Monday, September 23, 2019

How will the initiative affect StarBucks Sales Essay

How will the initiative affect StarBucks Sales - Essay Example First, the reusable cups will cost customers $1. When they lose, crush or forget to carry them back the next time they buy coffee that will cost them another $1. Statistics indicate that, in the US alone, 233 million persons are old enough to consume coffee (Tice, 2012). Assuming each buys a reusable cup only once, that will translate to about $65 million worth of cups alone. Then, that would serve as free advertising, since consumers will keep the reusable cups with them, in their kitchens, offices and cars. That has more potential of being closer to consumers than billboard advertisements. Consumers will also save 10 cents each time they refill their reusable cups. In the long run, before the cups finally wear out, they would have earned back the $1 they used to buy them, so long as they continue buying from Starbucks (Tice, 2012). Essentially, this means the reusable cups will generate repeat

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