Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And...

Introduction This paper examined the relationship of transformational leadership behaviors and job satisfaction. In reference to the literature review articles, different studies and surveys were performed and conducted to determine the influence of transformational leadership to nurses’ perception. The findings showed that the relationship of transformational leadership were consistent with the studies performed. The results indicated that nurse leaders in health organizations can enhance work environment to increase job satisfactions for nurses by utilizing transformational leadership. By understanding the impact of the transformational leaders in health care, they positively influence the employee’s job satisfaction. Moreover, the transformational nurse leaders approach can have influence on the productivity of the staff. The way in which nurse managers or leaders makes decisions, delegates responsibility and interacts with staff or employees can affect the organization. Accor ding to Bass ( European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1999), transformational leadership is more effecgtive than transactional leadership because it can improve the capability of sales forced, help a company reshape its image in the marketplace and create a positive work environment for employees Theory Transformational Leadership Theory was introduced in in 1978 by political sociologist James Mac Gregor Burns and expanded by industrial psychologist Dr. Bernard Bass. InShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Transformational And Transformational Leadership1403 Words   |  6 Pages The relationship and transformational theories of leadership are aligned with my personal development plan because the Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) test result shown me high score on the leadership characters, which, indicate that I have charismatic and inspirational leadership qualities. 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