Saturday, November 30, 2019

International Marketing Management free essay sample

According to Alexandrides Bowers 1988 have identified two strategic policies categories among counter-trading firms: Company advantage policy; where the objective is to achieve short-term sales. Mutual advantage policy; where the primary focus is on the needs of customers and, in particular, and the developmental goals of the host country.? Within the categories identified, four variants describe the approach of firms to counter-trade: Defensive Companies with a defensive counter-trade strategy do not counter-trade at all instead they make many counter-trade type arrangements with buyer countries. These companies will avoid any contractual counter-trade requirements, but they make it clear to the country that they will respond in some way for the sale. Passive Companies with passive counter-trade strategies regard counter-trade as a necessary evil. They participate in counter-trade at ad hoc basis, on minimal level. Some companies operate this way because they have product influence, while others follow the passive strategy because of disinterest in counter-trade. We will write a custom essay sample on International Marketing Management or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Reactive Companies with proactive strategies have made a commitment to counter-trade. They use counter-trade aggressively as a marketing tool, and are interested in making trading an active and profitable part of their business. They regard offset and counter-purchase as an opportunity to make money through trading. Proactive companies participate in all kinds of counter-trade, including global sourcing, releasing of blocked funds, trade development, and trade financing. They often have in-house world trading companies, and will sometimes liquidate counter-trade obligations for other companies. As suggested by the specialist, companies should have a proactive well defined strategy instead of a reactive one. Examples of companies with proactive counter-trade strategies include Caterpillar, Monsanto, General Foods, Goodyear, Rockwell, General Electric, FMC, 3M, General Motors, Ford, Coca-Cola, United Technologies, and Pepsi-Cola. APPROACHES TO PRICING Pricing is a very complex topic to be discussed, few theorist try to attempt a common sense when coming into price however there is not a particular way that we can look at in order to decide on price. Factors such as accounting approach, marketing approach as well as economist approaches are a combination of different points of view deciding on pricing. Price on the other hand can also be considered as a communication tool, where organisations decide on how much to charge for a particular product they then build an image of the brand and the company itself, and this will also decide on the target market as well as the customers they acquire. e. g. : luxury brands. Firms that have a price quality relationship, when small firms must not concentrate on price. Although pricing is an important factor and also influences the behaviour of customers and buyer behaviour, it appears to be an irrelevant tool for some organisations; for Shipley 1981 as a competitive marketing strategy price is an extremely important factor for companies to succeed. Is important to stress that cultural differences have an impact on the way people do business and negotiate; Different cultures may have different expectations as to what should occur during the middle phase of negotiations, and how much time this phase should take. Low context cultures such as the U. S. expect that the middle phase will be a period of bargaining, a process of trade-offs and concessions in which the parties gradually converge on a shared position. Many high context cultures see such a process of haggling as appropriate to price negotiations, but inappropriate to matters of principle. High status individuals do not lower themselves to haggle over small points. Poly-chronic cultures are usually willing to draw out the middle phase. Mono-chronic cultures are usually in more of a hurry to reach an agreement. In order to have a proper training development at International level is evident that staff should be aware of overseas transactions as well as the inside of the organisation, or in other words the International mentality where concepts of exporting, importing and establishing cultural awareness as an overall strategy for the company. As part of the training we can first consider that staff must have the three main key elements within itself: Supervision, discipline and self-determination. Using expatriation and repatriation is also important and relevant for employees to be aware.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr.

Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr. Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr. Starting a Business Letter with Dear Mr. By Maeve Maddox Several years ago, when a reader said he refused to use â€Å"Dear So-and-So† to begin a business letter because dear is too intimate a word to use with a stranger, I assumed that he represented a minority of one. Who, I wondered, would interpret an established convention like â€Å"Dear Sir† literally? Little did I know! I’ve recently stumbled across numerous articles with titles like â€Å"Is ‘Dear’ Dead as a Salutation?† I was amazed to find comments like these: From an English professor Rarely would anyone use dear when writing a friend, but it might be appropriate when applying for a job or emailing a boss. From a teacher Several men admitted they couldn’t force themselves to use Dear to address a business acquaintance, especially one they didn’t like. From a business consultant Dear comes across as too formal–or simply plain creepy and overly intimate.  And between men, the use of it can appear a bit too effeminate. I was surprised to learn that â€Å"rarely would anyone use dear when writing a friend.† When I lived in England, I wrote a lot of letters: to my parents, my brother, grandmothers, my aunts, and friends. Every one of those letters began with â€Å"Dear So-and-So.† Mind you, they were also written by hand with a fountain pen. Even now, on the few occasions that I write a letter to a friend with the intention of putting it in an envelope and mailing it, I still begin with â€Å"Dear.† It’s a convention. It’s courteous. It’s respectful. Just as bizarre as saying that one rarely begins a letter to a friend with Dear is the idea that using Dear to address a business acquaintance is a source of stress in grown men. Certainly, email has changed the way people communicate in writing. Because of its memo format and ease of sending, email has developed relaxed conventions for informal exchanges between friends and colleagues. For this kind of writing, a formal salutation is out of place. But even with email, a distinction is to be drawn between informal and formal communication. â€Å"Hi, So-and-So† is not a suitable way to address an unknown recipient from whom you want something. â€Å"Hey, So-and-So† is worse. â€Å"Dear Mr. Jones† and â€Å"Dear Ms. Smith† are emotion-neutral writing conventions. What I find â€Å"simply plain creepy† is the notion that the salutation Dear can be construed as â€Å"intimate† or â€Å"effeminate† in the context of a business letter. As the professor says in The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, â€Å"Bless me, what do they teach them at these schools!† Related posts: ‘Dear Sir’ and Other Business Conventions Dear Sir Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Business Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Compared "to" or Compared "with"?Homonyms, Homophones, Homographs and HeteronymsWriting Styles (with Examples)

Friday, November 22, 2019

2016 TOEIC Registration and Test Dates

2016 TOEIC Registration and Test Dates 2016 TOEIC Listening and Reading Registration Basics If youre ready to take the TOEIC Listening and Reading, (youve read the documents listed below, practiced and prepared) then you have to register before you can take this 2.5 hour exam. The TOEIC is your key to the future in many cases, so you better read up on these important TOEIC registration facts before you decide to take the plunge.   2016 TOEIC Registration Details You can complete your TOEIC registration online or by filling out a form and mailing it to: In the U.S.: TOEIC ® Services America, 1425 Lower Ferry Road, Ewing, NJ 08618 In Puerto Rico: ETS Puerto Rico Office 250 Muà ±oz Rivera Avenue, American International Plaza, Hato Rey, PR 00918 For the TOEIC Listening and Reading test, there is no walk-in or standby registration, so be sure to register on time so you dont miss your spot. The deadline to register for a public testing session is always on the Thursday one week before the test at, 5 p.m., Eastern Time. If, for example, youre interested in testing on December 10, 2016, then your registration deadline is on Thursday, December 1.   TOEIC Fees: If you take the TOEIC at a public testing center in the U.S., the price is $75 if youd like your scores sent somewhere within the US. If youd like your scores sent outside of the US, the price is $80. If the test is given by your company or organization, the price is set by them so contact your supervisor for pricing info. Fees vary for test-takers outside the U.S. Changed your mind? Dont want to take the TOEIC and want your money back? Refunds are not given if you cancel your test for any reason, unless the test is canceled by the administrators because of low enrollment. So decide ahead of time the best month to take your exam so you dont lose out on the cash because youve had a change of heart.   2016 TOIEC Listening and Reading Test Dates in the U.S. Taking the TOEIC outside of the United States? Youll need to contact your local ETS Preferred Network Office  to find your local administrations. US testers, here are your test dates: January 16, 2016February 13, 2016March 12, 2016April 9, 2016May 14, 2016June 11, 2016July 9, 2016August 13, 2016September 10, 2016October 8, 2016November 12, 2016December 10, 2016    TOEIC Test Centers: There are a few public TOEIC testing centers across the U.S., but not every state has one and many states only have one or two. In California, for example, there are fifteen testing centers, but New York only has three and Colorado only has one test center. Depending on where you live, you may be driving, or even flying, a while. Across the globe not every country has a public testing center, either, so if youd like to register for the TOEIC, but a center isnt located near you, you can request information from ETS to help you find a way to take the exam near you. Complete your TOEIC Registration Now Must Read Documents Before You Complete Your TOEIC Registration: TOEIC 101 Write a Great TOEIC EssayHow to Make an InferenceHow to Find the Main IdeaHow to Understand Vocabulary Words in Context

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 21

Economics - Essay Example The sellers have an ‘insignificant’ market share in a perfectly competitive market, implying that each firm is acting as a price-taker. In monopolistic competition, on the other hand, has as many producers and consumers as the perfect competition. Producers enjoy a degree of control over price. The products sold and purchased in a perfectly competitive market are homogeneous, which are perfect substitutes for each other. In contrast, the products sold in the monopolistically competitive market are heterogeneous. In other words, when a large number of buyers and sellers interact to buy and sell heterogeneous products we have monopolistic competition. Thus, a monopolistically competitive market differs with a perfectly competitive market mostly because of product differentiation, i.e. products are not perfect substitutes. Monopolistic competition involves many aspects of non-price competition. Marginal Revenue (MR) =Marginal Cost (MC) = Price (P) =Average Revenue (AR) = Average Cost (AC). In short run, new firms enter the market, in case the existing firms are making supernormal profits, thereby making reallocation of resources within the market. Given demand remains unchanged, the increased output (with new firms entering the market) shifts the aggregate supply curve to the right and drives the equilibrium market price down until price equates long run average cost. Thus, long run equilibrium is established as firms having no incentives now to move in or out of the market. Hence, in the long run firms make normal profits. In perfect competition ‘allocative efficiency’ is achieved, both in short run and long run, since price equates marginal cost. Production efficiency, occurring when price is equal to average cost at its minimum, is, however, achieved only in the long run. Combining the two, it can be said in the long run optimal levels of ‘static economic efficiency’ is reached in perfect competition. MR

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Job satisfaction and its impact on employee intention to leave Research Paper

Job satisfaction and its impact on employee intention to leave - Research Paper Example The offering of competitive salaries would not only satisfy the employees, but it would also increase their commitment to their work, hence an increase in productivity. As the workload for the employees within the institution increases, so should their pay, because in the modern world, good payment packages are a huge motivator for keeping employees satisfied as well as dedicated to their jobs. If the institution for which people work does not offer them competitive salaries, then there is a high likelihood of them leaving for better paying jobs is quite high. In addition, another reason why employees would lose satisfaction in their jobs is the lack of independence to be innovative in their work. There are instances where the management of an institution chooses to dictate all the processes, which the employees should undertake in the workplace. The lack of consultation by the management to the employees ensures that the former does not know what the employees want and as a result, the latter end up not being satisfied with their work conditions. Employers should make sure that there is frequent consultation with the employees so that any issues from the latter can be addressed and settled. Furthermore, employees should be given the freedom to choose how best to work, as long as what they do is in the best interests of the institution. This will ensure that the employees have a high level of job satisfaction because they will be able to find innovative ways of doing their work without any fear of negative repercussions from the managemen t. The good relationship that would be built between the employers and the employees through constant consultations and innovative freedom to the latter would ensure that the working conditions within the institution are more than satisfactory. It can be concluded that job satisfaction does in fact influence the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Finding The Energy Given Off From Various Fuels Essay Example for Free

Finding The Energy Given Off From Various Fuels Essay Research Question: Which of these fuels (ethanol, methanol and butanol) releases the most kinetic energy per ringitt? Hypothesis: Ethanol will release the most kinetic energy per ringitt because it has an average amount of CH compounds ( Materials: Spirit burner with ethanol 3 aluminum cans Spirit burner with methanol Logger Pro Spirit burner with butanol Insulated container Matches Ring Stand Graduated Cylinder 150mL of water Procedure: 1. Pour 50mL of water into the first aluminum can 2. Place the can 7cm above the ground on the ring stand 3. Place the Logger Pro inside of the can 4. Light the spirit burner of the fuel under the can. 5. Close the container around the ring stand and the spirit burner 6. Stir the Water inside of the can constantly. 7. Record the temperature of the water for 3 minutes. 8. Repeat the steps for each type of fuel. 9. Find the number of kilojoules released by each of the fuels 10. Find the amount of kilojoules of each fuel when there is 1 liter of that fuel. 11. Divide the amount of kilojoules/litre by the cost/litre of each fuel. 12. Choose the fuel with the most kilojoules released per litre. Data Collection and Processing: Ethanol: Measuring the Mass of Ethanol Time Alcohol Container Was Burnt Mass of Alcohol Container (g) Before Burning 160.2 After Burning 158.9 Measuring Temp. of Ethanol Time Temp of Fuel (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C) Before Bunrning 24.6 After Burning 93.8 Methanol: Measuring the Mass of Methanol Time Alcohol Container Was Burnt Mass of Alcohol Container (g) Before Burning 191.4 After Burning 190.1 Measuring Temp. of Methanol Time Temp of Fuel (à ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½C) Before Bunrning 25 After Burning 60.8 Butanol: Mass of Alcohol Container (g): Methanol: Ethanol: Butanol: Before burning 191.4 160.2 190.8 After burning 190.1 158.9 190.5 Temp of fuel C Methanol: Ethanol: Butanol: Before burning 25 24.6 23.8 After burning 60.8 93.8 44.8 Finding the Energy Released by The Fuels (Q = m x C x ?T) Step 1: Finding the ?T (change in temperature) ?T= ending temperature starting temperature Step 2: Finding the Heat Capacity of Water (C ) Heat capacity of water = 4.18 J/g Step 3: Find the mass of water Each can had 50mL of water 1mL = 1 g Each can had 50 g of water Energy released by Ethanol: Q= 50 x 4.18 x 69.2 Q= 14.5 kilojoules Energy Released by Methanol Q= 50 x 4.18 J/g x 35.8 Q= 7.5 kilojoules Energy Released by Butanol: Q= 50 x 4.18 J/g x 21 Q= 4.4 kilojoules Energy Released by ethanol per ringitt: Kilojoules/litre = 11153.8 Energy Released by Methanol per ringitt: Kilojoules/litre = 5769.2 Energy Released by Butanol per ringitt: Kilojoules/litre = 14666.7

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Titanic - Story :: Expository Essays Research Papers

Titanic - Story Hello, my name is Richard Peterson, I am travelling first class, on the Titanic from Ireland, I am moving to New York because I want to make something out of my deep interest in motorcars. I am travelling with my Wife - Mary, Mum - Jean, and brother - John. On the evening of 11th April 1912 at about 11 O'clock I was having a cup of tea with my wife in our cabin when we felt a rather large shudder. We didn't think much of it at the time as we thought that is could have been anything. Room service knocked at my door requesting to take our rubbish, this was when we asked her what the shudder was. She said, "Don't worry, it was only the propeller hitting a small rock, we just stopped the engines to check that they are ok." About a quarter of an hour later a crew member came to our cabin and told us to get our life jackets of and to report up to top deck as soon as possible, this is when both my wife and I started to get a bit worried. As instructed we reported to top deck, but on the way up we were asked the man who made the ship what had happed. He said, "We only have 2 hour at the most, I'm afraid to admit, my ships going to sink." We knew we didn't have much time but enough to easily get on to a lifeboat. So we went back to our cabin and rushed down a cup of tea to stop us from dehydrating as we didn't know how long it would take for another boat to pick us up. Then we went to the restaurant as got some biscuits for us and the other people which would be on our life boat. With only having 1 hour to spare we rushed as quick as we could to the top deck, we looked everywhere but couldn't find a life boat, then when we got to the other side of the deck we found a lifeboat, we cued up for it, we waited about ten minutes until it got to us, then finally we were one of the last four people to get of the lifeboat, we were cramped up, there were forty people on our lifeboat. After about half an hour we were terrified, as we were watching the

Monday, November 11, 2019

Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: A History Essay

In studying the early history of relations between the Aboriginal people of the country that is now called Canada, and the European newcomers from first contact to present day, it appears that more of the truth from the past is being revealed even now. Aboriginal philosophy and technology was vastly different and considered primitive to most newcomers but also was seen as brilliant to those newcomers that were able to understand and learn some of the ancient traditions. It would not be fair to assume that marginalization of the aboriginal was increased only as a direct result of technology, as each culture has its own technology not necessarily better or worse than the other. In early times the Europeans were at the mercy of the Aboriginal`s for their very survival as they were not fit to survive in this part of North America because of the difficult geography and climate. In Dickason’s book Canada’s First Nations: A History of Founding Peoples from Earliest Times she makes reference to how, â€Å"Anthropologist Robin Rodington has made the point that their technology consisted of knowledge rather than tools† (Dickason, pg. 40). It was soon seen that the aboriginal technologies including; survival, shared wealth, spirituality, navigating the wilderness, hunting, trapping, song, dance, stories and methods of warfare were all beneficial to the new colonial pioneers. See more: My Writing Process Essay The Europeans also brought; greed, firearms, firewater, reading, religion and writing (books), some of which were beneficial to the aboriginal but not necessary as they had done very well without them for a long time. Dickason then goes on to explain â€Å"that Amerindians had been able to survive as well as they did with a comparatively simple tool kit† (Dickason. Pg. 40) This simple tool kit was used along with complex knowledge to enable pre-contact aboriginal people to thrive in Northern North America. The early Europeans quickly realized that Aboriginals skills would be required in order for them to survive in such an environment, but they did not yet understand that these Aboriginal people were not to be easily conquered. The Canadian Aboriginal people’s military strength was often underestimated and misunderstood. As the aboriginal people eventually became a minority in their own land and their technology was seen as lacking any real value they were seen as being in the way of progress. In his book Sweet Promises J. R. Miller explains in the introduction how one historian has referred to as the ‘onset of irrelevance’. Relations changed drastically as the aboriginal people were no longer needed for military support as peace was on the horizon after the war of 1812. Increased immigration coupled with; death, disease and a lack of a way to provide for themselves led to the aboriginal people becoming even more of a minority. As marginalization hastened resulting in the aboriginal people having few choices left as they had become institutionalized by the government that was clearly not trying to help them at this point. All they could do was survive and try and hold on to what they had known before the Europeans had arrived not to mention their self-respect. Looking at this part of the World at this time which is considered a time of peace after The War of 1812. With the technological revolution under way which would change every culture on the planet, including the Canadian aboriginal way of life. The government with an increasing amount of immigrants and only so much good land to go around would create the reserve and the residential school to deal with the aboriginal. It was a piece at a time process but eventually it would contribute to their further marginalization and demise as a people. The government of its day just wanted what was best for its people of which the aboriginal were not. They were acting as if they were doing something good for the aboriginal people but facts are facts. The Steam engine, the automobile and soon another War would affect the aboriginal way of life both negatively and positively as well. It wouldn’t be until after the Second World War that the Canadian Aboriginal would begin to have any relevance as it would seem as the same as the reasons in the past. As J. R. miller points out in Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens â€Å"that the relationship between the indigenous peoples and non- natives has been shaped by practical, often economic, factors†. (Miller pg. 402-3). The recent â€Å"Idle No More† protest movement is proof that the Canadian aboriginal people are going to become more relevant in Canada’s future. Looking at the history of Canada with a better understanding from both the aboriginal side and the European side it is clear to see the past. In history this same process has occurred between different cultures and their technologies. Sometimes as well in history it has been seen that the cultures that survive exclusion emerge and then their true wisdom and its value is understood by all. More of the cause of the marginalization that has occurred was a clash of cultures; one of greed vs. that of benevolence. I see this happening now more than ever in Canada and the world could learn from the aboriginal knowledge especially how to protect the planet and its inhabitants.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

History of Life Through Time Essay

1. The website shows the basic phylogeny of the three main lineages of life forms. They are â€Å"Archaea,† â€Å"Eubacteria,† and â€Å"Eukaryotes. † It also shows â€Å"Viruses† outside of the tree, with a question mark indicating that its place in the tree is undetermined, if it belongs in the tree at all. 2. This site attempts to show the two alternative phylogenies of the major lineages of life forms. The â€Å"archaea tree† distinguishes two variations of archaea, and shows that archaea are more closely related to eukaryotes than to eubacteria. In the â€Å"eocyte tree,† archaea are not specified at all, but eukaryotes are shown as most closely related to crenarchaeota-eocytes, which was a derivation of archaea in the previous tree. 3. Viruses are not listed in these two phylogenies because they are not proven to be actual life forms. Where archaea, eubacteria and eukaryotes are classified as â€Å"life forms† due to their ability to transfer genes, viruses have not been determined to be living. They are therefore not included on these two phylogenetic trees. At the other website, , a detailed phylogeny of the Eukaryotes is provided. From this it is evident that Fungi are more closely related to Animalia than to Plantae. 5. Both sites show that the major life classifications are â€Å"Bacteria,† â€Å"Eukaryotes,† and â€Å"Archaea. † The â€Å"Tree of Life† site shows the alternatives to how closely the lineages are related, giving two examples of how the three domains may be nested within each other instead of being derived equally. The University of California site breaks down the systematics of each domain separately and more specifically, leaving the three domains as separate entities entirely. Works Cited History of Life Through Time. 2009. University of California Museum of Paleontology. 3 June 2009 . Tree of Life Web Project. 1997. Life on Earth. Version 01 January 1997 (temporary). 3 June 2009 in The Tree of Life Web Project, .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Theocracy And Reformation

Theocracy And Reformation: An In Depth Analysis Of Government and Social propriety . The aspect of government and social propriety play a significant role in terms of the ancient civilizations. Through the precedence of Greece and Egypt one can find how social order is implemented and uniformity established. Both Civilizations believed they pleased their god’s by abiding by the standard set by society and livng conditions. The makings of Theocracy and the forth comings of Reform soon come abroad as a result of the interpretation given by each civilization. In Egypt a citizen’s job description was their classification socially, and family history determined governmental placement. In contrast in Greece, a given job title might not necessarily affect placement in office, socially there was a caste system but the defining of one socially didn’t reprimand them in terms of political participation. Egypt believed their rulers were â€Å"directly† descendants from the god’s, Greece believed its rulers should be â€Å"directly† cho sen by the people. Due to the fact that Greece was more Democratic in terms of there social and political beliefs it made them the reformists in terms of standard for a civilization. Democratic deriving from the word â€Å"democracy† or in greek â€Å"demos† â€Å"kratos† meaning a government in which the people hold power (Fiero 79).Tthe Golden Age of Greece sets a prime example of how this democratic society broke the barriers of other ancient civilizations. The Greeks believed that there god’s were regular people such as them almost equal to them shown in the sculpture made of Zeus, in the figure sculpted he is shown to have the same body parts and physical features of an mortal or common human (Fiero 114) . Many soon believed in this concept that the god’s were just like them just immortal, soon many believed to please them is to please themselves leading to a dramtic change in the common man’s ... Free Essays on Theocracy And Reformation Free Essays on Theocracy And Reformation Theocracy And Reformation: An In Depth Analysis Of Government and Social propriety . The aspect of government and social propriety play a significant role in terms of the ancient civilizations. Through the precedence of Greece and Egypt one can find how social order is implemented and uniformity established. Both Civilizations believed they pleased their god’s by abiding by the standard set by society and livng conditions. The makings of Theocracy and the forth comings of Reform soon come abroad as a result of the interpretation given by each civilization. In Egypt a citizen’s job description was their classification socially, and family history determined governmental placement. In contrast in Greece, a given job title might not necessarily affect placement in office, socially there was a caste system but the defining of one socially didn’t reprimand them in terms of political participation. Egypt believed their rulers were â€Å"directly† descendants from the god’s, Greece believed its rulers should be â€Å"directly† cho sen by the people. Due to the fact that Greece was more Democratic in terms of there social and political beliefs it made them the reformists in terms of standard for a civilization. Democratic deriving from the word â€Å"democracy† or in greek â€Å"demos† â€Å"kratos† meaning a government in which the people hold power (Fiero 79).Tthe Golden Age of Greece sets a prime example of how this democratic society broke the barriers of other ancient civilizations. The Greeks believed that there god’s were regular people such as them almost equal to them shown in the sculpture made of Zeus, in the figure sculpted he is shown to have the same body parts and physical features of an mortal or common human (Fiero 114) . Many soon believed in this concept that the god’s were just like them just immortal, soon many believed to please them is to please themselves leading to a dramtic change in the common man’s ...

Monday, November 4, 2019

The theme of the display will be representative examples of Saints and Martyrs created during the Reformation, the theme is to display the notion of the Catholic Church as the one true church separate and distinct from the Protestantism. Art works developed in the Catholic Church at this time were to be unique and focus on specific aspects of the Catholic dogma. The art pieces I have selected are strong examples of the beliefs of the time that art should focus on: Jesus Christ, Mary the Virgin Mother, Saints, and martyrs. This exhibition would be a balanced representation, as it shows an uplifting painting in The Dream of Saint Catherine as well as the suffering of those who, literally, gave up their lives for their faith in the Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew and in Saint Sebastian, showing both central figures suffering for what they believed in and the splendor of angels taking Saint Sebastian to his savior. The use of vivid colors interspersed with blacks and grays was typical and used to draw the viewer closer to see what lies in the darkness of the images. The viewers should learn that art of this time was limited, somewhat, in terms of subject and content, but was unlimited in each artist’s different rendition of the Saints and Martyrs of the day. I chose this topic and these images because they are excellent examples of the church’s vision of what constituted appropriate art at the time, â€Å"prior to the Reformation, the Catholic Church was considered elitist, rather than a place for the masses. The Counter-Reformation changed this approach and the Catholic Church tried to be open and transparent to all audiences. Art was a way to teach both the literate and illiterate about Christianity† (Crocker Art Museum).   The Catholic Church’s view of what was acceptable and expected in art, was, in many ways,   prescriptive, i.e., pious individuals were to be a main focus to encourage piety in those who gazed upon it. It forced the artist to meet the criteria established by the church, to include what subjects were favored, how the images should be direct and compelling in the narration and should be presented in a clear manner, without unnecessary embellishments. Finally, the art was to be simple enough tha t ordinary people could easily understand the story being portrayed, to the extent possible. The three pieces fit together as a collection because they represent the subjects giving up something for their faith. Saint Catherine gives up the possibility of being a wife and a mother through her imaginary marriage to Christ. This sacrifice is reinforced by the images of Mary and the infant Christ accompanied by angels both in the forefront and in the darker portions of the painting. Saint Sebastian is an image of the saint’s â€Å"state of emotional transport and transcendence of bodily pain.† He is accompanied by angels that are supporting him, representing the notion that he is not alone. Get high quality custom written essay just for $10 The angels appear to be taking Sebastian to a better place as a reward for his suffering and persecution of being a Christian under the reign of Diocletian. The last painting, Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, is another representation of someone giving up their lives for their church, but it is slightly different in that Bartholomew is alive in every sense of the word and although he is a sympathy inducing subject, he does not dwell in the suffering, but looks towards heaven. â€Å"The viewer is meant to empathize with Bartholomew, whose body seemingly bursts through the surface of the canvas, and whose outstretched arms embrace a mystical light that illuminates his flesh. His piercing eyes, open mouth, and petitioning left hand bespeak an intense communion with the divine; yet this same hand draws our attention to the instruments of his torture, symbolically positioned in the shape of a cross.† The three pieces placed together represent the artist’s interpretation of ev ents in a manner that comes across as almost three dimensional. The figures in each of the paintings, particularly the main figure, appears as though they could burst off the canvas with ease. The Dream of Saint Catherine of Alexandria was painted by Logovico Carracci, c 1593. Lodovico was the oldest of the three Carracci’s from the family of Bolognese artists who are recognized as having â€Å"inaugurated the age of the baroque.† His work was in high demand due to the fact that his depictions of Saints were known for eliciting piety in those who laid eyes upon his work. The piece was completed when Carracci was about 38 years old. The painting at one time was even owned by the French Royal Family. The figure of Saint Catherine asleep was based on an ancient Roman statue. Saint Sebastian by Tanzio De Varallo. Tanzio da Varallo (Antonio d’Enrico) was born c. 1575 in Varallo in the mountains north of Milan and orphaned at 11 when he moved to live with his brothers who were working on the Sacro Monte, where he first received his artistic training. In 1600 he was given permission to go to Rome for the Jubilee Year. There is strong evidence he traveled to Naples and Venice, where he continued to work and study. He died in Varallo Sesia in 1633. De Ribera was a Spanish Tenebrist painter. A great deal of his best known work was done in Rome, Italy, and Naples where he finally settled. This painting was done while he was living in Naples. Little is written about the specific reasons for each piece, other than the pious nature of the subjects and the similarities to paintings made by each artist in the time period. The Dream of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, c. 1593, exemplifies the goals of the Guidelines for Church art following Council of Trent: Be clear, intelligible, realistic, to be an emotional stimulant to the faithful, emphasis on the mystical, and a tool for instructing the illiterate. The image is of Saint Catherine dressed in the finest of clothes sound asleep accompanied by two angels, Mary and infant Jesus looking down at her spiritually and supportively. The colors, where they are used, are bright and inviting, and the darker portion of the painting is mystical as the shadows seem out of proportion, â€Å"at the same time, the quirky folds and pleats cascading down Catherine’s garments impart a vertiginous sensation — the dizziness of sleep.† Rely on professional writers with your college paper and take a load off your mind. Relax while we are working on your essay. Your peace of mind is just one click away

Saturday, November 2, 2019

E-Portfolio Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

E-Portfolio - Essay Example The course will concentrate on creating a thorough syllabus that will help the students generate and interpret ideas (O'Malley & Pierce). The social studies theme chosen for this curriculum is known as "The American Dream". It will focus on creating an individual who is educated and enlightened in all spheres of life. The theme will cover a variety of diverse subjects including history, geography and social etiquette. It will contain hidden undertones that emphasize the greatness of America and the roots taken for her to achieve success. The title of the book will remind the children of the motto held by the great state in ensuring its citizens provide and achieve the best from it. Thus, if later in life the student ever stumbles in their path to make a difference, this social studies book will be a perfect reminder of the Declaration of Independence which asks all Americans to strive in the pursuit of happiness because the state can indeed provide it. The units created in this essay will be Mystery History, YOU and Now your turn. All three topics will vary in the education they provide to the students. Starting with Mystery History, it will focus on the time before the Declaration of Independence was signed. It will cover a wide range of material from the time of colonialism to the Boston Tea Party, the Colonial Wars and success leading to the Declaration of Independence. Without going into the intricate details of these events, the topic will cover the bare essentials, mostly focusing on the reasons and consequences behind certain events. An idea like this cannot be taught without dates but it shall be ensured that only the most basic of dates are given such as the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This topic will touch the history of America and will instill the idea of the sacrifices made to achieve the status it has today. Thus ensuring that at a very young age the student knows the cost at which their freedom was a chieved and the necessity to maintain it. The second topic will be known merely as "YOU". This topic will refer to the rights each American citizen has in his country. Because this topic is too extensive and complicated for a young student, many might defer from using it. However, if taught it will form a basis of what the student should expect from life in the future and will be the breeding ground for true American freedom. This topic will be in quick succession after the history of American Independence because it will create a connection with what has been achieved by the students' ancestors. It will focus on the basics of the Declaration of Independence, ensuring that the student realizes that this is practiced even today: All men are created equal. They have unalienable rights amongst them are those of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The third topic will be titled "Now your turn". Its connection with the second title will come because it shows the student their responsibility to return to America what the country has given it. This topic will cover a wide range of ethics that a student must learn from something trivial to throwing garbage in the trash can to helping an elderly woman cross the road.