Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Job satisfaction and its impact on employee intention to leave Research Paper

Job satisfaction and its impact on employee intention to leave - Research Paper Example The offering of competitive salaries would not only satisfy the employees, but it would also increase their commitment to their work, hence an increase in productivity. As the workload for the employees within the institution increases, so should their pay, because in the modern world, good payment packages are a huge motivator for keeping employees satisfied as well as dedicated to their jobs. If the institution for which people work does not offer them competitive salaries, then there is a high likelihood of them leaving for better paying jobs is quite high. In addition, another reason why employees would lose satisfaction in their jobs is the lack of independence to be innovative in their work. There are instances where the management of an institution chooses to dictate all the processes, which the employees should undertake in the workplace. The lack of consultation by the management to the employees ensures that the former does not know what the employees want and as a result, the latter end up not being satisfied with their work conditions. Employers should make sure that there is frequent consultation with the employees so that any issues from the latter can be addressed and settled. Furthermore, employees should be given the freedom to choose how best to work, as long as what they do is in the best interests of the institution. This will ensure that the employees have a high level of job satisfaction because they will be able to find innovative ways of doing their work without any fear of negative repercussions from the managemen t. The good relationship that would be built between the employers and the employees through constant consultations and innovative freedom to the latter would ensure that the working conditions within the institution are more than satisfactory. It can be concluded that job satisfaction does in fact influence the

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