Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Knowledge of ADR regulations, policies, theories

As a NTEU Union Representative, a lot of preparing time was spent learning and creating center aptitudes in the ADR procedure. Notwithstanding hypothetical and homeroom learning, a lot of accentuation was set on the pragmatic utilization of such abilities as these aptitudes were used in the help of the formal and casual complaint process applied through the conventional association/worker and work the board relationship procedure of question goals. A lot of expertise with respect to the capacity to comprehend and actualize ADR arrangements focus on a comprehension of work force approaches and societies, a viewpoint Union Reps are knowledgeable. Moreover, I have built up a profoundly specific working information on ADR strategies through my presentation to the board and hierarchical practices every day. Information on EEO and staff laws, guidelines, approaches, and strategies as they identify with the Federal segment. In my present situation as a government worker, I have gotten a lot of preparing in territories identified with the comprehension and help of EEO procedures and systems. Moreover, as a Union Representative, I was granted the chance to fill in as a delegate for haggling unit workers who were straightforwardly associated with the EEO grumbling/complaint process. In particular, preparing got in the road of EEO strategies included things identified with explicit state and government laws just as arrangements legitimately identified with the utilization of EEO laws in the administrative segment of business. From both preparing and commonsense experience, I have built up a strong commonality with the need to remain current regarding having a working information on material EEO laws and guidelines. A lot of the EEO ideas that I have been presented to incorporate the conceptsrelated to the correct arranging, improvement and usage Equal Opportunityâ related objectives and targets. In doing this, gauges and morals in the work place wereâ provided with suggestions respects to adjusting organization strategies all together toâ create a progressively durable workplace for all individuals. Skill and involvement with a wide scope of peace making and contest resolutionâ processes, for example, assistance and intercession. From the critical experience I have created as both a bartering unit worker and as an association agent, I have created aptitudes and involvement with the three prime zones of peace promotion: assessment, reaction and exchange. Assessment alludes to being presented to peace making/question goals methods; reaction alludes to the large number of various methodologies that can be embraced so as to encourage ADR clashes, for example, intervention; and can likewise incorporate adjudicative perspectives, for example, case also; and exchange alludes to the essential ability required for all effective ADR adventures as the workmanship and study of planning the fruitful arrangement of a goals is the genuine focal point of accomplishment in the ADR procedure. Ability and involvement with ADR preparing, showcasing, and assessment of ADR programs. From my residency in government administration, I have created strong, key working information in the strategy and means in which bureaucratic and private organizations create and execute contest goals methods in the work environment. Quite a bit of this working information gets from everyday handy, involvement with combination with hypothetical investigation of ADR ideas and philosophies. A significant level of composed and oral relational abilities so as to introduce perplexing and interrelated ideas and data and to make sure about the support of others in the ADR procedure. My insight into business interchanges and ADR related oral and composed correspondence is on a profoundly proficient level. All things considered, my capacity to introduce clear and succinct data is flawless and this announcement is upheld up by numerous long periods of hands on related experience that incorporated a lot of correspondence with associates and administrators. Involvement with these zones of correspondence were created through an assortment of expert obligations including the creation and advancement of composed (remedial) activity designs just as all obligations identified with theâ checking of the grantees’ usage of such plans. Likewise, giving reports and â€Å"ad hoc† direction to temporary workers related with the government office stayed a critical day by day obligation and helped in the advancement of open abilities. Expertise in sorting out, organizing, and overseeing remaining task at hand and different assignments. Without having created solid association aptitudes, the capacity to play out the obligations and elements of my government administration position would be inconceivable. All things considered, I have created expertise in arranging, organizing, and overseeing outstanding task at hand as prove by the profoundly particular obligations I performed when serving in a group that’s essential capacity included setting up the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) leeway bundles. Extra zones of experience that show a promise to authoritative abilities incorporate obligations including sharing automatic data in regards to state-upheld frameworks of care for individual with substance use issue; just as my residency as a Public Health Advisor Trainee, where my duties included giving help to start and screen the status and execution of how State specialized help demand are done just as the essential interfacing with different individuals from staff so as to appropriately encourage such help.                                             Â

Saturday, August 22, 2020

John’s Descriptions

Jon’s depictions might be characterized as the main Revelation that portrays Antichrist. It is realized that this word isn't utilized in different Revelations. Strict people group are keen on uncovering what antichrist's identity is and what impact he has had on strict turn of events and book of scriptures aggregation. Notwithstanding, Apostle John is the main individual who focuses on Antichrist. John composes that Antichrist is coming: â€Å"Little kids, it is the latest hour; and as you have heard that the Antichrist is coming, even now numerous antichrists have come, by which we realize that it is the latest hour. They went out from us, yet they were not of us; for on the off chance that they had been of us, they would have proceeded with us; yet they went out that they may be made show, that none of them were of us†. (1 John 2:18, 19) When John was composing the development was at that point present and, in this manner, John utilizes present to demonstrate that the most recent hour has come. John characterizes ‘antichrists’ as ex-church part who has deserted their confidence. It implies that Antichrist was a Christian, yet it was no single person. Antichrist is liar who denies Jesus the Christ, just as Father and the Son. John composes that he isn't satisfied with so much individuals as they have sold out the genuine confidence. The God can’t be a soul that denies Jesus Christ. Such soul is Antichrist and he is available on the planet: â€Å"For numerous swindlers have gone out into the world who don't admit Jesus Christ as coming in the substance. This is a liar and an antichrist†. (2 John 1:7) The lessons of Antichrist planned for demonstrating that Jesus had not come in the substance. Numerous individuals accepted that Christ was divine, however incorrect conviction that substance was detestable kept them from confidence development. John contends that mankind and eternality of Jesus Christ are key to Christian confidence.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Greene, Nathanael

Greene, Nathanael Greene, Nathanael, 1742â€"86, American Revolutionary general, b. Potowomut (now Warwick), R.I. An iron founder, he became active in colonial politics and served (1770â€"72, 1775) in the Rhode Island assembly. At the beginning of the American Revolution he commanded a detachment of militia at the siege of Boston and was in charge of the city after the British evacuation (1776). Greene helped plan the defense of New York (1776), but illness kept him from the battle of Long Island. He was with Washington (1776â€"77) at Trenton, Brandywine, Germantown , and Valley Forge. In Feb., 1778, he became quartermaster general while still holding his field command; he reorganized the department, found supplies for the army, and rendered fine service in this capacity. His notable ability at organization also appeared in his fieldwork. He fought (1778) at Monmouth and in the Rhode Island campaign and was president (1780) of the court-martial board that sentenced Major John André. After Gates was defeated at Camden (1780), Greene became the commander in the Carolina campaign . He reorganized the Southern army, and he and his lieutenants (notably Daniel Morgan and Henry Lee ), with aid of partisan bands under Francis Marion , Thomas Sumter, and Andrew Pickens , turned the tide in Carolina. Greene's forces were defeated at Guilford Courthouse, Hobkirks Hill, and Eutaw Springs, but each time the British victory was reversed, and he pushed south to surround Charleston until the British evacuated it (1782). The campaign is generally considered an example of excellent strategy, and Greene's generalship is much admired. To get supplies for the Continental Army, Greene often had been forced to endorse personal notes. After the war the dishonesty of a contractor forced him to sell his estates to honor those pledges. The people of Georgia, however, gave him a plantation. See biographies by his grandson, G. W. Greene (3 vol., 1867â€"71), and T. G. Thayer (1960); W. Johnson, Sk etches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene (1822, repr. 1973). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies

Friday, May 22, 2020

Purpose and Types of Sites - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 814 Downloads: 4 Date added: 2018/12/15 Category Information Systems Essay Type Research paper Level High school Tags: Information Essay Did you like this example? Introduction Several sites have been developed by companies and by a group of individuals in order to address specific messages to audience being involved or being targeted. Every content that is written normally has a specific audience it addresses or it is made for general consumption by the audience, who are the general public in this scenario. Therefore, for every site to effectively pass the intended message, there are specific rhetorical characteristics that it must address so that it is in the frontline in trying to come up with the best podium that the audience can be happy of. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Purpose and Types of Sites" essay for you Create order Presentation is all based on the ability to maintain the audience concentration and attention. The main aim of this paper is therefore to analyze the sites and establish their validity by looking into key areas such as the questions that the audience raises based on the delivery of information from the site, purpose of the information being delivered, voice used in the site, tone, structure, origination, language, visual presentation and any other of the elements that effectively contribute to the delivery of the information or content. The information in this is therefore considered well addressed if the various parts of the presentation fully meet the requirements of the film and the taste of the audience. This conceptual paper therefore analyzes four sites in order to establish their effectiveness in trying to establish the results in terms of content delivery. The sites that are going I am going to talk of includes the media matters for America and the proud democrat which are from the left side of the collection listed and the Accuracy in media and also the American center for law and justice. The paper keenly looks at how the presenters of the information in these sites followed the rhetoric rules in coming up with the right message that the public could effectively listen to and internalize. The first site is the media matters for America. For instance, the company uses various rhetoric approache4s in trying to display its intended messages top the general public and the target audience in specific. The rhetoric techniques employed here includes the use of the fact finding techniques and content analysis alongside others. In its content delivery, the company mostly relies on services of journalists and it is mostly known for its constant aggressive criticism against the journalists and the media outlets that serve the company. The media matters for America uses approaches such as the research studies in order to obtain the information that it later files to the audience. Its source of information is however not very questionable. The funding from donations and generally has enough personnel for the tasks. There is a good relationship between the content and the audience as the information is well displayed and also in the timing of the site. Rhetorical skills have be en carefully employed even in both cases for the media matters and the proud democrat. In the proud democrat, almost all rhetorical skills are well applied and content delivery is excellent as opposed to some sites that may lack content-audience good link. The proud democrat carefully explores the content and delivers the best to the audience. The other sites that I have chosen to analyze their rhetoric ability include the Accuracy in media and the American center for law and justice. The company mostly relies on first-hand information sources. The company makes use of contributors who are offered with the chances to make the presentation to the audience. The site offers reliable information and the audience involved has been receiving the right information. The company further uses a voice over, use of blurred images, avoiding use of real names and similarly not giving an age range. Language used in the context is well elaborative and the company also employs the use of visual presentation. Content delivery in this company is therefore excellent. The American center for law and Justice Site employs various rhetorical skills. The rhetorical analysis of the site reveals that content has been effectively displayed. There are various rhetorical choices that have been employed in order to ensure that the story or the information on the site is elaborative enough. The American citizens who are basically the audience in this site have always had a number of questions that seemingly have gone unanswered. This shows that the rhetoric ability of site is not so much captivating. However, the language used in the site is quite captivating and interesting which makes the leaders have the desire to read even more. There has always been visual presentation that seems interesting to the audience hence keeping them lively and the viewers have an easy time getting the content. Conclusion Various sites that are basically owned by various media houses or companies are working around the clock to ensure that their content reaches the audience and on fair grounds.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Possible Danger Signs on Essay Topics for 5th Graders You Should Know About

Possible Danger Signs on Essay Topics for 5th Graders You Should Know About The Secret to Essay Topics for 5th Graders At times, it can be an excellent concept to think of any topics which you are particularly interested in. Ideally, you'll want to consider topics that may provoke some type of debate, as you'll then have the ability to choose 1 side or the other relating to that debate that you can then argue about. If you must compose a persuasive essay for your studies, then one of the absolute most important things to do is to produce a topic or title it's attention grabbing. Let's say that you're writing an essay on The significant causes of Road Accidents in your City, it's obvious you're going to develop a few points. Thinking up good narrative essay topics sounds like it would be somewhat easy, but it isn't as easy as you might think. Such essays must normally range between a couple of pages in length. Every essay followed the exact standard structure. Our essay writing worksheets below give very good practice with distinctive kinds of essay writing. It is possible to write about whatever you want, but do make sure it's a top quality article. In conclusion, at the present moment school is a significant stage of my life. When you select a cause and effect topic, it must be something that you either know well or are interested in knowing more about. When you have finished with your composition, it is rather important you take an instant and read over what you have written. Finding the Best Essay Topics for 5th Graders Think of what you could do in order to make your school more beautiful. To get ready for the demands of middle school and higher school writing, fifth graders ought to be ma stering skills needed for strong nonfiction writing. Students ought to be permitted to pray in school. A lot of individuals come back. Facts, Fiction and Essay Topics for 5th Graders The thesis statement is the principal idea of the essay and it expresses what you wish to tell the reader in a couple of sentences. To the contrary, it can likewise be quite interesting to work on only in case you have good topic in your hands because it is regarded as the backbone of an evaluative essay. Politically our candidate has turned out to be somewhat skilled. The very first paragraph within the body of the essay needs to be drafted in such a means to incorporate all the vital points that you prefer to include and speak about the literary work. Explain why you believe your plan will do the job. The thesis statement related to the most important subject of the essay needs to be included in the introduction. A, C, and D aren't the best choices because all of them offer details and specifics rather than establishing a wide summary of the paragraph. What all you will need is getting the assistance from a specialist and EssaysChief is going to be the expert that you seek out. In the end, you will find somebody who will write essays for money at the most economical rates for you. Give reasons why you believe your plan would do the job. Likewise, it has to be logically complete and express a particular idea. You've got an idea to increase your school. By the conclusion of the second week, students are going to be able to compose an exposi tory paragraph. Your students have a lot of personal experiences to write about in regards to family. Every student necessitates help with homework from time to time. The Essay Topics for 5th Graders Game The 4th grade writing curriculum comprises a huge assortment of concepts. Students ought to be able to share their ideas with proper and efficient word choice and use a range of different sentence structures. By the conclusion of unit 3, they will be able to write a persuasive paragraph. Fifth grade students utilize every phase of the writing procedure and continue to construct their understanding of writing conventions. But What About Essay Topics for 5th Graders? So many folks think IELTS Exam is valid only in the united kingdom or Australia and, as an example, it's not valid in the united states, New Zealand, etc.. Every American should learn how to speak Spanish. It is also critical for students as soon as it comes to English Language examinations. Many times, studen ts are confused about how to structure their essay. Writing sections, it's very essential for you in the event you write your own words. Writing is given much value in school since it's the bedrock of the rest of the subjects too. Benefits of Online essay Writing Services Essay writing is an ambitious undertaking for the majority of the students today. Academic papers can't contain any signals of plagiarism.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Where You Keep the Secret Free Essays

secret. something that can not be known by everyone, except the people who create the secret. secrets can be for the good and in the same time it can have a negative effect that long in one’s life. We will write a custom essay sample on Where You Keep the Secret or any similar topic only for you Order Now based on the articles, the secret can be done by anyone who wishes to not let certain people know. example of the often secret didembunyikadalam this article also clearly tell whether the examples of the most popular places for some individuals who want to conceal something and what is the impact on individuals keeping it secret. etween the place of choice to hide something is in the books, any part of the house, letters from old flames are one of the usual items That people hide and do not miss keep secret computer use, by storing all files in the folder suites locked. in addition, the effect if concealing something will have an impact on a relationship. this is because the secret kept will not keep long, because sooner or later be discovered. important for every hubngan for secrecy are not mutually each other. f there is any weakness in the pair, it should be shared. according to Frank Warren, he stated that there is an edge if the spouse is concealing something it could create sa spen elements while giving hope and be romantic partners. I agree with the ideas presented in the article. this is because each argument written about secrets definition, what is secret and concealed the impact if a relationship. in life is a lot to be withheld from a person unknown. it turns out to be good to ourselves or to someone who may be confidential or otherwise. es, I also strongly agree that sometimes the secret to be the cause of why a relationship falling apart. secret will lead to goodness if we know what our true intentions concealing something. I actually keep things in novels. for example money or old pictures. for my options proposed by the author shows that it is very creative. my suggestion, not all secrets can be kept at a place other than keep it in the heart. it’s safer than dismantled by certain parties. How to cite Where You Keep the Secret, Papers

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

The Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success

Marketing has many definitions. Definitions that focus on customer needs and that are customer oriented can be used to explain the success of an organization much clearly. Marketing can be defined as the process through which potential clients and customers who are willing and able to buy are enticed to buy your products or services.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More According to American Marketing Association, marketing is defined as â€Å"the process, the activity and set of institutions for communicating, creating, exchanging and delivering offerings that have value for clients, customers, partners, and society at large.† (Armstrong Kotler, 2011). According to Chartered Institute of Marketing, marketing is defined as â€Å"The process of management used to identify, anticipate and satisfy customer requirements wi th the aim of making profits.† (Kotler Keller, 2012). This article will discuss the importance of marketing in organizational success based on the foregoing definitions. An organization can only succeed when proper marketing strategies are put in place. Marketing determines the nature of production and distribution channels that an organization uses for its products. Marketing deals with boosting sales, advertisements, public relations and promotions. The most fundamental importance of marketing to an organization is that it helps build reputation. Marketers find it easier to subdue the entire market by creating a brand name through which customers can get to recognize their organization. This technique which is also called brand recall helps consumers to easily distinguish the organizations products from those of competitors. The aim of this technique is to increase brand loyalty by creating a brand name that is easily identifiable through logos, images or caption that are a dvertised through media (Armstrong Kotler, 2011). Through marketing, an organization is able to create awareness for its products. The primary goal of marketing is to get the product or service recognized by prospective customers. It would be unrealistic to assume that customers can find out about an organization all by themselves especially if it has no reputation in the industry.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, for an upcoming organization, it would be proper to make your company known through consistent promotions and advertisements. This is an expensive exercise that eventually pays off when prospective buyers are duly informed on the benefits of utilizing a company’s products or services. Marketing helps an organization to boost its product sales and increases growth of revenues. Any form of marketing, be it online or offline advertisements, radio com mercials, newspaper advertisements, TV advertisements and so on are sure to generate sales once the public learn about an organizations products. An organization that seeks to increase its production capacity and drive up sales must consider allocating enough funds to the marketing department which in turn should develop strategic and effective marketing plans to ensure that this objective is achieved. The roles just discussed are based on the definition of marketing as a process that is customer oriented. Given that customers have their own preferences; product quality would not be enough to ensure sustained sales. Thus, an efficient marketing strategy would be that which targets the customer’s needs. An organization that disregards consumer preferences will eventually lose out to the competitors. Getting back a customer who has defected to competitor is extremely difficult and not financially feasible in most cases (Kotler Keller, 2012). Marketing helps create healthy comp etition through regulating service and product prices. Through marketing, consumers and competing companies get to learn about pricing of various services and products. A business through marketing is able to compete for customers by providing fair pricing before competitors does unlike in a monopoly where prohibitive prices are set. Competition helps less known companies succeed through appropriate marketing strategies, in other words, marketing helps an organization to stand out so that consumers will prefer its products rather than those being offered by the competitor.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on The Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Marketing helps organizations in strategic decision making. It is through marketing that everyone in the organization gets to learn about the nature of the customers and the market that they are dealing with. This is ofte n made possible through the feedback given by marketers to the organization. The feedback given enables the organization to develop a marketing philosophy to aid in the development of strategic planning process. The organization uses information and analysis obtained through marketing as input for strategic marketing plans and decision making (Perreault, Cannon McCarthy, 2011). Marketers make this possible by identifying consumer trends as well as examining their potential impact. In addition, they assess the current situation to gain better understanding of the market. The foregoing shows that marketing does help an organization make broad strategic decisions through strategic marketing. On the other hand, marketing helps an organization make specific strategic decisions for day to day activities and for individual products. This normally takes place at the operating level where four Ps of the marketing mix are taken into consideration by the marketing managers. These include pric e, product, promotion and place. Marketing is a field which is evolving fast and its importance in growth and sustainability of businesses cannot be overemphasized. To some extent, marketing has altered the nature of the chain of distribution. This is the case with Nike which is perceived by many to be manufacturer of products such as sports gear. The truth is that Nike manufactures very little of these products if any. The actual manufacturing is done by the supplier while Nike exclusively deals with the marketing of these products. The implication of this trend is that through such companies, strategic alliances among the marketing firm, distributors and suppliers can be formed through a common business network (Perreault et al., 2011).Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thus, an organization that does not want to spend too much putting up a marketing department can readily obtain marketing services for its products through well known marketing companies like Nike or Adidas by joining a business network. This kind of approach can be proof to be very beneficial for an upcoming company or a company that has just launched a new product. Marketing as a separate entity within an organization does contribute to its success in terms of performance for a new product, financial performance and performance of customer relationship as opposed to general market approach like in the Nike case just discussed. An organization’s success is pegged on its ability to attract and retain customers. This can be achieved through establishing an effective internal marketing department or by joining a business network. Marketing being a process should focus on creating a brand name through which the organization can identify itself to the public and this can be achie ved best through identifying and satisfying consumer needs. References Armstrong, G. Kotler, P. (2011). Marketing: An introduction (10th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Kotler, P. Keller, K. L. (2012). Marketing management (14th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Perreault, W. D. Jr., Cannon, J. P., McCarthy, E. J. (2011). Basic marketing: A  Marketing strategy planning approach (18th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. This assessment on The Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success was written and submitted by user SerpentS0c1ety to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here. The Importance of Marketing in Organizational Success

Friday, March 20, 2020

Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian

Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian Description of the papers The psychological concept under analysis is intelligence as seen through the operant conditioning lens. In 1898 one of the pioneers of operant conditioning – Edward Thorndike – wrote an article called â€Å"Animal intelligence: an experimental study of the associate processes in animals.†Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In the article, the author carried out an experimental analysis of cats. He placed them in enclosures when they were hungry, and added basic escape mechanisms to the boxes. Thorndike (1898) placed food outside the enclosures. Some of the boxes had platforms that the cats could step on when they needed to get out; others had levers that would open when the cats wanted to escape. In other instances, he placed cords that the cats could pull when nece ssary. He recorded the time it took the cats to leave the enclosures successfully. He took out the cats that failed to open the enclosures but never fed them. He found out that successful cats kept repeating the acts needed to open the enclosures, and they did this in remarkably short timeframes. However, the cats that failed never attempted again. Thorndike came up with the law of cause and effect by affirming that responses (methods of escape used by the cats) that came immediately before satisfactory outcomes (food and less loneliness) became strongly associated to the situation, and were more likely to recur. However, inadequate association with the situation occurred when negative responses followed certain responses; these responses were less likely to occur.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Hagopian et al. (2000) wanted to determine the effects of non contingent reinf orcement on engagement with stimuli and problem behavior. Their analysis involved four mentally retarded participants who all had problem behaviors. They provided them with positive rewards such as toys and soft music under different conditions and observed them. They found that if they provided the subjects with positive stimuli regardless of participants’ behavior (non contingent reinforcement), the subjects continued to engage with it. They also realized that the stimuli almost reduced problem behavior to zero in these cases. They explained that non contingent reinforcement created reductions of destructive behavior. They also found that reduced response to the readily available stimuli (satiation) was a factor when the subjects had long access times. Extinction providing no consequence for behavior – did not lead to reductions in problem behavior. Comparison In both analyses, the researchers are trying to understand how one reinforces behavior in intelligent organ isms. It can also be stated that the analyses focus on how learning occurs. They both use experimental analyses to come up with theories that explain these relationships. Furthermore, basic concepts of operant conditioning are the basis of these two researches; they all involve responses or behavior, rewards, and stimuli (something that alters behavior). Both studies also support the law of cause and effect; Thorndike (1898) explains that when a satisfactory effect comes immediately after a cat’s behavior (response), then the response is likely to be repeated.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Intelligence in two psychological journals written by Thorndike and Hagopian specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More However, when negative outcomes come immediately after certain behaviors, then the responses are less likely to occur. To Thorndike (1898), it is not possible to experience behavior reinforcement when one changes environments inconsistently. Similarly, Hagopian et al. (2000) explain that when one provides subjects with stimuli consistently; that is throughout the experiment, then targeted responses are likely to emanate from the study. In their case, they wanted to subvert problem behavior, so that was their targeted response. The subjects needed to form a link between the incentives and the consequences in order to achieve this outcome. Through consistent delivery, the researchers illustrated that there was a law of cause and effect. Continuities and discontinuities These researches are all based on operant conditioning. However, the recent paper is significantly different from the older article because it deals with the concept of non contingent reinforcement. Non contingent reinforcement refers to the provision of stimuli irrespective of a subject’s behavior. Scientists do this in order to show the subject that his or her negative behavior is not necessary in order to achieve a des ired outcome. In their research, the subjects’ desired outcome was getting attention. The actions that they used to achieve this were tantrums, biting, kicking and self harm – all cases of problem behavior. The researchers provided toys and music as stimuli. Continually providing these stimuli caused the participants to reduce their undesired behavior.Advertising Looking for essay on psychology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Thorndike (1898) had not considered a situation where the researcher continuously delivers the positive stimuli without regard to behavior. His experiment was contingent on the subjects’ responses. Therefore, his method was heavily reliant on interruptive removal or provision of stimuli; i.e., rewards and punishments. He did not focus on non interruptive patterns. The studies are quite different from each other because of the methods employed and the analytical techniques. The recent paper relied heavily on theoretical reviews of similar work. The authors quote other scientists’ explanations on extinction and satiation before making their conclusions. However, Thorndike (1898) was the first of his kind, so he did not rely on other authors’ previous work. He needed to justify his choice of methods because they were not common. Hagopian et al. (2000) used accepted methods of scientific research like baseline conditions and investigational conditions. Furthermore, the papers focused on different participants; Thorndike (1898) dealt with animals, so he could not use neurological explanations for his work; subsequent studies on operant conditioning have dwelt on human subjects. Lastly, Hagopian et al. (2000) distinguished between the factors that contributed to the effectiveness of the consequences such as contingency and satiation while Thorndike (1898) did not know about any of these terms. References Hagopian, L., Crockett, J., Van Stone, M., Deleon, I. Bowman, L. (2000). Effects of non contingent reinforcement on problem behavior and stimulus engagement: the role of satiation, extinction and alternative reinforcement. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 33 (4), 433-449 Thorndike, E. (1898). Animal Intelligence: An experimental study of the associate processes in animals. Psychological review monograph supplement, 2(4), 1-8

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

World War 1 Battles

World War 1 Battles The battles of the World War I were fought across the globe from the fields of Flanders and France to the Russian plains and deserts of the Middle East. Beginning in 1914, these battles devastated the landscape and elevated to prominence places that had previously been unknown. As a result, names such as Gallipoli, the Somme, Verdun, and Meuse-Argonne became eternally entwined with images of sacrifice, bloodshed, and heroism. Due to the static nature of World War I trench warfare, fighting took place on a routine basis and soldiers were rarely safe from the threat of death. The battles of the World War I War are largely divided into the Western, Eastern, Middle Eastern, and colonial fronts with the bulk of the fighting taking place in the first two. During World War I, over 9 million men were killed and 21 million wounded in battle as each side fought for their chosen cause. Battles of World War I by Year 1914 August 7-September 13: Battle of the Frontiers - Western FrontAugust 14-25: Battle of Lorraine - Western FrontAugust 21-23: Battle of Charleroi - Western FrontAugust 23: Battle of Mons - Western FrontAugust 23-31: Battle of Tannenberg - Eastern FrontAugust 28: Battle of Heligoland Bight - At SeaSeptember 6-12: First Battle of the Marne - Western FrontOctober 19-November 22:Â  First Battle of Ypres - Western FrontNovember 1: Battle of Coronel - At SeaNovember 9: Battle of Cocos - At SeaDecember 8: Battle of the Falklands - At SeaDecember 16: Raid on Scarborough, Hartlepool, Whitby - At SeaDecember 24-25: The Christmas Truce - Western Front 1915 January 24: Battle of Dogger Bank - At SeaFebruary 19-January 9, 1916: Gallipoli Campaign - Middle EastApril 22-May 25: Second Battle of Ypres - Western FrontMay 7: Sinking of the Lusitania - At SeaSeptember 25-October 14: Battle of Loos - Western Front 1916 February 21-December 18: Battle of Verdun - Western FrontMay 31-June 1: Battle of Jutland - At SeaJuly 1-November 18: Battle of the Somme - Western FrontAugust 3-5: Battle of Romani - Middle EastDecember 23: Battle of Magdhaba - Middle East 1917 January 9: Battle of Rafa - Middle EastJanuary 16: Zimmermann Telegram - Western FrontMarch 26: First Battle of Gaza - Middle EastApril 9-May 16: Battle of Arras - Western FrontJune 7-14: Battle of Messines - Western FrontJuly 31-November 6: Battle of Passchendaele (Third Ypres) - Western FrontOctober 24-November 19: Battle of Caporetto - Italian FrontOctober 31-November 7: Third Battle of Gaza - Middle EastNovember 20-December 6: Battle of Cambrai - Western Front 1918 March 21-April 5: Spring Offensives - Operation Michael - Western FrontJune 1-June 26: Battle of Belleau Wood - Western FrontJuly 15-August 6: Second Battle of the Marne - Western FrontAugust 8-11: Battle of Amiens - Western FrontSeptember 19-October 1: Battle of Megiddo - Middle EastSeptember 26-November 11: Meuse-Argonne Offensive - Western Front

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Power within organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Power within organization - Essay Example Referent power originates from being trusted and/or respected. One gains this power when employees in the organization trust what they do and respect them for how they handle various situations. For instance, a manager who uses his power positively to ensure policies are in place for ensuring employees is fairly treated. Sin, this form of power subordinate, comply since one is in authority, for instance, the boss. This power exists when employees recognize the authority of their leader. For instance, the executive manager who determines budgetary needs of the company. His positive or negative consideration boost his legitimacy Many junior workers are motivated by rewards and incentives to be submissive to the superior. This inner motivation is a positive example of reward power. Other examples would include salary increment, job promotion, etc. The role of reward power is to trigger that human feature that appreciates recognition for high achievement. Expert power originates from an individual’s experiences, knowledge, and skills. Whenever an individual gains experience they become thought leaders in those fields and gather expert power enough to get others to help them meet their goals. For instance, the senior engineer who is an expert designing various unique applicants can positively use his or her power to get

Monday, February 3, 2020

Research Commision on Theatre Tradtion Nautanki Essay - 1

Research Commision on Theatre Tradtion Nautanki - Essay Example It is a roving theatre form, today considered to be a little uncouth by educated Indians; but could also be called as folk dance, village drama etc. It is a rural version of the word, natak, meaning drama in Sanskrit and according to a legend, the word nautanki might have come because it was the name of a princess and the initial dramas were about her love story which eventually signified a theatre genre. â€Å"Nautanki is staged in courtyards and maidans. The music is not exactly classical or even folk but has a pattern of its own, which does not vary much from drama to drama. The poetry is written in various metrical patterns and sung according to a special convention. The prominent musical instrument is the nagada (a single-faced kettle drum) which, in fact heralds a Nautanki performance. The sarangi and harmonium are also used. The dholak (drum) provides the rhythm† http://www.indiaprofile.com/religion-culture/nautanki.htm Nautanki is based only in North India, especially in the states of Bihar, Uttar Pradesh and Punjab. To give a brief history of this operatic drama, it is important to know that they started as musicals, evolved out of ballads and recitals, with emotional drama and elaborate gesticulation, stories focussing on heroes and anti-heroes of the society, usually performed on a make-shift platform, starting with the invocation of God. It is not only the stage, but the surrounding trees, building, windows, doors or any other decorative items that simply happened to exist adjacently could be used as part of the play to make it more authentic. The rural folk enjoyed the high drama in it and it applied to all the religions and cultures. Even today it is considered to be a highly secular dance form, where stories from all the religious mythologies are performed and appreciated. It starts with Ranga’s (Director or the main person) singing, supported by harmonium accompanied by scintillating different

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Bernard Williams Analysis Of A Thought Experiment Philosophy Essay

Bernard Williams Analysis Of A Thought Experiment Philosophy Essay The thought experiment that Bernard Williams mentioned in his work A Critique of Utilitarianism to establish that utilitarianism is an incoherent and unintelligible theory of morality and does not hold much ground, especially when it comes to decision making under pressure and in high risk situations. But it crumbles altogether when once integrity and moral compass is at stake. This paper will explore some arguments related to the thought experiment that Bernard Williams has illustrated highlighting both the scenarios of George accepting and rejecting the job offer and how it affects his morality. It will also compare the utilitarian view point in the light of this thought experiment with other moral view points to establish that all theories do not fulfill all the criteria of a complete moral theory and does not fulfill our psychological and emotional needs. Suppose if George accepts the job offer. By accepting the offer at the chemical and biological warfare lab, George will certainly provide economic prosperity to his family (as he going through tough time), additionally he will also once get the job will be able to better influence the work of the lab, by either slowing down the process and/or building up support at the lab to deliberately protract the process. All these actions of George will lead to a greater utility as he will become an instrument in increasing utility and decreasing harm by slowing down the process. He will also be able to provide a better future for his family thereby reducing suffering which could have been caused to him and his family should he not have accepted the job offer. It seems like that from a utilitarian point of view this is an ideal situation. However, Bernard Williams argues against this position. He says that even though it seems that everyone is benefiting from Georges decision, for him it is not a good choice as it will alienate him from his projects that define him. In other words, as George is opposed to biological and chemical weapon, as he has to forsake his integrity in order to take a decision to accept the job offer. Bernard Williams call this as ones projects and argues that one must not forsake ones integrity and values which define us. George in this case has a deep rooted belief against biological and chemical weapons (their production and use) and should not forsake this. He sates: It is absurd to demand of such a man, when the sums come in from the utility network which the projects of others have in part determined, that he should just step aside from his own project and decision and acknowledge the decision which utilitarian calculation requires. It is to alienate him in a real sense from his actions and the source of his action in his own convictions. It is to make him into a channel between the input of everyones projects, including his own, and an output of optimific decision; but this is to neglect the extent to which his actions and his decisions have to be seen as the actions and decisions which flow from the projects and attitudes with which he is most closely identified. It is thus, in the most literal sense, and attack on his integrity. It is prudent at this stage to state a few points about the thought experiment itself, as a utilitarian could argue against their need. Thought experiments are a good way to provide us with a way of producing knowledge by stepping out of the domain of the real and day to day affairs. They can be seen as an instrument of judgment of possibility as well as consideration of conceivability. However, they are constrictive in nature, and arbitrarily cut off and restrict the range of choices available to decide on a course of action. This thought experiment, is reflective of all the constraints related to thought experiments in general but in particular it distances us from the consequences making it remote to the action that he will take, thereby it is difficult to assess from a practical point of view whether the thought experiment is of significance or not. The author has intentionally given little background as to how George has landed into this situation and thus has opened a wide arra y of generalization and universal applicability inhibiting the use of imagination and intuition. Martin Bunzl provides an interesting viewpoint regarding thought experiments related to ethics and especially to consequentialist theories in general, require a level of detail usually lacking in thought experiments. And it is the attempt to provide the missing detail (both consequentialist facts and the weightings on those facts) that yields the paradigm of a thought experiment that is out of control  [1]   This is an interesting take as the whole idea of providing missing information is to make us see a different paradigm not apparent in the thought experiment itself. Now lets see the scenario from a different vintage point. Suppose George does not accept the job offer as he is an ardent believer in safeguarding the world from biological and chemical weapons. In this case he has listened to his moral voice. However, even in this case (when George is not taking an action by not accepting the position) he is responsible for action through the doctrine of negative responsibility. Consequentialism will not recognize the difference between George not taking the job offer and safeguarding his integrity on one hand but has allowed someone else to take up the job (who is for the use of biological and chemical weapons) thereby is equally responsible for the harm that may cause. It doesnt make any difference if the action is taken by George or the other person as he is the one who let it happen. Looking at the broader picture keeping this thought experiment in perspective, John Rawls gives another viewpoint. The main concepts of ethics are those of right and the good. The structure of an ethical theory is, and then is largely determined by how it defines and connects these two basic notions.  [2]   From a utilitarian perspective, the right and the good is of no importance to the decision making process. But from an deontological perspective it is not the badness or the goodness of the consequence that makes it wrong but the act itself is wrong. George is not permitted to act and take any decision if it violates the deontological constraint (certain things that we must not do, even if doing it produces overall better consequences, in this case George may slow the process of weapon production and/or make a substantial effort is convincing other people to support his viewpoint). If George thinks of his act as a right act then it has to derive from its motive and as per Kant the motive is to be found in the act of duty rather than the inclination (Georges sense of duty will emerge from his strong belief against production of these weapons). Even though the action George will take will devoid him of pain and will give him pleasure but it will not be a free action and will be subject to the laws of cause and effect. If he does not take the job and if he doesnt on the idea that because he respects the moral law of so many people dying he will be the one who will eventually be the participant in it. By following a utilitarian viewpoint George has retracted his autonomy to take action, as he is bounded by the effects of what will happen, and his own will be shattered. Thereby he is not being true to himself and is losing true freedom. George may go ahead with not accepting the job offer but his contemporary will; thereby it will not be a universal principle. George should not act only because he has a duty towards others, to act and safeguard their interest; self interest is not the reason why he should do the right thing. One may also consider Georges action not to be seen in the future consequences that it will bring, but in the past as well, how he landed in this situation, what are he motives which led to him being against the development of chemical and biological weapons. There are other considerations that need to be brought in than the consequences of the action in determining what he should do. These considerations other than the value of the consequence of the action that needs to be considered in determining what he should do. A consequentialist will say to George to let the idea go as it will prevent greater harm or will do greater good. Ross  [3]  suggests that there is no universal law in this. For him one value can be overriding by another value provided it relives the distress. George action of taking up the job will be an unethical kind of expediency and will put undue pressure on George to take up the burden of morality for the whole human kind on his shoulders. Alternatively, George can see the whole issue from a different perspective altogether. He should not see the whole situation as being what is right or wrong but should focus on what is just, humane and generous. By doing this, he will not only see the moral dilemma as a focus but will be able to see his life as whole and his position in it. It will help him in acquiring a kind of a virtue and will take the stress of the moral burden of duty towards the whole mankind that he is trying to safeguard. On the other hand this approach to decision making will be more introvert with the focus on fulfilling the demands of the I rather than the combined good of all. Furthermore, it abandons the moral universal principles and gives power to the individual (in this case George) to make his own judgement. It dodges the important moral issues without assuming a definite position. Looking at this thought experiment and its conclusion, we reach a point where our approach to morality needs to be somewhere between this completely impartial and integrity-sacrificing mode and the danger of a completely subjective/relativist mode. The whole argument above clearly states that thought experiments can provide us with a way of thinking on issues but are limited in scope and should be used with caution. Thought experiments are profitably compared to compasses. A compass is a simple but useful device for determining direction. Nevertheless, it systematically errs in the presence of magnets it becomes unreliable near the North Pole, in mine shafts, when vibrated, in the presence of metal experts will wish to use the compass as one element in a wider portfolio of navigational techniques. Analogously, thought experiments are simple but useful devices for determining the status of propositions. Sadly, they systematically err under certain conditions and so are best used with sensitivity to their foibles and limited scope  [4]  

Friday, January 17, 2020

Charismatic style of Leadership

I have chosen the leader of a local foundation in our community who had been in the public eye due to his tireless efforts and initiative in addressing the homeless problem that are common even in suburban America. The person exhibits all three characteristics which include firstly, charm and grace, a primary characteristic of charismatic type of leadership. Secondly, the leader has the ability to command respect because he has immense self-belief that he can accomplish a lot for the homeless people. Thirdly, this person or leader has been influential as well because he can draw people in the upper echelon of society to support in many aspects of their program. People, both within the volunteer and paid staff, the homeless themselves and the supporters respect, abide by and pursue this leader’s vision and plans because they see firsthand his transparency and personally admire or have a high regard for his manner of dealing with the staff. This is what is called intense â€Å"attraction† to a leader because of his/her ability to command respect, conduct with such verve and energy (â€Å"Charismatic Leadership, 2007). When they hold meetings or when this leader speaks to people, he sees everyone in the room, and seems to convey at a level of â€Å"closeness.† The leader picks at the moods and behavior of the moment and then tailors what he is going to do next based on those observations. The leader employs different methods or strategies to get the attention of the followers, is very persuasive and very effective in using gestures and body language (â€Å"Charismatic Leadership, 2007). When this person leads his team, he tries to create a distinction about his group in contrast with that of others. He builds the uniqueness of the group in the eyes of members and makes efforts to solidify the group’s adherence to the leader but the members expect as well of their leader’s loyalty towards them. He exhibits leadership skills coupled with a positive outlook and is other –oriented which results to changes for the good of the team usually (â€Å"Charismatic Leadership, 2007). Reference: _________ â€Å"Charismatic Leadership†. 2007. Changing minds.org. Accessed March 24, 2008

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And...

Introduction This paper examined the relationship of transformational leadership behaviors and job satisfaction. In reference to the literature review articles, different studies and surveys were performed and conducted to determine the influence of transformational leadership to nurses’ perception. The findings showed that the relationship of transformational leadership were consistent with the studies performed. The results indicated that nurse leaders in health organizations can enhance work environment to increase job satisfactions for nurses by utilizing transformational leadership. By understanding the impact of the transformational leaders in health care, they positively influence the employee’s job satisfaction. Moreover, the transformational nurse leaders approach can have influence on the productivity of the staff. The way in which nurse managers or leaders makes decisions, delegates responsibility and interacts with staff or employees can affect the organization. Accor ding to Bass ( European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 1999), transformational leadership is more effecgtive than transactional leadership because it can improve the capability of sales forced, help a company reshape its image in the marketplace and create a positive work environment for employees Theory Transformational Leadership Theory was introduced in in 1978 by political sociologist James Mac Gregor Burns and expanded by industrial psychologist Dr. Bernard Bass. InShow MoreRelatedRelationship Between Transformational And Transformational Leadership1403 Words   |  6 Pages The relationship and transformational theories of leadership are aligned with my personal development plan because the Multifactorial Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) test result shown me high score on the leadership characters, which, indicate that I have charismatic and inspirational leadership qualities. 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