces, I have noticed how similar yet different these works of art are. Vincent van Gogh was a deeply troubled, post-impressionist artist and his painting â€Å"Starry Night† is his most famous piece.Working from memory, he painted the oil on canvas passing the time in Saint-Remy-De-Provence located in outworn France while undergoing treatment in an insane asylum. The piece is very energetic with eleven fireball yellow stars like connect-the-dots across the big swirls, rolling blue and grey clouds in the night sky. There is a large orange, yellow crescent moon in the upper right corner offset by a tall, spiraling, deep green cypress tree in the lower left area.The pulsating sky contrasted against the little houses and the central figure of the church below, obliviously sleeping with their quiet muted colors, may be conveying that Vincent was feeling unheard and misunderstood by the tizzies of the village as well as the institution of the church; the thickly applied paint portrays this emotional intensity. The painting was done in 1898 inspired by the landscape of the asylum grounds outside his window. It is an oil on canvas and is located at The Museum of Modern Art in New York City.Marc Chloral's and â€Å"l and the Village† is a highly imaginative, modern piece that illustrates his native Jewish village from his childhood in Russia. In the dreamy painting, there is a clearly conveyed interdependent community of peasants, animals and plants and is a imposition of beautifully blended circles and triangular shapes inspired by cubism. The colors are very vibrant and a considerable contrast exists between t he reds, blues and greens. â€Å"l and the Village† integrates folk culture both Jewish and Russian and is very emotionally charged.There is a dream-like representation of an upside down violinist that brings â€Å"Fiddler on the Roof† to my mind. There is also a farmer with a scythe, pastures and a goat being milked. The two central figures are a large goat gazing into the eyes of a big green man with a cap on his head and a cross round his neck and a triangular tree in his hand that I personally believe represents the tree of life from The Bible. The painting most definitely possesses a significant amount of symbolism.The different sized circles are said to represent the earth's revolution around the sun and the moon's revolution around the earth. The circular structure in the lower left corner is widely interpreted to be a solar eclipse. The oil on canvas painting measures 75 inches by 59 inches, is his most famous work and is housed in the Museum of Modern Art in N ew York City. Both paintings depict unit little villages beneath a night sky and convey a sense of harmony. They both contain celestial bodies and are both done in mostly green and blue.Both are comprised of organic and geometric shapes and contain religious symbolism in the form of churches and Chloral's green man has a cross around his neck, but the greatest similarity I see about the two paintings is a swirling playfulness from Van Sago's exaggerated stars and clouds to Chloral's up-side-down musician and houses. I like the free license of post impressionism and modernism that allows the artists to envoy their personal perspectives anyway that they would like. Both paintings are housed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City.Marc Chloral and Vincent van Gogh are really quite different. They are from two different time periods, Chloral being a modernist and van Gogh a post-impressionist. They also have different cultural backgrounds. Marc Chloral was most emphatically a Jewis h artist and he was Russian born. Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter who was called to be a Christian evangelist at one time. The two paintings differ in that Chloral's forms are ore geometrical, giving the impression of precision while Van Sago's figures are much more organic in nature containing lots of bright, swirls spirals. L and the Village† is composed of blue, green, white and red colors while Van Sago's â€Å"Starry Night† contains blue, green, white and yellow. As this essay draws to a close, I can honestly say that it has been most educational. Now that I know a lot more about Vincent van Gogh and Marc Chloral, I am experiencing a heightened interest in studying their life histories and other works of art. I loved both pieces and feel a new relatedness to them.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Native Americans in the United States and Pocahontas Incident John

AMERICAN LITERATURE I Instructor: Dr. Le Thi Thanh Troy University – STU Campus The Pocahontas Incident John Smith Group members: Ho Truong Phuong Thao TranThi Hong Nhung Nguyen Van Huy Objectives: Understanding author's biography and his work Understanding Pocahontas's biography Answer three impotant questions about his work A. John Smith's biography John Smith (1580 – 1638) had have a heroic life since he was not only a English soldier but also became explorer and author.He contributed a part of his life to be the Captain of the first ship which made a landfall at Massachuselts in 1602 to explore New England. He was also memorized for the founder by setting up the English settement at James Town, Virginia. John Smith's life experienced many adventures when he was an adolescent in Europe. His life time had been through many coups such as fighting with the Turk, becoming a slave which was sold to Asia Minor, killing his captors†¦ At twenty-seven years old, hesailed to New Wold and explored the Chesapeake Bay, the shores of New England.He also got a friendly relationship with Native Americans. Moreover, he also was a famous writer and made some well-known books included A True Relation (1608), A Map of Virginia with a Description of the Country (1612), The General History of Virginia, New-England. The Pocahontas story appeared in the Summer Isles (1624). John Smith had been probably offer an important role to the first colonial writing in America. B. About the work: This work described the episode that John Smith had been saved by the princess Pocahontas since he was captured and in the hands of Indians.This account was narrated by â€Å"him† – the third person to told the audiences how the story happened. There were some detaited we should pay attention to this work: Who were the characters? John Smith, Powhatan, Pocahontas How many other Indian people were at the judiscation? more than two hundreds Where did the judiscation hap pen? Meronocomoco, Virginia How did it happen? Firstly, John Smith was brought to meet Powhatan and his courtiers. When he was prepared to be killed, Pocahontas had saved him by getting â€Å"his head in her arms† and laying â€Å"her own upon his† (p. 3). Two days after, John Smith was led to a great house and was going to be fired, Powhatan absolve him from death and â€Å"esteem him as his son†Ã¢â‚¬â€œ called â€Å"Nantaquoud† (p. 43) Why was he alive? Thanks to the Pocahontas's altruistic, he had been rescued. New words: bravery (n) s? l? ng l? y, s? an m? c sang tr? ng robe (n) ao choang train (n) doan tuy tung bedeck (v) trang hoang, trang di? m, trang tri babarous (a) da man, man r? contented (a) b? ng long disguised (a) tra hinh, c? i trang mat (n) t? m th? m, rem esteem (v) quy m? nC. Pocahontas's Biography: 1. What is the major in Pocahontas’s life? Matoaka was the beautiful and lively daughter of Powhatan, ruler of the land that the Engl ish named Virginia. â€Å"Pocahontas† was her childhood nickname, translated as â€Å"little wanton,† meaning she was playful and hard to control. When she was born, Powhatan sent her mother home to her own village, to raise Pocahontas. That was his custom. When she was about school age, Pocahontas left her mother to live in her father's capital, with her older brothers and sisters.As they grew up, Powhatan appointed some as chiefs of his other tribes. Pocahontas became her father's favorite, â€Å"the apple of his eye†. In this new account, his capture included the threat of his own death: â€Å"†¦ at the minute of my execution,† he wrote, â€Å"she [Pocahontas] hazarded the beating out of her own brains to save mine; and not only that, but so prevailed with her father, that I was safely conducted to Jamestown. â€Å"[Eight years later, in his Generall Historie, Smith expanded upon the story.Writing about himself in the third person, he explained that after he was captured and taken to the paramount chief, â€Å"two great stones were brought before Powhatan: then as many as could laid hands on him [Smith], dragged him to them, and thereon laid his head, and being ready with their clubs, to beat out his brains, Pocahontas the Kings dearest daughter, when no entreaty could prevailed, got his head in her arms, and laid her own upon his to save him from death .. When Smith returned, there were only 38 colonists left (out of 104).Pocahontas kept the colonists from starving to death that first winter, by visiting regularly with plenty of food. Pocahontas paid regular visits to her friend Captain John Smith, but in October 1609, she was told that Smith was dead. She stopped visiting after that. The following winter was known as the Starving Time. Actually, Smith wasn't dead; his leg was badly burned in a gunpowder explosion, and he had returned to England for medical treatment. The colonists thought the death story would work bett er with the Indians. Several years passed, with no sign of Pocahontas.Ralph Hamor heard that she had married one of Powhatan's chiefs, named Kocoum. Captain Argyle discovered that Pocahontas was staying with the Patowamekes, and captured her on June 4, 1613, intending to trade her for concessions from Powhatan. Powhatan only met enough of the demands to keep negotiations open. During her captivity, leading colonists worked to convert her to Christianity. One of those colonists, John Rolfe, fell in love with her, and she’s with him. Pocahontas was baptized as a Christian, and married John Rolfe in 1614. Her new name was Lady Rebecca Rolfe. She gave birth to a son, Thomas Rolfe.This marriage created the â€Å"Peace of Pocahontas†, six years of peace between the Jamestown colonists and Powhatan's tribes. Pocahontas' life ended on a high note, with a triumphal tour of England (arriving June 3, 1616) as a visiting princess. She visited many important people, including King James and Queen Anne. Sho also met John Smith and this caused a big shock for her as she thought he was dead. In England, her portrait was made and published. As she started home, smallpox – English disease took her life. She was buried in the church at Gravesend, England (Mar. 21, 1617) age 21 or so. (Her exact birth date is uncertain: roughly 1595. The meaning of Pocahontas’s life is that Pocahontas played a significant role in American history. As a compassionate little girl she saw to it that the colonists received food from the Indians, so that Jamestown would not suffer the fate of the â€Å"Lost Colony† on Roanoke Island. She is said to have intervened to save the lives of individual colonists. In 1616 John Smith wrote that Pocahontas was â€Å"the instrument to pursue these colonies from death, famine, and utter confusion. † And Pocahontas not only served as a representative of the Virginia Indians, but also as a vital link between the Native Amer icans and the Englishmen.Whatever her contributions, the romantic aspects of her life will stand out in Virginia history forever. Historic portrait of the real Pocahontas in London, age 21, dressed as the Christian lady she had become. Whatever her contributions, the romantic aspects of her life will no doubt stand out in Virginia history forever She died within months. This portrait hangs in the National Portrait Gallery of the Smithsonian, in Washington, D. C. This painting is a later copy of an engraving made during her London visit of 1616. It flatters and Europeanizes her more than does the original engraving, which failed to capture her celebrated allure. pic][pic] 2. Why did Pocahontas die? And what is her death's significances? According to Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition; Pocahontas was killed by smallpox – an White people's disease in a ship which returned from England to her homeland.. She died on March 21,1617 and was burried at Gravesend. Her death was one of the case which represent for the cultural chiasma between Native American and White people. The death of Pocahontas and the subsequent death of her father led the relationship between the colonists and the natives become worse. D. Understanding John Smith's work: . What specific details of Indian life and Indian nature does the account reveal? Indian life which was decribed by John Smith was familiar with current audiences since they could easily find out many similar characteristics which concerned to Native American on television program, newspapers or history researches. The first thing we could conclude about the Red people was they lived a simple life which closely to the nature as they used almost things made from the environment such as using feathers â€Å"instead of a towel† to dry hand, wearing skinned robe with â€Å"all the tails hanging by† (p. 3). â€Å"Their head and shoulders painted red† and used â€Å"white down of birds† to h elp them more beautiful (p. 43). They seemed not have any idea about tresury metals like gold, diamond which White people were looking for. They only focused on their simple, traditional comunity by using primitive and ancient tools such as â€Å"robes, shoes, bows, arrows†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Moreover, Indian society was different from ours in some specific ways. Equality and justice was emphasized and took stock in each citizen no matter who they were, what their social status was.For example, in John Smith's work, although Powhatan was the chief King of Red people, he still made â€Å"his own robes, shoes, bows, arrows, pots; lant, hunt, or do any thing so well as the rest† (p. 43). In addition, democracy was the thing which could be revealed and complimented as well. For instance, when John Smith was captured, â€Å"a long consultation was held† between the King, courtiers and other people to make the final decision. Finally, their culture was special and colorful as the y often â€Å"disguised† and â€Å"bedecked† themselves with tail, â€Å"white down of bird† (p. 43)†¦Followed the account, the Indian nature was absolutely rich, wealthy and bounteous. It was also described through the Native people's appearence with red color on their head, â€Å"great chain of white beads about their neck†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ (p. 43) How much confidence do you have in the truth of these details as related by Captain Smith? In our group's work, since we considered that John Smith's account was veracious and had many similarities to the reality not only in Indian culture which we easily found in television, newspapers, films but also in the detail that Pocahontas had saved his life.There were many researched told this story and proved that Pocahontas used to rescue him such as Pocahontas and Her World (1969) by G. S. Woodward or Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition (2010). Thus, we concluded that there was about 90 percentage of John Sm ith's work is true and the rest part might be hyperbolized by his imagine and mannerism. 2. How do you account for the popularity of this story in American legend? The story of Pocahontas is very popular. Almost people in America and also around the world know this.So it really becomes the big inspiration for many people to institute their creation. For example: The very famous picture â€Å"The Baptism of Pocahontas† painted by John Gadsby Chapman in 1840. This explained the characters in the painting, and praised the Jamestown settlers for introducing Christianity to the â€Å"heathen savages. â€Å"[pic] In the 19th century, John Brougham produced a burlesque, Po-ca-hon-tas, or The Gentle Savage. It debuted in 1855 and became an instant hit. Po-ca-hon-tas remained a staple of theatre troupes and blackface minstrel companies for the next 30 years, typically as an afterpiece .Several films about Pocahontas have been made and two of the most famous film are Pocahontas (1995 ), It was produced by  Walt Disney Feature Animation [pic] The New World  (2005)  written and directed by  Terrence Malick [pic] The song â€Å"color of wind† is also mention about Pacahontas. Performed by Vanessa Lynn Williams who is the very famous singer and had won the miss American contest in 1984. [pic] 3. What typical American traits do you find in Captain John Smith? John Smith was an adventurer, discoverer, writer, and the best founding father of America.Captain John Smith risked his life, his reputation and property to establish a colony in America. He contributed a great deal to the creation and survival of the English Colony in America which is the birthplace of the United States. John Smith was a self-made man. He left his English homeland to seek a life of adventure with honor. His leadership quality during crisic was another American trait, optimistic and tolerance. Captain Smith did not have attention to revenge for his partners who was killed by Nativ e Americans. That means he got generosity in his heart. Moreover, he got along with Indian well.And he was also steptical when he was captured by Narive Americans. So John Smith’s characteristics look like the American people now. They are clever, self-made, friendly and especially they always like to find out a new change for their life Work Cited Hadas, Pamela White. â€Å"POCAHONTAS FROM HER NEW WORLD. † Kenyon Review 5. 2 (1983): 24-34. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. P. L. Barbour, Pocahontas and Her World (1969); G. S. Woodward, Pocahontas (1969). PhD. Le, Thanh Thi, ed. â€Å"Pocahontas Incident. † American Literature. Ho Chi Minh: Education, 2007. 42-44. Print. â€Å"Pocahontas. Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th Edition (2010): 1. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. Silver, Marc. â€Å"Pocahontas, for real. † U. S. News & World Report 118. 24 (1995): 61. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. TRAT NER, MICHAEL. â€Å"TRANSLATING VALUES: MERCANTILISM AND THE MANY â€Å"BIOGRAPHIES† OF POCAHONTAS. † Biography: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly 32. 1 (2009): 128-136. Academic Search Complete. EBSCO. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. http://pocahontas. morenus. org/poca_pic. html http://www. preservationvirginia. org/rediscovery/page. php? page_id=26 http://pocahontas. morenus. org/index. html

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Art History: Traditional and Contemporary Essay artist, art, painting

Today, society call many â€Å"works† produced by individuals and call themselves artist, but is it really art? If you were to try to determine a definition for the word: art, you would find it to be an elusive word. I recently observed a landscaper cut and shop a pine tree which had overgrown in size. Although, some would say the pin... ...know it will go eventually the way of the west. Art is important to learn and to appreciate while we have the means to do so. Incorporating all of the elements which make for traditional or modernistic art is in the hands of this generations and like the mentors of yesterday, today we need to look around us for the next Rembrandt or Picasso. Tomkins, Calvin. Time Life Library of Art: The World of Marcel Duchamp. New York: Time Incorporated, 1966. Print Coughlan, Robert. Time Life Library of Art: The World of Michelangelo. New York: Time Incorporated, 1966. Print Getlein, Mark. Living with Art. 10th ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2011. Print Lynton, Norbert. The Story of Modern Art. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 2008. Print Eimerl, Sarel. Time Life Library of Art: The World of Giotto. New York: Time Incorporated, 1966. Print

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Impact of E-world Usage on Sociability Essay

The Impact of E-world Usage on Sociability - Essay Example This essay stresses that for the e-world users, the results of the study may give them information and awareness on the impact of e-world use on their sociability patterns. With these they may be helped in effectively striking out a balance between their desire to use technology as a tool, and the various facets of their social lives. For the academe, the research may yield solid empirical evidence on the impact of e-world use on the sociability of these users; this may provide impetus for further research. Finally, the researcher may garner several benefits, specifically the opportunity to undertake and master the research process, and its requisite competencies. A significant body of research has thoroughly presented the impact of the use of the Internet in general. Such research has concentrated mostly on its influence on social life and interpersonal communication. Two of the more popular studies have effectively documented results which support such hypothesis of decreasing tren ds with certain social life facets. The current study aims to limit itself to an investigation of the impact of e-world use on the sociability of users. It present a thorough study of the effects of various IT tools on this dependent variable. Moreover, the impact of e-world usage shall be measured only on the sociability construct; other influences or effects will not be tackled in this investigation.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Saydet Al Najat Church Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Saydet Al Najat Church - Assignment Example In the article writer again shows an element of joyfulness when Ali the sixty-five years old woman accompanies her grandchildren to the celebrations (Mohammed, 2010). The old woman in the article is a patriot to her country as she says she is waiting for the day that all terrorists will face the arm of the law. She says this day will be important to her because it will prove to the whole world that Iraq does not support terrorism. The police force in the article proves to be persistent and determined in their efforts to hunt down the terrorists. In the article, it gets noted that the police made vigorous efforts and intensive intelligence gathering. This shows the police force got determined and dedicated to its work. Their hard work gets shown when they raided the five terrorist dens on the same day (Mohammed, 2010). This also shows that the police had a purpose that resulted in action. Their main purpose was to find the perpetrators of Saydet al Najat church, and after their investigation and efforts, they finally found them. The old lady Amina also depicts the purpose of the police when she says that each day a group of the terrorists got arres ted and brought to justice. There is the use of sensory language in the article when the old lady says that she will celebrate without dancing, and she will shed tears out of happiness for the world to see she rejects terrorism. This statement involves the readers’ sense of sight as through this we can see her real picture crying tears of joy. The sensory language also gets used when the writer says hundreds of people were celebrating on the streets, and they were launching fireworks (Mohammed, 2010). Through this statement, the author gets to capture the sense of the sound of the reader. One gets to imagine the noise that was prevailing in the area during the celebrations. The use of sensory language makes the article to become interesting for the reader.  Ã‚  

Monday, August 26, 2019

Infrastructure and Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Infrastructure and Security - Essay Example Network infrastructure consists of single networked computers, cables, routers, wireless access points, network access methodologies, switches, network protocols, bridges and backbones among other devices. In the case of our organization, a closed architecture would be favourable. It is very important to have proper infrastructure in place so that future problems can be avoided. For instance, end user devices should in no way be used to perform any networking functions and conversely it is not a good practice for network devices to deal with functions at Layer 7. The right networking devices should be used in a network so that network instability can be avoided. Mixing of network and application functions can be quite expensive in the event of bug fixes and upgrading and might even bring the whole network to a halt (Stilwell et al, 2006). The arrangement of different network items is referred to as network topology. Network topologies are classified into physical and logical network topologies. Physical topology deals with the interconnection of devices while logical topologies are concerned with how data flows across the network. The company will need a physical star topology layout with a logical bus topology. Star topology is easier to upgrade since it requires upgrading the devices without necessarily changing the cabling. The star topology uses a switch which sends traffic where it is required to go (Stilwell et al, 2006). The figure below shows a logical and physical topographical layout of the current and planned network in an organization Different LAN segments in different floors can be interconnected using a collapsed backbone architecture which is a type of LAN architecture. The LAN backbone is collapsed using Ethernet switch of layer 2. A Fast Ethernet switch with a speed of 1 Gps will be the central device where each LAN segment links to the central Fast Ethernet switch, through two Fast Ethernet connections of fiber optic to each switch. Spanning Tree protocol configures the two switches which acts as backup while the other acts as a primary switch. In case of failure by one switch, the other switch takes over (Stilwell et al, 2006). Laying down the infrastructure layout is half job; network security measures have to be considered. There are specific threats that may target poorly managed network infrastructure security. Some of these risks include loss of data privacy, data integrity may also be lost, denial of service and system compromise. Therefore, better practices are implemented to ensure systems and sensitive information is housed (Stilwell et al, 2006). The main principles regarding network security are better design practices which may be expressed in five ways. The first one is to ensure a secured manner of configuring and accessing network devices. The second one is that network communications should use secure protocols. The third one is appropriate separation of external and internal facing networks, by use of control devices like router access control lists or securely configured firewalls and demilitarized zones (DMZs). Finally, there should be secure management of accessibility of internal networks remotely. Lastly, configuring of internal networks to detect or prevent running of untrusting traffic or

Industrial Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Industrial Relations - Essay Example As the discussion declares the first stature for the labourers was formulated to help the community get access to physically well built men who were not engaged in any other activity of craftsmanship etc. to work for hire on a standardized wage rate. This was the first time that the wages were standardized through a public legislation. In the middle ages there was a shortage of labour owing to an epidemic. Legislations were made so as to prevent people from taking advantage of the situation by asking for exorbitant remuneration in return for the labour. Thus, there were penalties not only for those asking for an increase in wages but also for those lords who were ready to pay extra for getting their work done. There were even statues for those workers who moved to other countries in search of better wages and work. The statute allowed the sheriffs to arrest such workers and bring them back to Britain. This paper stresses that the early 15th century saw some more liberalization on working laws and even child labour statutes. Earlier laws required parents to put children in such labour which was the requirement of their estates. But the new statute gave freedom to the parents to decide for their children’s future and allowed them to send their children to school. There were modifications to the law restricting free movement of labour and also no control of workers over the decision of setting wages for work. Though freedom was given to the lords over decision regarding wages, the workers were still not free to decide what wage they can work for.

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Wal-Mart Effect by Charles Fishman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Wal-Mart Effect by Charles Fishman - Essay Example This gives Wal-Mart the benefit of huge economies of scale, which they enlarge to lower prices. Because of the size of the retailer, this puts Wal-Mart into a position of a monopsonist extracting rents from their suppliers, and then acting as a near monopolist in the final retail goods market. A few companies such as Dial do over a quarter of their commerce with Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart dictates the terms, and those suppliers that wish to stay in the game, comply with the mandates (Martin Vander Weyer, 2006). The Arkansas-based sequence, founded by Sam Walton in 1962, is not just the chief private-sector boss and the major holder of trade market share. Its cheap plan, so all-encompassing that additional stores follow suit still when they are not straight contestant, plays a main role in holding down US price rises; its persistent demand for short prices from suppliers has been a main driver in the sell abroad of US developed jobs to China and elsewhere (Michael C. Keith, 2004). According to the expert analysis the impact of that cost on American grocery bills and consumption behavior, on the financial system of Chile and on the biology of a far-away corner of the soothing polluted by manufacturing amounts of fish foodstuff and faeces, is what Fishman calls the "Wal-Mart effect". It is, in his sight, neither completely bad nor entirely high-quality but it is very, extremely big. Wal-Mart is a power in America's financial life to a far extra important degree than its adjacent British equal, Tesco, over here (Pallabi Gogoi, 2007). Charles Fishman neatly sums up the monopsonistic power Wal-Mart has over its suppliers: No doubt, when it reaches bottomless within the operations of the companies that provide it and changes not merely what they sell, but also modify how those products are wrap up and obtainable, what the lives of the plant workers who make those products are similar to it even from time to time modify the countries where those factories are situated. 450 of Wal-Mart's suppliers have opened up offices in Bentonville, Arkansas, to be close to Wal-Mart's headquarters. These suppliers tout that if they didn't open up an office near Wal-Mart, their competitors would. That's Wal-Mart's effect on suppliers. Suppliers try to make themselves as pliant and accessible as possible for the retail giant. The Wal-Mart squeeze is a well known phenomenon to suppliers. Each year, for consumer products that don't change, Wal-Mart will approach their suppliers and say, this is what you sold us the product for last year, this is what we can get it for from a competitor, and this is what it will cost if we use our private label. Wal-Mart looks to drop the prices of products by 5% a year, every year.3 Wal-Mart's pressure to produce products cheaply has many suppliers going overseas, which reduces some companies from firms that designed, produced, and packaged their own products simply to importers of products (Theresa Howard, 2006). Negative Effects There are other serious repercussions to these lowest possible price points. Wal-Mart's constant

Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Chocolate War Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Chocolate War - Case Study Example The war has also set back attempts by the world’s large chocolate companies to curb the use of child labor and help improve the lives of the people in the Ivory Coast by teaching them new farming techniques and business practices.  Worse still for the Ivory Coast, where the incomes of six million people – about 35% of the population – are linked to cocoa farming, is that chocolate companies may begin rethinking their reliance on the country amid fears of continuing political instability.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"If things don’t improve,† says Anne Prendergast, an analyst with the commodities trading firm Refco in New York, â€Å"over the next five years one may see a gradual erosion of production from the Ivory Coast.†Ã‚  In the succeeding weeks the rebels and the government have made progress toward peace. The next several months are critical. If the Ivory Coast can begin to mend its shredded political and social fabric, it may be able to undo the damage already don to its cocoa economy. But if unrest continues, the situation could become dire for both the country’s cocoa farmers and the world’s companies.  The war turned any of the major cocoa centers in the western part of the Ivory Coast in the battlefields. Farmers abandoned their crops to flee the rebel advance. Iberian mercenaries fighting alongside the rebels seized the entire northern half of the country before French peacekeepers intervened to separate the warring sides. The prospect of further political problems spooks international chocolate executives. So far, no chocolate company has pulled out.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Jack Finney's Time and Again Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Jack Finney's Time and Again - Essay Example The novel itself contains pictures and drawings that show buildings and monuments of 1882 New York City, thus, making it an interesting read for the reader. This paper analyzes Finney’s description of life in past and present, with a personal reflection at the end. The novel portrays that life was much simpler in 1882 New York City. The reader comes to know that Si, through an arrangement of self-hypnosis and well managed environmental control, travels into the past. Everything seems so simple, but the events occurring are quite disturbing, with Pickering as the antagonist. The photographs and drawings of that era show that Si finds it very appealing as compared to the present era. According to Si, â€Å"The faces are different† (Finney). This is a statement that encompasses every change that the period between past and present has seen. Si observes a lot of farming on Manhattan. The Dakota and Museum of Natural History are standing alone without any hurly burly renovat ions. The arm of the Statue of Liberty is resting on itself in the Madison Square. Si is enchanted with the simplicity of the fashionable Ladies’ Mile of Broadway. He enjoys the jingling of the sleigh bells in Central Park. There are no vehicles, no automobiles, no planes, and no computers. The food is much better. Finney, through his character Si, shows much attraction toward the era of 1880s, when there was no hustle bustle of modern technologies and nuclear developments. Finney is not very glad with the anarchy of the 1960s, where he experiences that everything is falling apart. Si brings Julia to 1960s, where she is surprised to see how many changes time has brought to history and to the world. Si tells her how vulnerable everything has become, and there are many places where common law-abiding citizens cannot even dare to go. â€Å"A group of young Negroes was walking toward Lex, so I didn’t hang around to encounter them and explain how fond I’d always bee n of Martin Luther King† (Finney), which is the statement that portrays fear that inculcates itself into the hearts and minds of all common men. Si tells Julia about the anarchy and chaos that has changed time into a poisonous mayhem, where past seems like an alien phase. To Finney, 1880s era is very calm and soothing; and, through the character of Si, he assures that he would have very comfortably lived in that era where everyone had a special place in society, not like the complicate era of 1960s. However, there are some aspects of 1880s which Finney is not at all happy about. He thinks that that era was void of proper healthcare, as, for example, doctors did not have the concept of antibiotics. Smallpox was common. Poverty, corruption, and vicious brutality were there. Finney writes: On the streets of the eighties I saw human misery, as you see it today; and depravity, hopelessness, and greed; and in the faces of small boys on the streets I saw the premature hardness you se e now in the faces of boys from Harlem. But there was also an excitement in the streets of New York in 1882 that is gone. These lines are a complete depiction of what Finney thinks is better about 1880s, and what he think is bad. I believe that Finney has very correctly portrayed the pictures of past and present in his novel. Time has changed, but has brought with it so much advancement that has benefitted the world in many ways. I believe that both the past and the present have their plus and

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The topic of sexual orientation Essay Example for Free

The topic of sexual orientation Essay The topic of sexual orientation has been attracting controversy for the past couple of years. In the past, it was even considered as taboo to talk about sexuality. However, times have changed. Now there are many television shows that feature openly gay men and thousands are watching. This paper aims to discuss how sexual orientation as a notion came into being and how it was viewed through different cultures in history. What does the phrase â€Å"sexual orientation† mean? The American Psychological Association defines the phrase as such: â€Å"Sexual Orientation is an enduring emotional, romantic, sexual or affectional attraction to another person†¦Sexual Orientation exists along a continuum that ranges from exclusive homosexuality to exclusive heterosexuality and includes various forms of bisexuality (qtd. in Tremblay and Ramsay 1). † This is a specific definition. However, it poses a problem. These terms are relatively new. It can help define sexual orientation at present, but it does not address the sexual issues of the past. The terms homosexuality and heterosexuality did not exist before; it was not until recently that these words came to being. Therefore, to further expound on the history of sexuality, one must not refer to these labels. In Ancient Greece, a relation between an adult male and young boy exists, but that does not mean they are homosexuals. Michel Foucault, who wrote three volumes of The History of Sexuality, has this to say: â€Å"It makes no sense to say homosexuality was tolerated by the Greeks†¦our division of sexual behavior between homo-and heterosexuality is absolutely not relevant (363). † The dichotomy of heterosexuality and homosexuality did not exist in ancient times; what they practiced was merely a normal part of their lives. This practice is called pederasty: â€Å"a relationship and bond between an adolescent boy and an adult man outside of his immediate family (â€Å"Pederasty in Ancient Greece† 1). † It also generally refers to â€Å"erotic love between adolescents and adult men (â€Å"Pederasty in Ancient Greece† 1). † This relation, however, varied in different places. Some places had both boy and man living together as a couple, while some did not allow it at all (â€Å"Pederasty in Ancient Greece† 1). This practice was known to have begun as a method to control population, along with the delay of marriage and the seclusion of women (â€Å"Pederasty in Ancient Greece† 1). Pederasty also has socio-political aspects as well. For starters, the boy-man relation is crucial in the educational system. It is the adult male’s responsibility to supervise his education or he could teach him himself. Pederasty had also come to function as â€Å"the introduction of the young man into adult society and adult responsibilities (â€Å"Pederasty in Ancient Greece† 1). † Furthermore, the relation is beneficial for the boy and his family since being under the influence of an older man can advance one’s social status. A man’s experience of being mentored by many influential men in his youth would be a testament to his good looks and would further his social standing (â€Å"Pederasty in Ancient Greece† 1). Pederasty also has a political advantage. Aside from the relation being crucial for democracy, it was another method used to curb crimes. This is because when an adolescent boy commits a crime, it is his lover who is punished, not him. Therefore, pederasty not only benefited the two parties involved, but the state as well. Seventeenth century Western society had presented a different view on sexuality (â€Å"The History of Sexuality† 1). Back then, the pervading notion was that of a repressed sexuality. It was taboo to speak about it, somehow sexuality in general became forbidden. However, Foucault begs to differ. The repression we refer to has resulted in a preoccupation with sexuality. A discourse was created about and around it, and the term sexuality itself became a result of discourse (â€Å"The History of Sexuality† 1). This discourse then lead to the creation of the â€Å"sexual identities and multiplicity of sexualities (â€Å"The History of Sexuality†1). † According to Foucault, there are two views of sexuality. The first view is â€Å"ars erotica†, or erotic art. In places like Japan, China and India, sex is an art form and a sacred experience. It was not spoken openly about because it was considered too sacred for discussion. Take the Kama Sutra, for example. It embodied sexual intercourse as an artistic and pleasurable experience. The other view is â€Å"scientia sexualis,† or the science of sexuality. As opposed to the first one, this view required open discussions about sex. Foucault refers to it as a period of confession. The society became a confessing society; everything from innermost thoughts, desires, and dreams were revealed. This whole business of revelation brought about psychoanalysis, which was considered â€Å"the legitimization of sexual confession (â€Å"The History of Sexuality† 1). † Homosexuality only came to the fore because of the need for confession. It presupposes that â€Å"there seems to be a compulsion to reveal one’s sexuality to confirm its existence in our society (â€Å"The History of Sexuality†1). † The nineteenth century further legitimized the science of sexuality. Since it became a legitimate science, it was dealt with logically, and any unnatural leanings resulted in labels or distinctions. The distinction of being a homosexual then appeared. According to Foucault, â€Å"The homosexual of the 19th century became a person: a past, a history, an adolescence, a personality, a life style; also a morphology, with an indiscreet anatomy and possibly a mystical physiology. Nothing of his full personality escapes his sexuality (qtd in â€Å"The History of Sexuality†1). † As time went by, more and more distinctions are made. The term ‘homosexual’ referred to same-sex attractions, ‘heterosexual’ came to denote opposite sex attractions, while ‘bisexual’ came to distinguish those with varying degrees of attractions to either gender (Tremblay and Ramsay1). Thus, the existence of one’s sexual orientation came to being. The 20th century brought problems to those distinctions. The American Psychiatric Association and American Psychological Association considered homosexuality as a mental disorder, and this created quite a heated debate between homosexuals and professionals. It was not until the 1970s when the label was removed, due to the insistent demands of those who were targeted by the mental health professionals (Tremblay and Ramsay 1). On the other hand, many of the mental health experts did not even consider homosexuality was a mental disorder. Billings described sexual orientation as â€Å"a continuous characteristic of human populations (qtd. in Tremblay and Ramsay 1). † It is safe to presume from this definition that sexual orientation is not fixed; it can change through time. At present, the topic of sexuality has been more open, and different sexual orientations can mingle within the same sphere. This is not to say the homosexuals have been accepted by all; there still are cases of hate crimes and discrimination still exists. However, there is more tolerance now for homosexuality than before. Take for example, the celebrities of Hollywood. In recent years, more and more celebrities are coming out about their sexuality. This means that the cultural landscape has become friendlier to gays and lesbians. Moreover, pop culture has exhibited some form of support for this movement, as evident in the increase in number of television shows that feature homosexuals or homosexuality. The list includes Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Queer as Folk and The Ellen de Generes Show, just to name a few. Sexual orientation as a notion did not exist until recently; therefore, a critical discussion of the history of sexuality in different cultures is necessary for it to be understood. With the existence of the new distinctions of sexuality, it is now crucial that we should try to respect and understand other people’s sexual orientation. Sensitivity to one’s sexual orientation is needed to develop healthier relationships with people. The world consists of different types of people; that difference should be celebrated, not shunned. Works Cited Foucault, Michel. Foucault Live (Interviews 1966-84). Trans. John Johnson. New York: Semiotext(e), 1996. Pederasty in Ancient Greece. 3 December 2006. Arikah. 21 November 2007 http://www. arikah. com/encyclopedia/Pederasty_in_ancient_Greece. The History of Sexuality-About Foucault. N. d. The Ipce Web Site. 21 November 2007 http://www. ipce. info/ipceweb/Library/history_of_sexuality. htm. Tremblay, Pierre, and Richard Ramsay. The Social Construction of Male Homosexuality and Related Suicide Problems: Research Proposals for the Twenty First Century. N. p. :University of Calgary, 2000.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Data analytics Essay Example for Free

Data analytics Essay Data analytics is a method used by organizations to gain competitive advantage over other companies in their specific market. It is a scientific process of mining and analyzing the database gathered by organizations about their customers and their products in order to generate more profit or to build the marketing strategy of the company (Loveman, 2003). For example, a travel agency may be able to use the information they gather about customer characteristics and correlate it with their traveling destinations and be able to use that information to market new packages or destinations. Data analytics is a combination of programming, statistics and intuition, although majority of it is based on actual data or evidence and gut feeling is only used to point to the right direction of analysis and utilization. Data analytics is more than just having a large database of customer characteristics and behaviors but it also takes a skilled statistician with an eye for marketing and consumer psychology to be able to make use of relevant information. For example, an organization may have access to the electric consumption of individual households but it cannot be useful if it does not affect the consumer behavior the company is targeting. In order to compete on analytics, an organization must have a rich source of data about their customers and their market. This would give the company a huge breadth of data that would paint an accurate picture of the kind of customers and market the company has as well as forecast its standing in the business. Data analytics is data mining and analysis and before this could be carried out, the organization has to have access to these data. Next, the organization must have a trained employee to manage and mine the database as this kind of job requires a highly specialized and trained individual who has a very good concept of statistics and analytics. Some organizations have set up a special team or even a whole unit or department that is in charge of data management and mining while key individuals in each aspect of the business could ask the said team to work on different ideas and angles to test whether their ideas are feasible or not. In this way, the organization need not spend its finances and workforce in something that is not profitable. Third, the organization must have the right equipment for job, a super computer to manage the database, software or programs that would dissect the database and to come up with more creative and innovative ways of using the said information. Lastly, there should be a team who will have the responsibility to put into good use what has been found and to monitor whether it has met its objectives or not (Davenport, 2006). Aside from those mentioned, the most important thing to be able to compete with analytics is to have the desire to know and learn more about the customers and how that knowledge can be used to develop new strategies which does not only work but will help place the company on top. References Davenport, T. (2006). Competing on analytics. Harvard Business Review, 84, 98-107 Loveman, G. (2003). Diamonds in the data mine. Harvard Business Review, vol. 81; 5, 109-113.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Romans And The Christian Worldview

Romans And The Christian Worldview Pauls letter to the Roman church was not meant to be a systematic theology. It was an occasional letter that contained a very systematic presentation of the Gospel. This makes Romans a very important book when it comes to the Christian Worldview. It covers a wide array of topics that are essential for a believer to understand and to live by. These topics include: creation, sin, salvation, eschatology, ethics, and theology. It will be shown what Paul teaches about these topics and how they apply to a Christians worldview. Paul teaches that in creation, God has given a testimony of himself and his goodness in Romans 1:19-20. This passage says that what can be known about God is made plain and that His invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. (Romans 1:20) It also speaks about how believers should have relationships with the opposite sex and not with the same sex in Romans 1:26-27, because this is the natural way. In ones human nature one chooses to rebel not wanting to be under any kind of authority, whether it is that of another person or God himself. So since humans would much rather choose to live under their own control, Paul teaches that God gives those who would reject Christ over to lust in Romans 1:28-32. Sin is another topic that Paul covers in his letter to the Roman Christians. Sin at one point is described as anything not done from faith, in Romans 14:23. In Romans 6:23 Paul says, For the wages of sin is deathà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Sin is not something that God takes lightly and it is important for Christians to understand that they are sinners and to avoid it at all costs. In Romans 1, Paul gives his readers a list of sins that mankind was committing in Romans 1:29-32. In learning that everyone sins from Romans 3:23 and need a savior, one also learns that there is salvation.  [2]   SALVATION Salvation does not lie in anything that a person can do for themselves; Paul teaches that it is the power of God and God alone in Romans 1:16-17. In Romans 3:24-25, Paul tells about the work of Jesus Christ as the redeemer, who was put forth as the propitiation for the sins of the world. Also including the surrounding verses of 21-21, Paul continually uses the word faith when dealing with Gods righteousness and justification. When it comes to sanctification and living a life empowered by the Holy Spirit, Romans 8 gives one of the strongest sections on how one can live apart from the flesh and live in the Spirit.  [3]   ESCHATOLOGY/ETHICS/ THEOLOGY One can learn about God and some of his ultimate goals by reading Romans 11. In this chapter Paul teaches about the last days and what Christians can expect during these times. Chapter 11 lays out the plan and process by which the Gentiles are saved and how the people of Israel will be saved in the last days. It is important to know our place in all of this. Romans aslo speaks directly as to how we should live as Christians. It begins in chapter12, being told to live as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God in Romans12:1. Paul continues instructing people to renew their minds, basically telling them to think differently than they did when they belonged to the world. Throughout the book of Romans one can gather glimpses of what God is truly like; starting in chapter one verse twenty, his power and divine nature have been clearly seen. Throughout chapter two and parts of three Paul teaches about how God is righteous. In 3:25 one learns about his forbearance with previous sin, al l while learning how much he loves his children. In chapter eight and nine Paul teaches of his sovereignty and that all things are in his control. Through it all Paul teaches that believers can trust God to do what he promises, according to Romans chapter 4.  [4]   CONCLUSION The Book of Romans is full of teachings that are essential to a Christians walk. With all of the talk about evolution and the big bang theory one needs to know what God teaches about creation and what he wants to get across. Sin causes death in a believer and God has provided away for each human to be saved from this death. That comes through salvation from Jesus Christ. In the end times Gods ultimate goal is to see all his children come to a saving knowledge of His Son, Jews and Gentiles. Christians should operate in a righteous fashion while in this world and God will always be there to help and support each and every one of them.

Love in the Time of Cholera Essay -- essays research papers

As the title suggests, the novel Love in the Time of Cholera by Garcia Marquez deals with practical and nostalgic love. The author has the ability of portraying excellent determination in his eagerness to develop his stylistic range. Supporting almost a mythical quality grounded with an air of daily gossip, the novel includes descriptions of love which drift between unearthly beauty and terror. Love in the Time of Cholera is a mixture of two contrasting factors: the purity of love, and the way love is personified in everyday life. Love in the Time of Cholera is seen almost as an anatomy of love. The novel's most original descriptions, both in an anatomical and a creative sense, could be compared to the development from seed to flower in the progression of love out of disrespectful neighborhoods of "convenience.'' Most of the meaningless attacks of day to day life, shared by two people who have bonded with each other - all the repulsive smells, undignified tasks and boring routines; all the unspoken bitterness; all the gloomy emphasis on unlived possibilities - are unmercifully described. Love's strength to grow in such dark circumstances, to rise above life's evil forces and still remain slightly unharmed, and to even stay sacred, is perhaps the most expertly portrayed theme in the novel. Just as the superior power of spiritual love may overcome the seriousness of level-headedness, so too it may overwhelm passionate strength, transforming Florentino's nostalgia of love ...

Monday, August 19, 2019

Growing Up Speaking Spanish Essay -- Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Chi

Growing Up Speaking Spanish Many people immigrate to the United States from different countries to begin a better life. Once in the American territory, the first step for success is to learn the English language. Richard Rodriguez, the writer of "Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Childhood" describes the language decisions he faced as a child: "Outside the house was public society; inside the house was private" (16). The English language is the primary language in the United States, and it must be learned to be able to communicate with the public world. The language that we speak at home is considered to be private because it is only used in the presence of the people we feel comfortable with, our family. Families immigrate to the United States from Mexico to find and give their children a better opportunity to succeed. The children of immigrants who have been raised or born in the United States were able to adapt much faster to the English language. The Spanish language, in the case of Mexicans, is pa rt of our origin that most of us inherit from our ancestors although in the United States many, including me, seem to add a new language, which gives us better opportunities. My parents decided to immigrate to the United States when I was six years of age. As we established ourselves in the United States, my first language was only Spanish. Spanish was the language that I was taught at home, and it was the only language to be spoken at home. Rodriguez describes when he first entered his classroom where he was introduced to a formal English-speaking context, writing that, ?I remember to start with that day in Sacramento-a California now nearly thirty years past-when I first entered a classroom, able to understa... ... In conclusion, learning English was a challenge when it was first introduced to me, but now I have overcome that challenge. I am able to defend myself in the outside public world of English with no shame at all. I now understand how fortunate I am to know another language different from my own. For me, it is important to still have my first language because it is a way to retain the Mexican culture. It is just the way I was raised to believe. Works Cited Malpezzi, Frances M., and William M. Clements. ?Conversation.? Italian-American Folklore. Little Rock: August, 1992. 43-57. Mellix, Barbara. ?From Outside, In.? Writing Lives: Exploring Literacy and Community. New York: St. Martin?s, 1996. 75-84. Rodriguez, Richard. ?Aria: A Memoir of a Bilingual Education.? Hunger of Memory: The Education of Richard Rodriguez. New York: Bantam, 1982. 11-40.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Online Newspaper Vs. Print Version -- essays research papers

Newspaper designers have a huge canvas to play with. Their designs can be striking and yet intricate and pack much more impact than a web page; especially because the entire double-page spread is in-your-face in a fraction of a second. Wham, here's the news. The page in the figure is a great example of the possibilities in print: a large, high-resolution map sets the stage for a story about Chile and does double duty as an information graphic for several data nuggets. More data is visualized in smaller graphics around the page. And, of course, there is room for a large amount of text that is set in high-resolution type and nicely integrated with the headlines and graphics in a pleasing over-all layout that allows the eye to move from overview to details in a fraction of a second. The above image does not do justice to the awards book which is printed in super-high resolution on heavy-duty glossy paper. In the book, it is possible to actually read the body text on the page. For online, I had to squeeze the JPEG quality down quite a bit in order to achieve the required 10-second download time for modem users. Another benefit of print! Dimensionality Print design is 2-dimensional, with much attention paid to layout. It is obviously possible for the reader to turn the page, but substantial interplay between different spreads is rare. Typically, each view is a design unit created for a fixed size canvas - often a big canvas when designing newspapers or posters. In contrast, Web design is simultaneously 1-dimensional and N-dimensional. A web page is fundamentally a scrolling experience for the user as opposed to a canvas experience. A small amount of 2-dimensional layout is possible, but not to the extent of creating a pre-planned experience with a fixed spatial relationship between elements. Users often begin scrolling before all elements have been rendered, and different users will scroll the page in different ways throughout their reading experience. Precise placement of elements on a web page goes against the nature of HTML and can only be achieved to an approximation for pages that are able to adjust to different window sizes. Thus, 2-dimensional relationships between page elements are less important than 1-dimensional relationships (what's early on the page; what's later on the page). Navigation The N-dimensional aspect of web design follows fr... ...esign approaches to utilize the strengths of each medium and minimize its weaknesses. Print design is based on letting the eyes walk over the information, selectively looking at information objects and using spatial juxtaposition to make page elements enhance and explain each other. Web design functions by letting the hands move the information (by scrolling or clicking); information relationships are expressed temporally as part of an interaction and user movement. With better hardware, differences in terms of appearance and layout may diminish. At the same time, more powerful software and a better understanding of interactive information objects will increase the differences in terms of interaction and user control. Current web designs are insufficiently interactive and have extremely poor use of multimedia. It is rare to see a web animation that has any goal besides annoying the user. Print design is highly refined, as evidenced by glancing through the recent book of award-winning designs. Web design is impoverished because too many sites strive for the wrong standards of excellence that made sense in the print world but do not make sufficient advances in interactivity.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Gender Roles Exploited with Humor Essay

The use of gender roles and stereotypes in commercials has slowly become more of an issue as men and women’s true societal roles have undoubtedly changed over time. The push for women’s equality over the past 50 years has been progressing each and every year, and rightly so. As women have become more self-sufficient in their everyday lives, their dependency from males and gender stereotypes have been changing drastically. These social changes have also sparked the progression of gender roles in advertisement and how men and women are presented to the public through television. Recently, many commercials have made drastic efforts in order to present more equal gender roles by trying to eliminate some of the stereotypes that have been part of our society for years. However, despite many of the progressions that have been made, commercials tend to revert back to some of the old stereotypes and perceived gender roles in order to create humor. One type of humor that has been prevalent in many recent commercials is the exploitation of gender stereotypes in an attempt to make a mockery of certain socially acceptable gender roles and actions, while at the same time displaying some of the characteristics that are not accepted by society. The humor in these types of commercials comes through the comparison of the same actions performed by both men and women, but one of the genders looks ridiculous performing these actions, despite the fact that they are the same. This type of marketing technique tends to cause a disproportion of equality between the two genders, because it is displaying how the actions of one gender are accepted by society, while similar actions by the other gender just appear to be unreasonable. In order to create a comedic effect in their commercials, many companies have started to disregard the progression for equality in gender roles and have started to display some of the same old gender stereotypes that w e, as a society, have tried to separate from. Through my exploration of Snickers and Heineken commercials, I was able to outline a very particular style of comedy that affected both genders in negative ways. Two very well known brands, Heineken and Snickers, have started to show men displaying some of the female stereotypes we have seen in other commercials. Now, some might say that this is a good thing because it is trying to blur the line between the two stereotypes and show that men can experience some of the same things that women do. However, I see this as quite the opposite. It seems that use of men displaying female stereotypes is, in a sense, making fun of the women. While the brands have achieved their ultimate goal of providing a humorous commercial, this humor comes at the expense of us laughing at how ridiculous the men appear when they are acting out some of the women stereotypes. To get a better understanding of how the commercials are creating this style of satire, lets take a closer look at some examples from Heineken. In a Heineken commercial from 2009, the scene starts out inside a home, and the women of the house leads a group of her five girl friends through the living room, the kitchen, her bedroom, and eventually they arrive outside of a closet. The woman proceeds to proudly open up the closet doors, unveiling shelves full of shoes and clothes, with a table in the middle full of shimmering jewelry. All of the woman’s friends go absolutely crazy and begin jumping up and down while simultaneously releasing screams of excitement. As the excitement begins to die down, they hear faint cries of excitement coming from across the house. The scene then immediately switches over to the men’s closet, a walk-in freezer, full of Heineken beer. All of the men appear to be imitating the women’s excitement that was displayed moments earlier, with slight exaggeration, as one of the men begins to shed a tear. The two stereotypes displayed in this commercial were pretty clear. It shows men getting overly excited about a room full of beer, while women are getting excited over a room full of shoes and jewelry. These stereotypes are not what make the commercial offensive to any one of the particular genders though. When the audience sees men getting excited over beer as much as women get excited over shoes it tends to expose the ridiculousness in the actions of women because people are thinking â€Å"wow†¦imagine if men got as excited over beer as women got over shoes†¦that would be stupid†. This train of thought is what starts to draw the lines between men and women and how one gender’s actions can be accepted by society, but similar actions from the other cannot. It suggests that men should remain calm, cool, and collective at all times unless they want it to be viewed as a joke. On the reverse side, it suggests to women that their actions are only acceptable because they’re girls, and that if men were to do the same thing, it would appear ridiculous. The next commercial I looked at was a Snickers Super Bowl commercial from 2010. The commercial shows three men working at a construction site, all of the sudden one of the men transforms from a man in work boots and a hardhat, into a women with nice clothes and heels, while still standing in the middle of the construction site. After this transformation the â€Å"woman† begins to complain about the work and how hot it is outside. The two men look at the women with a disgusted look on their face and advise her to â€Å"eat a Snickers†¦you turn into a diva when you’re hungry†. The woman gets tossed a Snickers bar from one of the men, takes a bite, and suddenly transforms back into his original character as a construction worker. This commercial displays one of the very old and outdated stereotypes of women not being able to perform laborious tasks. When the man turns into a woman, he begins to start complaining about the hard work and the hot weather. This commercial again exposes how unacceptable it would be if a man were to act like a woman on the job. In contrast, it also tries to show how out of place a woman would look on a construction site by placing a nicely dressed woman in the middle of the dirt filled construction area. It attempts to show how men are expected to be tough and free of complaints, unless they want to be ridiculed by their co-workers with words such as â€Å"diva†. The commercial implies that as soon as men start to complain about work or being tired, they are immediately labeled as having female characteristics due to our current stereotypical views on gender roles and actions. Through these commercials I have discussed above, it is clear that some of the new tactics for adding humor to commercials has become a sort of mockery of the stereotypes between men and women. Heineken and Snickers have both tried to show scenarios in which we see men behaving like women in an attempt to show how ridiculous it would be if males were to exhibit some of the same social stereotypes we associate with women. By doing this, the two commercials begin to draw a line between the actions and characteristics that are acceptable for women, but not for men. These marketing schemes are detrimental because they provide a clear example of how society can accept the actions of one gender, but when the other gender performs some of the same actions it becomes humorous satire. I think that a comedic commercial without gender stereotypes would appear much more sophisticated and would be better received by the public. I hope that advertising agencies will begin to realize this and that future commercials will appear both humorous and professional.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Pfizer information systems Essay

Pfizer is a health organization in form of a pharmaceutical company. It has its headquarters in London. Due to the wide distribution of activities within the corporation however, success of its activities has been through the use of Clinical Management System (CMS). This is management software, which is in a form of a wide scope of database that support the storage, processing and release of information across different departments. In 2000, this information system database won the top honor towards care management. The nature of the database is inform of a complex autonomy of information sourcing, storage and dissemination center to the various departments within the organization. (http://ieeexplore. ieee. org/Xplore/login. jsp? url=/iel5/6709/20043/00926806. pdf? arnumber=926806) It has been an important implement towards the maintenance of patient records in electronic forms. It helps in providing support for the providers of primary care, care managers, health professionals and nurses with the most appropriate framework for decision-making. Within its system, CMS database holds records about the outlay of various chronic diseases. Elsewhere, it is equipped with the health information of various patients which is seen as an important step towards offering adequate performance lifestyle in the care management for the patients. (http://www. pfizer. com. my/01b_bus. asp) To Pfizer, CMS database system was developed as a solution towards patients care management. It has been a tool for supplement health care management in various institutional process management within the organization. A complex autonomy of data is held within its system which captures patient health history, chronic diseases, and medical attention given to them above others. Decision support for patients is attained through the provision of information across various departments within the organization. The database helps the professionals for health care in collected the most appropriate medical history, laboratory data, medical data information on treatment status, symptoms and other basic patient information. Within its system also, treatment information on patients that have diabetes, depression and heart failure is maintained. It also has a component of modules that are used by health care professionals in facilitating health lifestyles. Consequently, an approach towards lifestyles that help to reduce the risks involved in cardiovascular disease is provided. (http://www. pfizerhealthsolutions. com/media/071301_award. asp) Therefore, CMS is a risk management database system where information which is patient specific is stored. Consequently, the stored information is thus configured towards providing the most appropriate real-time analyzed decision support structures to the caregivers. The application of the information held in the system involves trained nurses as well as care managers who are licensed to use various program protocols under strict supervision of a specialist. They then deliver the most appropriate care towards the success of the patients. It has various clinical features and functions aimed at patient care management. Generally, Pfizer Health solutions have been known in offering and enhancing efficiency and quality in health care delivery. This would perhaps be a simple structure of database CMS information system.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Geography Pedestrian Survey

For this survey, the whole class worked as a group. We started by being given a grided map of Halifax's Central Business District and a small area surrounding it. Our teacher kept a copy of this as the master map. Each square on the map could be identified like the one below. This made identification of points easy. On this map there were (number) points marked by dots (see above) in the Central Business District and beyond. These were then grouped together into groups of approximately seven. The class was then split into pairs, and each pair was then allocated one of the groups of dots. The reason for working in pairs is so that one person could time and one could count the people passing. It was also for safety reasons. Before we started the count, we worked out some rules or guidelines for the whole class to follow. These were to * To count all people that passed, including babies in prams. * To not count pets/ animals * To count everyone on ONE side of the road only, except in precinct locations where everyone in the precinct was counted. A time limit of 5 minutes per point was decided. Each pair then went to their separate points to start counting/ timing. My pair had 6 points to count, so for 3 points person A timed and person B counted, and for the other 3 points, person A counted and B timed. The timer was started at the same time as the other half of the pair began counting. Every person was recorded as a tally on a table like the one below. Each point was named as the grid reference of the square it was in. After 5 minutes the timer was stopped, and the tally totalled. This was repeated for all 6 points. After they had all been done, we reported back and recorded our results on the master map along with the rest of the groups' results. We were all given a copy of this map so we had records for all the points surveyed. We used a tally to count al the pedestrians as it is easy to put a dash for every person and the results could be totalled quickly. This was especially useful in busy locations, where large groups of people were passing at once. We set the time limit because then the whole groups' results would be done over that amount of time. The time limit was set as 5 minutes because this would give us a reasonable time to count for, and the results would not be too high or too low. Problems/ Anomalies Our particular pair did not encounter many problems, but many of the other groups did. The only problem we had that could have affected the results was that the point nearest the bus station could have been affected by buses coming in and out. At the time we counted there weren't many buses, so the tally could have been higher at a different time of day. Here is a list of the problems encountered, as well as some other things that could have affected the survey in any way, and how I overcame them. * The weather, day of the week, date and time were recorded because any of these may have affected the survey. For example, the weather could affect the survey as if it was dry then there would be people outside than if it were raining. The day of the week could affect the survey because there would be a different number of people in town on weekdays than at weekends. The date was important, as there may be more people who would come into town at certain times of the year, for example at Christmas or at holiday seasons. The time of day could affect numbers of people if it was half day for example. Also the closing and opening times of shops must be taken into consideration. * In Halifax's Central Business District there are changes being made, and new buildings being built which occasionally meant that all pedestrians had to walk on one side of the road. This would have affected the results. * A very similar problem was that where roads were being resurfaced or dug up, pedestrians also had to walk around these, creating a disruption in pedestrian flow. * One pair found that they were standing outside the entrance to an office at lunch- time, so large groups of workers created an unusually high pedestrian density. This was because the survey was conducted around lunch- time. If it had been carried out at a different time of day then this would not have been a problem. * There were often a lot of people on streets that were important routes (to the bus station for example) this could mean that high pedestrian densities were found in areas where the other predictions of Central Business District properties weren't necessarily true. For example there may be poor shopping quality and a high pedestrian count if the road led to the Station. In this aspect the survey is flawed, but not many surveys are perfect. As so many points were done, one or two anomalies shouldn't matter too much. * The master map that was used to share out the points and on which all our results were recorded hadn't been photocopied very well. This meant that four points were presumed to be marks on the map and weren't given to anyone to survey. These were F5, F7, F8 and F10. No results were got for these points, but a reasonable estimate can be made using the results form previous surveys carried out at similar times on the same day of the week by another class. I also looked at the points in neighbouring grid squares to try and make a reasonable estimate. When these were compared with the results from the other group, they were found to be very similar. Anomalies * At F5, there were 147 pedestrians counted. This is a very high number for an area not really close to the centre of Halifax's Central Business District, or an area without department stores. This could have been because it is near Netto's and a busy newsagents and crossroads. Other Possible Problems * Groups of school children or any other unusually large groups of people in quiet areas could be a problem. * If a pair were counting outside the theatre and a film had just finished or was just starting, then more people would be around and also on the streets leading to it, especially if it was a new or popular film. * Large sales at big shops (e.g. the ‘Next' sale) often draw large crowds, and people will often queue to get in. This would also create pedestrian anomalies. Was The Survey Successful? These problems prove that the survey was not flawless but the results I got will give me an idea of pedestrian density in Halifax and where the busiest and most quiet areas are. I have covered everywhere in Halifax, but I don't feel that this would be very reasonable. There are gaps in the survey, but it would take a very long time and a lot of people to do a more accurate survey, and I don't think that the results I have would be further improved to make this worthwhile. I have enough data to be able to display in different ways and investigate further. In the next chapter I will start to evaluate these results and look for patterns and relationships. How Could the Survey Be Improved? The survey could have been improved by any of the following methods- * Counting at more points to get a more accurate result. * Repeating the survey at different times on different days, or at the same time on the same day a week later and comparing the results. If this was done, a more accurate picture could be seen, and anomalies more easily spotted. Land Use Survey To carry out this survey, I got a map of Halifax that was on a large enough scale to have every building in it's Central Business District on it. I then thought of all the possible land uses of the buildings in the Central Business District and put them into groups of similar uses e.g. chain stores/ department stores. I then assigned a letter and colour to each of these groups. I gave each group a letter because this could be written onto the map when I was in Halifax and was easier than taking a lot of coloured pencils. I gave each a colour so that I could colour each shop when I got home to make the results clearer. I then went into Halifax to carry out the survey. To carry out this survey I took the map of Halifax ‘s Central Business District, the key and a pencil to mark the letter on each building. I started in one corner of Halifax and walked along every street, marking the buildings as I went. To do the whole of Halifax would have been unreasonable, so I decided to mark groups of similar buildings, even if there may have been the odd one which wasn't in that category. I also went into the Tourist Information to find some more maps and information on Halifax. These helped me fill in any buildings that I had missed. Problems Here is a list of some of the problems that I encountered whilst carrying out the survey. * Some buildings had more than one use on different floors. In this case I recorded the most important use. In cases such as the Piece Hall, they were both classed as one type of shop, because most of the shops there are selling craft item or food. * The main problem I had was that Halifax is undergoing a lot of changes at the moment and a new set of shops was under construction in Woolshops. As the changes are very recent, none of the maps that I have show the new shops, and I had to either draw them in or colour the area as ‘under- construction'. By the time I have finished this project, the shops are likely to be finished, so it is possible that I can update the results then. * Some of the shops were so small that I couldn't fit a letter on them. To overcome this problem, I grouped shops of similar types. Possible Problems * If the town had been any bigger, then survey would have been much more difficult to do, as it would take hours to do every single shop. Was the Survey Successful? I think that the methods I used worked well and using a map and finishing the survey at home saved time. As the point of the survey is to get a general pattern of where the different types of land use that occur in Halifax's Central Business District, I don't think that colouring every single building would have been necessary. Colouring in blocks of similar shops saved time, and though some areas may not have been strictly accurate, the general pattern will not be affected. The survey will help show patterns and groups of similar shops as well as where the main shopping areas are, and where the main business areas are. It should also be related to the Peak Land Value Intersection, but I will investigate this in the next chapter. How Could the Survey Be Improved? The survey could have been improved by any of the following measures- * I could have looked at every single shop- this would have been possible if lots of people did the survey together and put their results together. * A newer map would have created a more up-to-date result. * An even bigger scale map would let me write the names of the shops on, but this isn't really necessary. Model Central Business District To start this survey, I firstly formulated some question to compare Halifax to a model Central Business District. I then got a map of Halifax and worked out where its centre was (See finding the centre of Halifax's Central Business District) and then used a compass to draw concentric circles moving outwards from the centre of Halifax. I drew 6 circles at equal intervals to represent the zones of Halifax's Central Business District and took this map into Halifax. Once in Halifax, I walked through each of the zones and answered the questions while I was there. I also used a map if I was unsure of any of the answers and this helped me when I was back at home. Every question was either a yes or no answer, so most of the time this wasn't a problem. I started in the innermost zone and answered all the questions while I was there, before moving outwards and answering all the questions for the next zone and so on until I had covered most of the areas on my map. Problems There were some problems that I encountered whilst doing this survey. These were- * It was often quite difficult to tell exactly where the zones started and finished, and some zones included a lot of road and some didn't contain any. * Some questions, like the one about building height, are affected by the fact that Halifax's Central Business District buildings are protected. This is because they are of historical value and may mean that they aren't very tall. This would not normally be the case in a Central Business District. * Parking is actually allowed in Halifax's Central Business District but a lot of it is voucher parking. * Some questions were hard to answer; like ‘Wide range of shops?' and ‘high pedestrian counts?' because it was hard to tell where to put the boundaries between high and low pedestrian counts or high and low range of shops. * There are new shops being built at the moment, and it is likely that these will have a high shopping quality, but I can't be sure unless I see them. * It was hard to define the centre of Halifax in the first place, so if it were moved, I would possibly get very different results. * The zones were hard to define in the first place- I was unsure whether to have them as circles, or try to define them by looking at the properties of the different areas and drawing on zones to suit them. Was the Survey Successful? I think that the survey was successful and that using a questionnaire was a good idea. It gave me enough information to be able to make a reasonable comparison in the next chapter. The zones are very hard to define, but I chose to put them at regular intervals, leading out from the centre of the Central Business District. The survey will also help me find patterns, like the land- use survey, and give me a good all round view of the properties of Halifax's Central Business District. In the next chapter I will compare them to the properties of a model Central Business District and see how they relate to each other. How Could the Survey be Improved? The survey could possibly be improved by carrying out a more in-depth study of the position of the centre of the Central Business District. This would ensure that I got the positioning exactly right and zoning correct. This is the only way that I can think of to improve the survey.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Psychological and Psychoanalytical Essay

Psychology is the study of mental utilities and behaviours, in this field one is entitled to study the way in which people think, their personality, emotions and how they relate with each other while at various places such as at the workplaces. None the less, it also encompasses the way in which tend to perform their activities that they have been assigned to do. Through this knowledge of psychology, researchers have been able to come up with the psychoanalysis which tends to be able to learn the individual psychological operation and behaviour (Huczynski, & Buchanan, 2007, pp 303). In doing this, they have come up with three applications that have enabled them to achieve it. These includes; the technique used in the examination of the mind, the systematized group of theories concerning individual behaviour and the technique of treatment of emotional sickness. The paper will assess the ways in which the psychoanalytic concepts can influence the behaviours in a given organisation. In order to achieve this goal, the paper will tend to base its assessment on the theories that are in use to day and how the affect the behaviours of the employees at the workplaces. 2. 0 LITERATURE REVIEW As viewed before in the introduction, the psychology of oneself have a great influence on the way in which one can perform in an organisation and relate to the rest of the people. In regard to this, the paper will have the psychoanalytical perspectives on the effects that one psychology can affect the organization. To ensure that these are attained at the end of the paper, it will be spilt into different sections that each will deal with the theories that exists in today world concerning the psychology of people and how each of the theories tend to affect the organisation both positively and negatively, this will help us understand the core psychoanalytic concepts that exists in organisations. In doing these, the paper will have looked at the psychological and psychoanalytical perspectives on organisations helping us to understand the behaviour of people in organisations. 2. 1 PSYCHOANALYTIC CONCEPTS These are the major concerns of an individual in relation to the way in which they relate to each other at the workplace in various organisations. In dealing with this, the paper will concentrate more on the ways in which the theories has had influence in the people’s performances and relations in organisation. Therefore, the paper will focus on the major concepts and how they are connected to the behaviour at organisations. 2. 1. 1 UNCONSCIOUS CONCEPT This is the central concept that deals with the thinking ability of an individual when he or she is not aware about it. In many cases, it takes place in dreams. As per the theories about the psychology this is well explained in the topographic theory, in which deals with the way in which one can be able to interpret the dream that he or she had while asleep. In organisations, this has had in most cases, positive effect. This is because, while at rest, one can be able to think on the ways in which they can be able to improve the performance of the organisation, and with proper interpretation and implementation of the dream into practice, the organisation ends up getting the best result in the long run. None the less, this concept depends mostly on what the individual goes through at the moment. When it comes at the time at which the individual is under difficulties, it can lead to improper interpretation the dream. This is because, dreams are never new ideas of the mind but the reviews of what have been happening in ones life and how the mind perceives the idea to be. So in time of hardship one can be tempted to dream about the impossibilities of the organisations program in progress. In another perspective, the concept has been viewed in relation to the structural theory that exists in organisations. In structural theory, the mind has been divided into three section, these are the id, the personality and the superego. With these the drive that drives one to dream depends largely on the id and personality of an individual. In the organisations, there are people who have been known to dictate on the ways in which the organisation has to be run. This has been as regard to the superego that the other people have given the individual. In some of the organisations, this has led to poor decision making as no other person is allowed to intervene in the time of decision making for the organisation. The concept has also been seen to be the drive of the people to do some of the actions at organisations. The drive to the action can be conscious or unconscious, and because of this, one may find one performing something out of his knowledge that he is really doing the wrong or the right thing at the organisation (Luborsky, & Barrett, 2005). In the organisation, it has been a challenge to the employers or the supervisors to maintain the memory of the employees at the workplace. It has been to this concept too that some of the employees do wrong things but are not guilty about the incidents, it is because the action may have taken place when the employee was out of his mind and thus can not be able to really visualise that he or she has done some thing wrong at the organisation. In organisations, the concept occurs easily among the newly recruited employees of who have not been familiarised with the ways in which the organisation operations are done. In this, they tend to do them basing on the knowledge that they have basing on their educational background. In the process, one may perform a mistake in which they he or she may not be aware about and thus refraining him from apologising to the supervisor. 2. 1. 2 RESISTANCE CONCEPT This is the process in which the unconscious essentials are effectively kept away from the conscious awareness using an active oppressive force. This is when the organisation tries to eliminate the unknown mistakes preformed by their employee from the organisation. To achieve this, most of organisations organises fro the training and learning for their employees. This provides the employees with the ideas that they need to have while performing any task at the organisation. This psychoanalytic concept also enables the employees at the organisation to be able to be familiarised with the procedures that are required at the organisation for any action to be undertaken. With this, it gives the people at the organisation the actual picture of the organisation enabling them to know all that are required from them to attain the goal of the organisation. As much as the concept gives the organisation employee the knowledge to perform their task well, it also has some of the weakness in it. With the knowledge about the organisation system, the employees under the same rank can decide to unite and rebel to the managing group of the organisation concerning the way they are being treated at the organisation. It has been to this concept that most of the workers tend to rebel to the managers or unite with the managers of the organisation. None the less, the concept also has some of the advantages or rather strengths to organisations if well looked upon. In time when the employees do not perform to their best, it may be due to the treatments that they are getting from the organisation leaders and thus, the organisation has to try their best to ensure that the employees are motivated to perform to their level best. Motivation at work has been proven to influence the behavioural aspects of the employees at any work place. In the organisation that have good motivation systems, tend to incite the employees to work even more to achieved their personal goal and in the long run the organisation goal. This has been seen to encourage the workers more and more. Once there is the introduction of motivation to the well performed employee in the organisation all the employees strives had to attain their goal at given time, they tend to reduce the level of time wasting at the organisation and concentrate to their work more at the organisation. This improves the productivity of the organisation as a whole. 2. 1. 3 TRANSFERENCE CONCEPT This concept deals with the way in which one relates to the other individuals at the organisation in regard to the way he or she has been relating to other people outside the organisation (Gabriel, Hirschhorn, & Allcorn, 1996, pp 247). In any of the organisation, there exists diversity of people in which people from different cultures meet for the purpose of fulfilling the objective of the organisation. As we know, different cultures tend to have different ways in which they perform their duties and the way they relate to one another in the society. Thus, while at the organisation, these individuals have to brought up together to enable them fulfil the organisation objective. In doing this, the way in which one relates to the other person not only depends upon the culture from which he or she is from but also from the mentality of an individual. It is of this reason that the object relations theory in relation to the psychoanalysis exists in the organisation. The theory tends to expound on the ways in which the internal representations of self and that of other people can affect the relationship among people at the organisation. This deals mostly with the personality of an individual of which tend to affect the way in which one relates with others at the organisation (Arnold, Silvester, Cooper, & Robertson, 2005). For instance an individual who have been brought up in harsh condition through out her life time will by no reason appreciate the tenderness of other people at the organisation. It is with this effect that we find some of the difficult people to handle at the organisation. It is not by their wish to be that way but the way they have been used to back from their childhood and now difficult to change. To add on that, there is the self psychology theory and the ego psychology theory which tend to concentrate on the way in which an individual perceived other people to be at the organisation, the way they rate their friends and the way in which they relate with them in totality (Miner, 2005, pp 76). Over the years, it has been seen in organisations that the leaders or the managers at the organisation tend to undermine the employees, in respect to their rank at the organisation. In organisations that there exists wide difference between the mangers and the employees, there tend to develop the aspect of hatred and disrespect to one another; this is because the highly ranked people tend to undermine the lower one and thus initiating them to disrespect them. But in the case where there is a narrow difference between them, the people at the organisation tend to respect each other and can share with anybody freely. This results in high productivity of the organisation as the workers can share what they are going through while at work, the difficulties that they are facing together with the strengths that they think the organisation have to put in place for their production improvements. It also explains the present’s condition that one is in and how it can affect the relationship between people at the organisation. In most of the cases, when one is stressed by whatever stressor whether at the job place or home, the effect tend to affect the relationship with other people (Doyle, 2003) . It has been noted that, a stressed individual prefer to be isolated for the rest of the employees and relates harshly with the rest. CONCLUSION In conclusion, it has come out clearly that the way in which relates at the organisation affects greatly the performance of the organisation and all these depends with the psychology of an individual both from childhood to the present time. Thus the organisation has to ensure that the mental condition of all its workers is at per or attended to in all ways that they can such as providing them with proper conditions at work and good payment to avoid stress at work, to relate with the workers in a friendly way and the keep motivating the workers who have performed well. REFERENCE 1. Gabriel, Y. , Hirschhorn, L. & Allcorn, S. (1996) Organizations in Depth the Psychoanalysis of Organizations pp 245-265 London Sage Publications 2. Arnold, J. , Silvester, J. , Cooper, C. L. & Robertson, I. T. (2005) Work Psychology Understanding Human Behavior in the Workplace 4th Ed Prentice Hall/Financial Times 3. Doyle, C. E. (2003) Work and Organizational Psychology an Introduction with Attitude Psychology Press Sussex 4. Miner, J. B. (2005)Organizational Behavior I Essential Theories of Motivation and Leadership pp 76 M. E. Sharpe Publishers 5. Vibert, C. (2004)Theories of Macro-organizational Behavior A Handbook of Ideas and Explanations pp 10 M. E. Sharpe Publishers 6. Huczynski, A. & Buchanan, D. A. (2007) Organizational Behavior An Introductory Text pp 303 6th Ed Pearson Education Publishers 7. Luborsky, L. & Barrett, M. S. (2005) The History and Empirical Status of Key Psychoanalytic Concepts Retrieved 17th February 2009 from http://arjournals. annualreviews. org/doi/abs/10. 1146/annurev. clinpsy. 2. 022305. 095328? cookieSet=1&journalCode=clinpsy 8. Wiley (2000) Journal of Organizational Behavior Retrieved 17th February 2009 from http://eu. wiley. com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-JOB. html 9. Bouditch, J. L. & Buono, A. E. (2005) A Primer in Organizational Behaviour 6th Ed New York Wiley 10. Haslam, S. A. (2004) Psychology in Organizations The Social Identity Approach 2nd Ed