Monday, September 30, 2019
Food safety Essay
However, according to Unit 04 – Communication of Health & Consumers Directorate-General of the European Commission (SANCO): â€Å"The Codex, while being recommendations for voluntary application by members, Codex standards serve in many cases as a basis for national legislation. The reference made to Codex food safety standards in the World Trade Organizations’ Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary measures (SPS Agreement) means that Codex has far reaching implications for resolving trade disputes. WTO members that wish to apply stricter food safety measures than those set by Codex may be required to justify these measures scientifically. †So, an agreement made in 2003, signed by all member states, inclusive all EU, in the codex Stan Codex 240 – 2003 for coconut milk, sulphite containing additives like E223 and E 224 are allowed till 30 mg/kg, does NOT mean, they are allowed into the EU, see RASFF entries from Denmark: 2012. 0834; 2011. 1848; en 2011. 168, â€Å"sulphite unauthorised in coconut milk from Thailand â€Å". Same for polysorbate E 435: see 2012. 0838 from Denmark, unauthorised polysorbates in coconut milk and, 2007. AIC from France. Only for the latter the EU amended its regulations with (EU) No 583/2012 per 2 July 2012 to allow this additive, already used for decades and absolutely necessary. Australia[edit]Food Standards Australia New Zealand is working toward ensuring that all food businesses implement food safety systems to ensure food is safe to consume in a bid to halt the increasing incidence of food poisoning, this includes basic food safety training for at least one person in each business. Smart business operators know that basic food safety training improves the bottom line, staff take more pride in their work; there is less waste; and customers can have more confidence in the food they consume. Food Safety training in units of competence from a relevant training package, must be delivered by a Registered Training Organization (RTO) to enable staff to be issued with a nationally recognised unit of competency code on their certificate. Generally this training can be completed in less than one day. Training options are available to suit the needs of everyone. Training may be carried out in-house for a group, in a public class, via correspondence or online. Basic food safety training includes: Understanding the hazards associated with the main types of food and the conditions to prevent the growth of bacteria which can cause food poisoning and to prevent illness The problems associated with product packaging such as leaks in vacuum packs, damage to packaging or pest infestation, as well as problems and diseases spread by pests. Safe food handling. This includes safe procedures for each process such as receiving, re-packing, food storage, preparation and cooking, cooling and re-heating, displaying products, handling products when serving customers, packaging, cleaning and sanitizing, pest control, transport and delivery. Also the causes of cross contamination. Catering for customers who are particularly at risk of food-borne illness, including allergies and intolerance. Correct cleaning and sanitizing procedures, cleaning products and their correct use, and the storage of cleaning items such as brushes, mops and cloths. Personal hygiene, hand washing, illness, and protective clothing. People responsible for serving unsafe food can be liable for heavy fines under this new legislation, consumers are pleased that industry will be forced to take food safety seriously. China[edit]Main article: Food safety in the People’s Republic of China Food safety is a growing concern in Chinese agriculture. The Chinese government oversees agricultural production as well as the manufacture of food packaging, containers, chemical additives, drug production, and business regulation. In recent years, the Chinese government attempted to consolidate food regulation with the creation of the State Food and Drug Administration in 2003, and officials have also been under increasing public and international pressure to solve food safety problems. However, it appears that regulations are not well known by the trade. Labels used for â€Å"green†food, â€Å"organic†food and â€Å"pollution-free†food are not well recognized by traders and many are unclear about their meaning. A survey by the World Bank found that supermarket managers had difficulty in obtaining produce that met safety requirements and found that a high percentage of produce did not comply with established standards. [6] Traditional marketing systems, whether in China or the rest of Asia, presently provide little motivation or incentive for individual farmers to make improvements to either quality or safety as their produce tends to get grouped together with standard products as it progresses through the marketing channel. Direct linkages between farmer groups and traders or ultimate buyers, such as supermarkets, can help avoid this problem. Governments need to improve the condition of many markets through upgrading management and reinvesting market fees in physical infrastructure. Wholesale markets need to investigate the feasibility of developing separate sections to handle fruits and vegetables that meet defined safety and quality standards. [7] European Union[edit]The parliament of the European Union (EU) makes legislation in the form of directives and regulations, many of which are mandatory for member states and which therefore must be incorporated into individual countries’ national legislation. As a very large organisation that exists to remove barriers to trade between member states, and into which individual member states have only a proportional influence, the outcome is often seen as an excessively bureaucratic ‘one size fits all’ approach. However, in relation to food safety the tendency to err on the side of maximum protection for the consumer may be seen as a positive benefit. The EU parliament is informed on food safety matters by the European Food Safety Authority. Individual member states may also have other legislation and controls in respect of food safety, provided that they do not prevent trade with other states, and can differ considerably in their internal structures and approaches to the regulatory control of food safety. France[edit]Agence nationale de securite sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail (anses) is a French governmental agency dealing with food safety. Germany[edit]The Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer. Protection (BMELV)[8] is a Federal Ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany. History: Founded as Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Foresting in 1949, this name did not change until 2001. Then the name changed to Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture. At the 22nd of November 2005, the name got changed again to its current state: Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. The reason for this last change was that all the resorts should get equal ranking which was achieved by sorting the resorts alphabetically. Vision: A balanced and healthy diet with safe food, distinct consumer rights and consumer information for various areas of life, and a strong and sustainable agriculture as well as perspectives for our rural areas are important goals of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV). The Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety is under the control of the Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection. It exercises several duties, with which it contributes to safer food and thereby intensifies health-based consumer protection in Germany. Food can be manufactured and sold within Germany without a special permission, as long as it does not cause any damage on consumers’ health and meets the general standards set by the legislation. However, manufacturers, carriers, importers and retailers are responsible for the food they pass into circulation. They are obliged to ensure and document the safety and quality of their food with the use of in-house control mechanisms. Hong Kong[edit]In Hong Kong SAR, the Centre for Food Safety is in charge of ensuring food sold is safe and fit for consumption. India[edit]Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, established under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, is the regulating body related to food safety and laying down of standards of food in India. New Zealand[edit]See also: Food safety in New Zealand The New Zealand Food Safety Authority (NZFSA), or Te Pou Oranga Kai O Aotearoa is the New Zealand government body responsible for food safety. NZFSA is also the controlling authority for imports and exports of food and food-related products. The NZFSA as of 2012 is now a division of the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) and is no longer its own organization. Pakistan[edit]Pakistan does not have an integrated legal framework but has a set of laws, which deals with various aspects of food safety. These laws, despite the fact that they were enacted long time ago, have tremendous capacity to achieve at least minimum level of food safety. However, like many other laws, these laws remain very poorly enforced. There are four laws that specifically deal with food safety. Three of these laws directly focus issues related to food safety, while the fourth, the Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Act, is indirectly relevant to food safety. The Pure Food Ordinance 1960 consolidates and amends the law in relation to the preparation and the sale of foods. All provinces and some northern areas have adopted this law with certain amendments. Its aim is to ensure purity of food being supplied to people in the market and, therefore, provides for preventing adulteration. The Pure Food Ordinance 1960 does not apply to cantonment areas. There is a separate law for cantonments called â€Å"The Cantonment Pure Food Act, 1966†. There is no substantial difference between the Pure Food Ordinance 1960 and The Cantonment Pure Food Act. Even the rules of operation are very much similar. Pakistan Hotels and Restaurant Act, 1976 applies to all hotels and restaurants in Pakistan and seeks to control and regulate the rates and standard of service(s) by hotels and restaurants. In addition to other provisions, under section 22(2), the sale of food or beverages that are contaminated, not prepared hygienically or served in utensils that are not hygienic or clean is an offense. There are no express provisions for consumer complaints in the Pakistan Restaurants Act, 1976, Pakistan Penal Code, 1860 and Pakistan Standards and Quality Control Authority Act, 1996. The laws do not prevent citizens from lodging complaints with the concerned government officials; however, the consideration and handling of complaints is a matter of discretion of the officials. [9] South Korea[edit]Korea Food & Drug Administration[edit]Korea Food & Drug Administration (KFDA)[10] is working for food safety since 1945. It is part of the Government of South Korea. IOAS[11]-Organic Certification Bodies Registered in KFDA: â€Å"Organic†or related claims can be labelled on food products when organic certificates are considered as valid by KFDA. KFDA admits organic certificates which can be issued by 1) IFOAM (International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movement) accredited certification bodies 2) Government accredited certification bodies – 328 bodies in 29 countries have been registered in KFDA. Food Import Report: According to Food Import Report,[12] it is supposed to report or register what you import. Competent authority is as follows: Product.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Definition of Records Management
In the past, ‘records management' was sometimes used to refer only to the management of records which were no longer in everyday use but still needed to be kept – ‘semi-current' or ‘inactive' records, often stored in basements or offsite. More modern usage tends to refer to the entire ‘lifecycle' of records – from the point of creation right through until their eventual disposal.The ISO 15489: 2001 standard defines records management as â€Å"The field of management responsible for the efficient and systematic control of the creation, receipt, maintenance, use and disposition of records, including the processes for capturing and maintaining evidence of and information about business activities and transactions in the form of records†. The ISO defines records as â€Å"information created, received, and maintained as evidence and information by an organization or person, in pursuance of legal obligations or in the transaction of businessâ⠂¬ .The International Council on Archives (ICA) Committee on Electronic Records defines a record as â€Å"a recorded information produced or received in the initiation, conduct or completion of an institutional or individual activity and that comprises content, context and structure sufficient to provide evidence of the activity. †The key word in these definitions is evidence. Put simply, a record can be defined as â€Å"evidence of an event†. Records Management is the storage preservation and retrieval of information in the shortest possible time. MUDD) Records management is very important for the use of storing document this topic was thought in Office Administration. The United States Department of Defence standard DoD 5015. 02-STD defines Records Management as â€Å"The planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting, and other managerial activities involving the life cycle of information, including creation, maintenance (use, storage, retrieva l), and disposal, regardless of media. â€Å"
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Managing Employees Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Managing Employees Relations - Essay Example Models of Employee Relationships The models of employee relationships hovers basically around two approaches-individualism and collectivism. In the individualistic approach focus is rendered on the development of the productive capacity of individual employees in the concern. The development of the employees on an individual network can be accomplished through formal training approaches or through motivating the people through financial or other rewards to render productivity to the concern. This practice helps at enhancing both the commitment and loyalty of the employees working in the concern. Similarly the workers can be called for participation in the decision making activities in the concern. This helps in the enhancement of participative management in the concern. In contrast to the individualism approach the organisations also work on the collectivism approach that depends on a great extent on the existence of trade union bodies. Through the existence of trade union bodies the organisations can encourage the employees to take part in decision making activities regarding such events that tend to directly have impact on them. Like the trade unions can be encouraged by the human resources managers of the concern to collectively bargain with the employees in regards to their wage and employment needs (Purcell, 1987, p.536, 538). In regards to the above discussion the paper focuses to understand the employee relation practices employed at ACME in regards to the various events involving the employees of the concern. Identification of the Management Style Used by ACME Recruitment The management style of ACME in the recruitment process focuses not only on the experiences of the candidate but also on the knowledge potential of the person that would be helpful to serve the concern. Moreover the recruitment process also involves the incorporation of a psychometric test that not only gauges the potential of the individual but also helps the managers in gauging the i ndividual based on different situations. Again recommendations from the family circle of employees is not entertained rather friends or colleagues of employees working in like position are called for interview. A major chunk of the potential roles in the organization are filled in by internal people. Though the management focuses on engaging fresh blood from the society for the primary roles the bigger posts are filled in by people working previously in the organization. This recruitment process entailed by the organization is justified in that it aims to evaluate the skills and aptitude of the people or the interviewees in relation to the posts created in the concern. This helps in effectively matching the ability of the workers to the needs of the concern. Moreover the use of psychometric tests in the organization also helps in conforming the skill sets of the employee along with rightly judging the personality traits of the individual needed to match the concern’
Friday, September 27, 2019
Sir francis drake Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Sir francis drake - Essay Example During the period of 1570s Drake single handedly further benefited his nation by making two highly profitable trips to the region of West Indies. During the same time period he even was the commander of two ships that made an expedition in the Caribbean region against his Spanish counterparts. He is even credited for capturing the port of Nombre de Dios and due to this along with the treasure he took away from the Spanish he was credited as a privateer3. During the period of 1577, Drake was made part of a secretive expedition which targeted the Spanish colonies and within a one year time period he lost 4 out of 5 ships that he took along. He was successful in becoming the first ever Englishman to identify Straits of Magellan. During his trip towards the upper side of South America’s western coasts he aggressively countered Spanish ports and became the first person to explore the entire western cost of the region of America as compared to any other European at that time in orde r to identify the route that passed through the Atlantic region. Due to his failure to find a route he made a turn towards the southern region during 1579 and went across passing the Pacific. During his trips he came across various regions and even went through the Cape of Good Hope4. By the period of 1580, he returned back home along with various offerings to benefit the British community. He returned with treasures of the Spanish people as well as a full cargo that contained various spices and he became the first individual belonging to the English community to go around the globe. During the same year he was again made the knight of the Golden Hind as a result of annoying the Spain’s King. 5 years later he was able to steal different cities of Spain and while returning he brought along the colonists of the region of Roanoke Island who had been unsuccessful and this led to the creation of the first colony of the New
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Financial Statements for Harvey Norman Australia Essay
Financial Statements for Harvey Norman Australia - Essay Example Overall, Harvey Norman Australia produced profitable 2011 and 2010 business operations. A) Analysis the Company Liquidity Position: The liquidity ratios focus on the Harvey Norman Australia’s ability to pay its liabilities on time. A company is liquid if its current ratio is positive. The company’s liquidity ratio is favorable, if the quick ratio is also positive (Brigham, 2009). 1. Current Ratio. The current ratio is shows the relationship between the company’s current assets and current liabilities. A positive current ratio shows a favorable picture of the company. The current ratio is arrived at by dividing the current assets by the current liabilities (Morrell, 2007). On the other hand, a negative current ratio indicates that the company is not able to use its current assets to pay for its currently maturing liabilities on time. Table 1 shows the company’s 2011 current ratio is 1.82 times. The above computation shows that company’s 2011 current assets (1,433,227.00) is higher than the prior year’s current assets (1,254,100). Likewise, the company’s 2011 current liabilities (786,852.00) are higher than the 2010 current liabilities (669,328.00). The ratio shows that the company’s current assets are 1.82 times higher than the company’s current liabilities. ... 2. Quick Ratio. The quick ratio is shows the relationship between the company’s quick assets and current liabilities. The quick asset amount is arrived at by deducting the inventory amount from the total current asset amount. Similarly, a positive current ratio indicates a positive image of the company. The current ratio is generated by dividing the quick assets by the current liabilities (Smart, 2008). Table 2 espouses the company’s 2011 quick ratio is 6.33 times. The ratio shows that the company’s 2011 quick assets (1,291,009.00) are higher than the prior year’s quick assets (1,200,183.00). The ratio shows that the company’s quick assets are 6.33 times more than the company’s current liabilities. The company’s 2010 quick ratio (5.64) is lower than the 2011 quick ratio (6.33). Using the quick ratio financial statement analysis, the two quick ratios show the company performed financially better in 2011, when compared to 2010. The quick ratio similarly proves that the company has the available funds to defray its present liabilities. B) Activity Position: The activity ratios measure the efficiency and liquidity of Harvey Norman Australia’s management. The ratios include determining how fast the company converts cash into other assets and the other assets back into cash (Taylor, 2006). 1. Inventory Turnover Ratio. The ratio determines how fast inventory is sold. The ratio is arrived at by dividing the company’s cost of goods sold by the average inventory (Taylor, 2006). Table 3 confirms the company’s 2011 inventory turnover ratio is 11.52 times. The ratio analysis shows that the company’s 2011 cost of goods figure (1,129,517.00) is lower than the prior year’s cost of goods amount (1,344,455.00). The ratio also
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Florida Lovebugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Florida Lovebugs - Essay Example They are easy to identify, being black with a red spot. They usually come in pairs and have eight legs. Males are relatively smaller than their mates. Two bugs spend the majority of their short lives attached to each other. They fly around that way, and even though the male eventually dies, he is not released until the female lays her eggs. This explains alternate names such as the honeymoon fly and the kissybug. Whatever one may call them, they are intriguing insects. When it is dark, lovebugs feed off of vegetation. They are a problem solely during daylight hours. They infest wooded areas more than anywhere else. They prefer to live inland, near pastures and rotting vegetation. They make matters worse for people when it rains; more of their eggs hatch, and their enormous population contributes to human aggravation. It is not that lovebugs are poisonous or unfriendly. They don't ever sting, bite, or stink, and they don't often carry disease. These insects are a type of March fly and are otherwise known as Plecia nearctica. In many ways, they are similar most other flies. The mature female lovebug's lifespan is limited to mere days. She quickly reproduces and lays eggs under rotting vegetation, off of which her larvae feed. That is when they begin to "provide a beneficial function by converting the plant material into organic components which can again be used by the growing plants" (Short). Once they are fully grown, though less than an inch long, they cause serious damage. They help plants live, but they also frustrate most with whom they cross paths. The flight of the lovebug is extremely troublesome. It lasts for four to five weeks, mostly around the months of May and September. When the temperature tops sixty-eight degrees and it is light outside, swarms are attracted to the warmth of nearby streets. Sometimes, so many end up covering one windshield that a driver must struggle to see the road ahead. They seem to be drawn to light colors, which makes it worse for light cars. Lovebugs also clog radiator fins during their flights and make cars overheat. The acid in their fatty tissue can ruin a car's finish if the mess they make is not taken care of quickly. The problems they cause are certainly expensive to fix, especially if "you don't clean your car every two days," according to News 13, Central Florida News. There are numerous other reasons for individuals to dislike lovebugs. For instance, beekeepers are unhappy with them; bees ignore flowers that flies infest. In addition, they "get into refrigeration equipment on trucks causing them to malfunction... and sometimes drivers and passengers soil their clothing by sitting on lovebugs" (Short). Handling these creatures can be tedious. The issue is so serious that sometimes carpenters will not paint if their work might be ruined by a swarm! Luckily, simple solutions are at hand. Dealing with lovebugs has become routine for many Floridians. It is useful to note that they feed on nectar, and their favorite meals include goldenrod, Brazilian pepper, and sweet clover. Avoiding these flowers in personal gardens will help to keep them at bay. However, Brazilian pepper is "public enemy No. 1 among invasive species" (Waymer), so it might help to keep a few planted nearby. It depends on personal preference. Some have attempted using insecticides to control
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Management and Leadership (Coursework - Report) Essay
Management and Leadership (Coursework - Report) - Essay Example An institution’s success largely depends on how decisions are made and the structure that govern employee relationship and customer service (Simon 2006, pp.44). The company has maintains high standards by employing a very capable management team. They include the Chairman of the chain, Bill Marriot; The Chief Executive Officer; Arne Sorenson; the President and Chief Operating officer, Hurve Humler and the Chief Financial Officer, Peter Cole (Ritz-Carlton 2010). The company however achieved its high position in global hospitality under the leadership of President Horst Schulze. Schulze introduced focus on both the data-driven and personal sides of hospitality. The hotel chain has accomplished a lot since its inception and is the only company in the world to have won the prestigious Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Awards twice both in 1992 and 1998 (Bono & Heijden 2011, pp.221). It has placed in top positions in various notable hospitality surveys such as the Zagat Survey. Mis sion and Goals The motto of the Ritz-Carlton hotel is â€Å"Ladies and Gentlemen serving Ladies and Gentlemen†. This motto describes the general operations of the company and defines its corporate strategy. Since its inception, the company’s goal has been to provide exemplary service to their consumers while ensuring that elegance and luxury is of high quality. The company is dedicated to ensuring that their consumers feel like loyalty from the moment the step through the doors till the moment they depart. Customer Relations According to Storey, Emberson and Reade (2005, pp.248), customer responsiveness largely depends on the management model used and can make or break a company. The Ritz-Carlton group has ensured that their customer service if exemplary and worthy to compete in the global hospitality market. The previous president Horst Schulze instituted certain quality service control that catapulted the hotel chain into the top. Apart from the three levels of servi ce employed to make guests feel welcome, employees in the company are given the authority to handle any complaints from customers on the spot and can spend $2000 in the process as necessitated (Bono & Heijden 2011, pp.223). The employees can also request immediate aid from other employees. Furthermore, the employees are also required to gain feedback from the customers within a twenty minute period on the progress of problem resolution. Analysis of the Corporate Strategy of the Ritz-Carlton Hofstede demonstrated that there are several dimensions of culture that determine the operations of a company. The dimensions define how a company interacts both with its employees and its consumers. The first dimension is whether a company is means oriented or goal oriented (Hofstede 1980, pp.74). The Ritz-Carlton company is goal oriented such that the structure commencing from its credo to internal operations are all geared to providing the exemplary customer service and maintaining the Ritz-Ca rlton mystique. The second dimension is whether a company is internal driven or externally driven (Bono & Heijden 2011, pp.212). In an internally driven company, employees perceive that honesty and business ethics are vital and that they better understand what the customer needs. In an externally driven system however, emphasis is on meeting the requirements and needs of the customer (Aaker 2007, pp.59). The Ritz is an externally dri
Monday, September 23, 2019
How will the initiative affect StarBucks Sales Essay
How will the initiative affect StarBucks Sales - Essay Example First, the reusable cups will cost customers $1. When they lose, crush or forget to carry them back the next time they buy coffee that will cost them another $1. Statistics indicate that, in the US alone, 233 million persons are old enough to consume coffee (Tice, 2012). Assuming each buys a reusable cup only once, that will translate to about $65 million worth of cups alone. Then, that would serve as free advertising, since consumers will keep the reusable cups with them, in their kitchens, offices and cars. That has more potential of being closer to consumers than billboard advertisements. Consumers will also save 10 cents each time they refill their reusable cups. In the long run, before the cups finally wear out, they would have earned back the $1 they used to buy them, so long as they continue buying from Starbucks (Tice, 2012). Essentially, this means the reusable cups will generate repeat
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Advantages of Human Genetic Engineering Essay Example for Free
Advantages of Human Genetic Engineering Essay Genetic engineering in its present form has been around for approximately twenty five years. The dictionary defines human genetic engineering as the alteration of an individuals genotype with the aim of choosing the phenotype of a newborn or changing the existing phenotype of a child or adult. There are many social consequences that are associated with genetic engineering which has caused much debate from its beginning in 1970s. The benefits of human genetic engineering are endless, the most predominant advantages include curing genetic diseases, increasing human immunity, and the production of more effective pharmaceuticals. The most promising benefit of human genetic engineering is gene therapy. Gene therapy is the medical treatment of a disease by repairing or replacing defective genes or introducing therapeutic genes to fight the disease. Over the past ten years, certain autoimmune diseases diseases resulting from a disordered immune system reaction and heart disease have been treated with gene therapy. Many diseases, such as Huntingtons disease, Lou Gehrigs disease, or. ALS, and cystic fibrosis are caused by a defective gene. The hope is that soon, through genetic engineering, a cure can be found for these diseases by either inserting a corrected gene, modifying the defective gene, or even performing genetic surgery. Eventually the hope is to completely eliminate certain genetic diseases as well as treat non-genetic diseases with an appropriate gene therapy. Gene therapy researchers are also studying ways to improve a patients immune response to cancer. In this approach, the treatment is used to stimulate the bodys natural ability to attack cancer cells. In one method, researchers take a small blood sample from a patient and insert genes that will cause each cell to produce a protein called a T-cell receptor, or TCR, which is responsible for recognizing antigens and disease fighting antibodies. The genes are transferred into the patients white blood cells and are then given back to the patient. In the body the TCRs then recognize and attach to certain molecules found on the surface of the tumor cells. Finally, the TCRs activate the white blood cells to attack and kill the tumor cells. Scientists are also investigating the insertion of genes into cancer cells to make them more sensitive to chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or other treatments. In other studies, researchers remove healthy blood-forming stem cells from the body, insert a gene that makes these cells more resistant to the side effects of high doses of anticancer drugs, and then inject the cells back into the patient. Human genetic engineering can also be used as a disease preventative by increasing ones immunity. People infected with a serious illness may not show symptoms of the disease for long periods of time. These latent, or inactive, infections can develop into an active disease without warning and also can be passed on to others. This new approach focuses on controlling or stimulating the immune system to cure latent infections and prevent them from causing disease. This research in immunity has the potential to significantly reduce illness, death, and disease transmission. An example of this preventative application is the improvement in the treatment of HIV. The AIDS/HIV disease is a viral infection that destroys immune responses. The disease can be treated with drugs, however these drugs do not eliminate the virus from the body. Currently a patient must remain on these drugs for the remainder of their life. The purpose of genetic engineerings pre-clinical studies is to advance towards clinical trials with a cell-based method of enhancing the patients own immune response against the virus. This approach involves identifying anti-HIV receptors that will be introduced into the patients own blood-forming stem cells. This approach has the potential to provide long-term immune control of virus replication, and may require only one or a few administrations. Another benefit from the study of human gene altering is with the creation of new drugs. Pharmaceutical advances in genetic engineering have made it possible to use plants as factories for protein production. Plant-made pharmaceuticals are made by inserting a segment of DNA that encodes the protein of choice into plant cells. The plants or plant cells are essentially factories used to produce the desired proteins and are only grown for the purpose of human pharmaceuticals. An example of this pharmaceutical application is gene splicing, one of the earliest uses of genetic engineering. Gene splicing was first used to manufacture large amounts of insulin, which was made using cells of E. coli bacteria. Interferon, which is used to eliminate certain viruses and kill cancer cells, is also a product of genetic engineering. Another byproduct is a type of human growth hormone; its used to treat dwarfism and is produced through genetically engineered bacteria and yeasts. Today, research in the field of human genetic engineering continues to be used in the production of a variety of drugs and hormones for medical advantages. Human genetic engineering the application of scientific methods, procedures, and technologies that allow manipulation of genetic material in order to alter the hereditary traits is a topic that had been debated about for many years. The field of human genetic engineering is growing and changing at a tremendous pace. Future advance in genetic engineering could possibly eliminate diseases, deformities, prolong life, and overall improve human life.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
The Collector Essay Example for Free
The Collector Essay The Development of events outside a persons control is regarded as the most basic definition of fate; the belief that a stronger power or supernatural being has the ability to change the course of one’s life and override a persons fundamental tool of refined thought and decision making. The story of Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas Hardy is one clouded in the mist of fate and destiny versus human thought and emotion. The tragic becoming of Tess Durbeyfield can hardly be classified as the work of the devil or simply put down to the fickle fates when the protagonists own decisions as well as that of those surrounding her, alter the outcome of each day and situation throughout the novel. Furthermore the morals of society throughout the Nineteenth century blamed a woman for any form of sexual assault at the hands of a man; Tess struggles and at times, thrives throughout her life as a strong and passionate woman, however mistakes are made by each and every character within this story including the striking protagonist. The concept that all actions have consequences is a value instilled in one’s mind at a young age; that with each decision a greater effect will shortly follow, a rule disregarded by Tess throughout the novel. Being a passionate and proud heroine Tess opted for he most honest, and virtuous path, in order to uphold these characteristics. It is these decisions that set in motion the journey to Tess’ fateful death. It can not be disputed that one of the most proud and simultaneously ignorant moments was of informing her husband, Angel Clare, of her impure past. ‘it is as serious as yours It can hardly be more serious,’†¦ she entered on her story of her acquaintance with Alec D’Urberville and it’s results†(pp. 292-293, Tess of the D’Urbervilles) Such a decision caused Tess an enormous amount of grief, heartbreak and confusion instantly, first and foremost from the man whom she loved and believed that loved her also, however the social and religious conventions of the time outweighed any love Angel may have felt for Tess. â€Å"‘Tess, forgiveness does not apply to the case. You were one person; now you are another. ’†(p. 298, Tess of the D’Urbervilles). Angel can no longer see anything except Tess’ past tragedy, and despite the fact he does not blame her, her simply is not able to love the same person. As a young women, Tess appears ignorant of men and sex and the complex world that young girls today are taught it is; she relies solely on the only older female figure in her life, her mother, and whilst her mother gives her the advice to remain silent on the subject f her rape, Tess goes against these wishes. On no account do no say a word of your Bygone trouble to him†¦Many a woman†¦ have had trouble in their time; and why should you trumpet yours when others don’t trumpet theirs? knowing it to be your childish nature to tell all that is in your heart. †(p. 256, Tess of the D’Urbervilles) Despite the way in which society is at the time of Tess’ rape, and the advice given from her own mother Tess makes a decision which is far bigger than any other throughout the novel. Being raped changed Tess’ life, yet the decision to tell the one person who, in this form of society, could never know was what set in motion the tragedy and horror that followed her. Each character within the novel is interconnected, the choices, thoughts and decision produced by each one allows the story to take a different path and change that of the protagonist; within the story there are many smaller narratives taking place and each one changes the main point of interest. Parson Tringham- a relatively minor character- plays one of the most major roles to set the journey in motion; addressing Tess’ father as Sir John and advising of the possibility of rich relations. Without this idea Tess’ life may have been a far simpler one yet the decision was made, and the story was changed. Each and every individual decision changed the course of the story; the decision of Angel’s to leave Tess and travel to Brazil when he heard her dreadful story is another that was of vital importance to Tess’ life. I am going to Brazil alone, Izz,’ said he. I have separated from my wife for personal, not voyaging, reasons. ’†¦ despite her love, the facts had not changed†¦ he took the train that night for London. †(pp. 343-344, Tess of the D’Urbervilles). Without the help of her husband, Tess struggles through tough winter labour, meets once again her assaulter and faces the death of her own father. Of course these events were never unavoidable, however in leaving Tess, Angel left her vulnerable to the likes of Alec D’Urberville and the poverty that so horridly affected her family. Events do not purely and basically occur, nothing happens because nature intended it to; each choice, action, thought and opinion changes the course of a life and the world. Angel’s choice to leave Tess ultimately meant she was faced with another difficult decision to become Alec’s ‘creature’ of sorts, and save her family from starvation and severe poverty. â€Å"‘Tess! can you forgive me for going away? ’ ‘It is too late†¦ You did not come! He kept saying you would never come†¦ I hate him now†¦ these clothes are what he’s put on me. ’†(p. 66, Tess of the D’Urbervilles). Through the decisions of each character, Tess ultimately is positioned in a terrible state of affairs that has been affected and changed by the characters of the story. â€Å"‘Ah- it is my fault! ’ Said Clare. But he could not go on. Speech was as inexpressive as silence. †(p. 467, Tess of the D’Urber villes) Upon finding Tess in such a position when he returns to regain her love, Angel blames himself for the predicament despite Alec’s clear despicable actions. And this blame is just yet cannot be carried purely on the men. Saint Thomas Aquinas states â€Å"far be it from the hearts of the faithful to think that fate is anything real†(P. 1, God and the Order of Creation); Aquinas instead believes that the power of the human mind is what creates a situation or a belief across the world (God and the Order of Creation). This statement reflects the narrative of Tess of the D’Urbervilles and the way in which characters change the course of the story by their choices. However the morals and values of society at the time affected the thinking of everyone, a matter reflected particularly in the dominant male characters of the story. The Victorian era had many ideals and values foreign to the modern world, particularly in the case of equality and the role of women. At the time Hardy was writing Tess of the D’Urbervilles there was much change brought about concerning women’s rights and ideals, â€Å"hysterical forces unleashed by the suffragette movement represented a challenge to the Victorian status quo. The role and status of women were being redefined, and writers such as Hardy†¦ were intimately involved in that redefinition. †(p. 8, Tess of the D’Urbervilles Second Edition) The belief that purity was of the utmost important was upheld by majority of the higher class in England at this time, having a clear impact on the difficulty for Tess to deal with what is already a demoralizing, horrid deflowering. Angel in particular has issues dealing with the news as he has been brought up taught that nothing can compare to a pure and virtuous women, which the women he loves is not; â€Å"the traditional Victorian ideal/norms of femininity emphasized the belief that the most important principle for a women was that of purity. (p. 18, Tess of the D’Urbervilles Second Edition) As this belief was instilled into society, Tess’ own lower class society would not accept her situation, the church refusing her son a true Christian burial. â€Å"‘Then you will give him a Christian burial? ’†¦Ã¢â‚¬ËœI must not- for certain reasons’†¦ â€Å"I’ll never come to your church no more! ’†(p. 125, Tess of the Dâ₠¬â„¢Urbervilles) The values of society had a major impact on the way in which Tess’ life preceded her, and influenced so much how she was treated and expected to act. Fate is a belief system similar to that of religion, a concept and a notion- nothing more. The way in which people act and think is what truly affects the lives of people around the world, and this is reflected in the fictional world of Tess of the D’Urbervilles. Characters make choices as the writer decides to shape a story and a journey, to create a world that portrays reality so succinctly; the characters within this narrative form their own lives and make their own decisions leaving nothing, even the most tragic becoming, up to fate.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The North American Free Trade Agreement And Canada Politics Essay
The North American Free Trade Agreement And Canada Politics Essay The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was ceremonially signed by the leaders of Canada, the United States, and Mexico on December 17st, 1992. After deliberations in each countrys democratic hall of power, it officially came into effect on January 1st, 1994. NAFTA is first and foremost an economic agreement between its three member countries. Its primary goal is to remove trade barriers and subsidies for national industries in order to create a truly free North American market which would better foster competition, thus increasing wealth and productivity. With those changes in effect, its effect was expected to be an increase income and a higher standard of living for the citizens of each country. At the same time, NAFTA would theoretically allow the member nations to leverage the advantages of a large free trade bloc in order to become more powerful internationally. Essentially, NAFTA was created with the vision of making Canada, the United States, and Mexico, more competitive internationally and within their borders, for the benefit of their governments and citizens. Looking specifically at the United States and Canada, there was previously an economic precursor to NAFTA a bilateral agreement simply called the Free Trade Agreement (FTA). This agreement came into force approximately 5 years before NAFTA, on October 4th, 1988. It shared the same principle vision as the future NAFTA agreement; to reduce trade barriers such as government barriers to competition, and liberalize the climate for investment thus allowing the easier facilitation of trade between the two countries. Reading economic reports and the opinions of pundits, youll find a lot of different opinions regarding NAFTA. One thing is known there is still a large amount of uncertainty and a lack of consensus as to whether NAFTA has been, in sum, a positive thing for Canada. Famous economists such as Nobel Winner Paul Krugman have stated that NAFTA has had a near zero effect on the Canadian economy, whereas economic reports such as one by Martin A. Anderson come out in contrary to Krugmans belief, supporting its enactment. Further in this summary, we will explore the central issues of NAFTA and its effect on Canada and its people. NAFTA and Economic Growth As previously mentioned, NAFTA remains a divisive issue. In truth, it is extremely difficult to isolate NAFTA as a variable in economic growth and other key metrics of society due to the interwoven nature of our economy. With the plethora of variables considered, it is challenging to prove NAFTA as a cause for improving economic conditions. However, it does seem that the a large amount of papers come out in support of NAFTA as an engine of economic growth, citing its positive effect on the Canadian economy by highlighting the general trend in lower unemployment rates and higher income from trade. Cited is an entry into the Journal of Economic Development with an article concerning which NAFTA member country has benefitted most from the treaty. It states that its effect on US Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has been minimal, whereas Canadas GDP has experienced a statistically significant increase due to the agreement. The paper goes on to theorize that this may be due to Canadas reliance on trade for its economy especially trade between NAFTA members. It goes on to say that the lack of effect on the US GDP may be due to the fact that its economy is much larger than our own, and that changes are not as clearly visible due to its scale. To put the scale of Canadian trade with the United States in perspective, in 1999, 82% of Canadian trade was trade between NAFTA nations. More recently, in 2009, 73% of Canadian exports went to the United States. The effect on such large parts of our economy being export dependent will be discussed later in this summary. Some more key metrics of changes in the Canadian economy, comparing 1995 to 2005: The unemployment rate decreased from 8.3% (1995) to 6.8%(2005). Canadian GDP was $721.26 billion in 1995 and $1024.92 billion in 2005 (values adjusted for inflation), a 42% increase. Interprovincial trade has increased 15.29% due to NAFTA since 1994. Notably, interprovincial trade increased in Alberta by 30.1%, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland by ~24%. Interestingly, British Columbias interprovincial trade share decreased by 30.39%. Trade with the United States increased by 20.41% in Saskatchewan, and 17.77% in Manitoba. Most notably, Prince Edward Island increased trade with the United States by 67.07%. In contrast, British Columbias share of trade to the United States increased by only about 1%. Some of these values may have changed due to the changing economic climate of the past 5 years. For example, the unemployment rate has since increased to a current value of 7.9%. However, when interpreting these results, a trend becomes visible the Maritimes seem to have enjoyed a much larger share of trade than prior to NAFTA. The secondary sector of the Canadian economy concerns itself with manufacturing and general industry. Following the enactment of the FTA and NAFTA, the Canadian manufacturing industry had started to experience drastic changes. Because they were no longer as insulated to international competition, labour intensive industries such as Quebecs textile industry started to decline as cheap goods from other countries began to enter the market. Though many labour intensive jobs have shifted away to cheaper outsourced locations, there are large sections of Canadian industry that are more resilient to such shifts. One of these is the high-tech sector, which employs a large amount of skilled labour and creates advanced goods such as aircraft, new types of metal alloys, and intellectual property such as software. Industries such as biotechnology are much harder to outsource given their advanced nature, allowing Canadas relatively educated populace to contribute to the growth of these sectors res ulting in a net gain of employment. Most of these high-tech firms are located in Canadas industrial core Southern Ontario and Quebec. Ontarios location is greatly conducive to creating a good environment for trade. Northern Ontario produces many primary resources, such as forest products and minerals. Exports from Ontario to the United States were about the same value as its exports within Canada. By 1998, Ontarios exports to the United States increased to 2.5x the value of trade to the rest of Canada. The automobile industry is often cited as Ontarios most important export industry as it accounts for a large share of its trade, creating an environment of dependence upon that industry. Quebec is also heavily trade dependent, with exports of 25% of Canadas information technologies, 55% of aerospace production, 30% of pharmaceuticals, 40% of biotechnology, and 45% of high tech exports. Prior to 1989, about half of Quebecs trade went to other parts of Canada, and the other half was exported. By 2002, approximately 65% of Quebecs trade leaves Canada. NAFTAs Controversies Though NAFTA has clearly influenced our economy, most visibly with an increase in our exports and GDP, many believe that his trend presents a double-edged sword. The basic question put forward is to what length do we want our exports to increase?. A more globalized, or north-Americanized, economy also increases the risk of encountering economic repercussions due to recessions or the booms and busts of other countries. The most notable example of this would be the current economic recession, which many argue is only affecting Canada because of lower demand stemming from the economic uncertainty in the United States. With increasing globalization, it is becoming apparent that the intertwining of economies will continue and that our ability to insulate ourselves from global economic conditions will continue to decrease. It can be argued that NAFTA intertwines more than our economies. A controversial statute of the agreement Chapter 11 grants corporations the right to sue the signatory countries for compensation if their investments are adversely affected through regulatory means, especially if those regulations favour local businesses or constituents. One notable case of Chapter 11 use: Ethyl Corporation (USA) v. Government of Canada. Sued over Canadas federal ban over the gas additive MMT, which some studies have linked with neurotoxic effects. Canada was forced to overturn the ban and pay Ethyl Corporation in excess of $19million in compensation. Sun Belt Water, Inc (USA) v. Government of Canada. Sun Belt Water filed a claim for $105 million arguing that Canadian legislation thwarted its plans to export bulk quantities of fresh water from Canada. This claim has yet to be settled. Another important issue of concern is the so-called softwood lumber dispute between the United States and Canada. The dispute has carried significant implications for British Columbia, as the province accounts for over half of the total logging output of Canada. In 1982 the US lumber industry logged its first complaint. Tariffs have been fluctuating since 1986, and in 2001 duties on softwood lumber imported into the United States have reached as high as 27%. Both a NAFTA panel and the World Trade Organization have issued non-binding resolutions siding with Canada against the United States. Unfortunately, the tariffs remain despite these rulings and it appears that NAFTAs ruling against the United States has not influenced its policy. As recently as 2006 a new agreement has been reached in which import duties of $4billion that were charged will be returned (a total of $5billion in duties has been collected), however, Canada will be forced to increase export taxes on its own lumber if its price falls below US $355 per thousand board feet, in order to protect US companies. NAFTA has presented several environmental concerns to Canadians. As having one of the worlds largest capacities of freshwater, Canada has been under pressure to commoditize the resource in order to allow for its trade. The case mentioned above (Sun Belt Water, Inc v. Canada) goes to show this pressure. For the time being, legislation and political will has generally opposed the bulk sale of Canadian freshwater. Final Notes In the end, it can be said with some confidence that the North American Free Trade agreement has significantly altered the Canadian trade landscape. Though trade between NAFTA nations appears to have become more pervasive, questions remain about whether the continuing integration of other national economies is truly a good thing for Canada. Some believe that our very democracy is at stake now that foreign corporations have the power to overturn Canadian policy; which at a basic level is overturning the decisions of our elected politicians the only representatives of the Canadian people.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
The Role of Loneliness in James Joyces Ulysses Essay -- Joyce Ulysses
The Role of Loneliness in James Joyce's Ulysses Have you ever had one of those days when the world seems cold and unfeeling? Where the people that surround you are far away and uncaring? Ulysses is about one of those days, and two people who are stuck within it, searching desperately for a way out. Loneliness runs like a thread through Ulysses, a novel by James Joyce. It constantly tugs at the character's minds, and drives their lives in subtle ways. Joyce drives the point home by giving a drab, grey description of the character's lives. Ulysses is set in 1904, Dublin, Ireland. Joyce's book was first published in 1922. The plot of Ulysses is fairly simple. The novel re-creates the days of two Irishmen, Leopold Bloom, the main character, and Stephen Dedalus, the son of Bloom's good friend, Simon Dedalus. The story starts with both characters waking up, and follows their lives through a single day. Stephen is a school teacher, and Leopold works as an advertizing canvasser for the local newspapers. For Stephen, it's only a partial day of school, so after receiving his pay, he goes and visits a nearby relative and then goes for a walk on the beach. Meanwhile, Leopold has woken up, and prepared breakfast for himself and his wife. After going to the butcher's and the post office, he goes to the funeral of an old friend, Paddy Dignam. After the funeral, he goes about business in town, and comes across Stephen twice. Finally, as Bloom visits a friend in the hospital, he sees Stephen, extremely drunk with a group of medical s tudents. All of them go to a pub. At the pub, they all get bombed, and Bloom takes Stephen on a drunken rampage through town. When Bloom realizes the state Stephen is in, he takes him home, and offers to let Ste... ...death of Stephen's mother is still filling his mind - during his drunken spree, Stephen actually thinks that his mother had come back to haunt him. Bloom, on the other hand, after subconsciously searching through Dublin since his son's death, has found someone to help, and be a father figure for them. Although Bloom's gesture of kindness is rejected by Stephen, Bloom has taken the first step out of the dark grip of loneliness by trying to help another. James Joyce's Ulysses is a story that conveys the drab lives of two miserable Irishmen. The setting portrayed in this book is bleak. Both characters are absorbed in their own loneliness, and lack the perspective to see beyond it. Although Ulysses may seem long and extremely confusing, Joyce creates a thorough depiction of this human condition. Works cited Joyce, James. Ulysses. New York: Random House, 1961.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
korean war :: essays research papers
Korea was engaged in a civil war as an attempt to keep North Korea from thrusting its influence on South Korea. Communist Russia and China were strong supporters of the North, and to keep Communism contained the United States sent troops to the South. USA troops spent years fighting and dying for a country some had never heard of. The irony of this war is that no one really paid attention and its memory withered as well as the memory of the men who fought there. You may ask how this could’ve happened or how it all came about, and ,yes, there is an answer it just may be a little difficult to explain. Hence this war was known as the â€Å"forgotten war†. A cry rang out, June 24, 1950, from a small country half way around the world and America listened. Korea’s geographical realties affected the conduct of war at the strategic, the operational, and the tactical level. It’s strategic location made it a collision point for competing interests of major power throughout the world. As far as the actual land mass, Korea is a country no larger than the state of Kansas. All together, North and South Korea covers an area of 85,246 square miles, and only fifteen percent of that can be considered plains – these are mostly in the southern coastal regions. The United States could not allow its interests in East Asia, particularly Japan, to be placed in jeopardy. It was not the nation of Korea but its geographical location that prompted America to intervene in the war. (Sommers, 3-10)      The United Nations was greatly concerned with the war in Korea, but it did not have an army to send. Thus, the United States Army made up four fifths of the actual forces sent to Korea. The bulk of the forces sent were placed under the command of General MacArthur from the United States.           One of the first attempts to drive the North Koreans back was a wise plan devised by MacArthur. He landed his forces from the sea at Inchon and worked his way up the coast. His gamble paid off when his army retook the South Korean capital of Seoul. After this victory the United States questioned whether they should stop at the 38th parallel or go beyond it and try to recapture North Korea. They decided to go on. After the 38th was crossed putting the US and South Korean forces in the North , China
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Child’s Healthy Development in School Essay
When people think of dramatic changes in children over time, they typically think about the first two or three years of life. Although these years are marked by striking changes, the developmental and social changes that occur between ages 6 and 14 are dramatic, as well. Imagine a six-year-old girl starting first gradeâ€â€maybe she has braids in her hair and is wearing a cute dress; she looks like a little girl and she is likely to be quite excited about going off to school. Her parents still exercise great control over her comings and goings; their biggest worries are likely to be about her safety when crossing streets and about her adjustment to elementary school. Now imagine that same girl as a 14-year-old starting the ninth grade: She now looks like a full-grown woman, leading her parents to worry about the negative influences of peers, and the risk that she may come to physical harm during the many hours that she is away from home. Equally dramatic changes occur in the social contexts where youngsters spend time. A six-year-old boy is likely to be enrolled in a local neighborhood elementary schoolâ€â€perhaps within walking distance from home. By age 14, he will have changed schools at least once, moving into a junior high school or middle school. He may be looking forward to his classes, or he may have already psychologically turned his back on formal schooling. He may have sampled out-of-school activities from Scouts to basketball to handling a paper route. Because the experiences both boys and girls have in school and other activities will shape their development through this pivotal age period. Each period is marked by basic biological and cognitive changes, as well as changes in the social surroundings where children’s daily lives unfold. Exercising their growing autonomy in school and organized programs, children learn about the world outside the family, match themselves against the expectations of others, compare their performance with that of their peers, and develop customary ways of responding to challenges and learning opportunities. Through these years, they forge a personal identity, a self-concept, and an orientation toward achievement that will play a significant role in shaping their success in school, work, and life. Although researchers and policymakers have focused on the school as the critical arena in which development occurs and children’s futures are sculpted, out-of-school programs offer alternative environments in which children can learn about themselves and their worlds, and can discover opportunities for carving their own versions of success. Middle Childhood (6-8 years of age) Developmental Milestones Middle childhood brings many changes in a child’s life. By this time, children can dress themselves, catch a ball more easily using only their hands, and tie their shoes. Having independence from family becomes more important now. Events such as starting school bring children this age into regular contact with the larger world. Friendships become more and more important. Physical, social, and mental skills develop quickly at this time. This is a critical time for children to develop confidence in all areas of life, such as through friends, schoolwork, and sports. Here is some information on how children develop during middle childhood: Emotional/Social Changes Children in this age group might: * Show more independence from parents and family. * Start to think about the future. * Understand more about his or her place in the world. * Pay more attention to friendships and teamwork. * Want to be liked and accepted by friends. Thinking and Learning (Mental Changes) Children in this age group might: * Show rapid development of mental skills. * Learn better ways to describe experiences and talk about thoughts and feelings. * Have less focus on one’s self and more concern for others. Middle Childhood (9-11 years of age) Developmental Milestones Your child’s growing independence from the family and interest in friends might be obvious by now. Healthy friendships are very important to your child’s development, but peer pressure can become strong during this time. Children who feel good about themselves are more able to resist negative peer pressure and make better choices for themselves. This is an important time for children to gain a sense of responsibility along with their growing independence. Also, physical changes of puberty might be showing by now, especially for girls. Another big change children need to prepare for during this time is starting middle or junior high school. Here is some information on how children develop during middle childhood: Emotional/Social Changes Children in this age group might: * Start to form stronger, more complex friendships and peer relationships. It becomes more emotionally important to have friends, especially of the same sex. * Experience more peer pressure. * Become more aware of his or her body as puberty approaches. Body image and eating problems sometimes start around this age. Thinking and Learning (Mental Changes) Children in this age group might: * Face more academic challenges at school. * Become more independent from the family. * Begin to see the point of view of others more clearly. * Have an increased attention span. Young Teens (12-14 years of age). Developmental Milestones This is a time of many physical, mental, emotional, and social changes. Hormones change as puberty begins. Most boys grow facial and pubic hair and their voices deepen. Most girls grow pubic hair and breasts, and start their period. They might be worried about these changes and how they are looked at by others. This also will be a time when your teen might face peer pressure to use alcohol, tobacco products, and drugs. Other challenges can be eating disorders, depression, and family problems. At this age, teens make more of their own choices about friends, sports, studying, and school. They become more independent, with their own personality and interests, although parents are still very important. Here is some information on how young teens develop: Emotional/Social Changes Children in this age group might: * Show more concern about body image, looks, and clothes. * Focus on themselves; going back and forth between high expectations and lack of confidence. * Experience more moodiness. * Show more interest in and influence by peer group. * Express less affection toward parents; sometimes might seem rude or short-tempered. * Feel stress from more challenging school work. * Develop eating problems. Thinking and Learning ( Mental Changes ) Children in this age group might: * Have more ability for complex thought. * Be better able to express feelings through talking. * Develop a stronger sense of right and wrong. Changes in Social Surroundings The cognitive changes just described give children an expanded view of their social world and of themselves, providing the foundation for important social and emotional changes that also begin in these years. Along with their broadened exposure to adults and peers outside the family, children of these ages are typically given more freedom, more responsibilities, and more rights. This period is therefore marked by tensions between the new autonomy and the increasing expectations children encounter, which can either support or hamper the development of self-confidence. Broadening Social Worlds In the middle-childhood years, children spend less time under the supervision of their parents and come increasingly under the influence of teachers and activity Leaders such as Sunday school teachers, coaches of Little League sports, instructors of dance or ballet, music teachers, camp counselors, scout leaders. In contrast with the intimacy and familiarity that characterize family relationships, participation in school and formal programs exposes children to different Religious and ethnic groups, as well as diverse personal styles. They see adults acting in various social roles, and they see different adults acting in the same roleâ€â€as teacher or camp counselor, for example. These experiences give children a chance to compare adults with one another and to observe how authority figures judge the behaviors and personalities of their peers. Increasingly, children spend time with their peers outside the orbit of parental control. Members of peer groups are responsible for managing their own relationships by controlling group dynamics, providing nurturance to each other, and sometimes establishing hierarchies within the group. As children get older, they also seek to contribute to their best friends’ happiness, and they become sensitive to what matters to other people. There is a beginning of a â€Å"we†feeling that goes beyond cooperation; children begin to adjust to the needs of others in pursuit of mutual interests. At the same time, of course, children are concerned with winning acceptance from their peers, and they must manage conflicts between the behavior expected of them by adults and the social goals of the peer group. Entering formal organizations such as schools and after-school programs represents a shift for children: In the preschool years, their social roles were defined for them at birth (as a daughter or a brother). In middle childhood, their roles in school, programs, and friendship groups reflect their personal qualities and achievements. 1. Developmental Variations: Behaviors within the Range of Expected Behaviors for That Age Group A) Developmental Variation : (Social Interaction Variation) Because of constitutional and/or psychological factors, children and adolescents will vary in their ability and desire to interact with other people. Less socially Adept or desirous children do not have a problem as long as it does not interfere with their normal development and activities. B) Common Developmental Presentations : Middle Childhood The child may not make friends easily and be less socially adept. The child may prefer solitary play at times. (Shyness) Adolescence The adolescent has limited concern regarding popular dress, interests, and activities. The adolescent finds it difficult to make friends at times. 2. PROBLEM: SHYNESS Middle Childhood The child is very shy, reticent, shows an increased concern about order and rules, is socially isolated, rarely initiates peer interactions, and prefers solitary activities to peer group activities. Adolescence The adolescent shows difficulty in social situations, has limited friendships, is socially isolated, may be a †loner,†prefers solitary activities to peer group activities, is reticent, has eccentric hobbies and interests, and has limited concern regarding popular styles of dress, behavior, or role models. Background Most people have felt shy at some time or in some situation. As many as 25% of high school and college students report having been shy most of their lives (Schwartz & Johnson, 1985). Excessive shyness, however, reduces both the amount and quality of social interactions a child has with others and results in lowered peer acceptance and fewer opportunities to acquire social skills. It is not clear why some children are bashful and withdrawing whereas others tend to be more outgoing. Several factors may be involved, including genetics, temperament, anxiety, and lack of social skills. Development Some degree of shyness in children is to be expected and is part of the child’s normal development (Berk, 1989). A fairly high percentage of preschoolers are described as bashful and avoiding contact with others (Schwartz & Johnson, 1985). Between 30% and 50% of school-age children report feeling shy (Peterson, 1987). When shyness is experienced by the child in many or most situations over an extended period of time, interventions to help the child interact more appropriately are called for. Chronic and severe shyness can have a negative impact on social, emotional, and academic development. Shy children often have poor self-concept, feelings of failure, and make negative self-statements. The anxiety that accompanies shyness impairs memory and concentration and may keep children from asking for needed help in school. What Can I Do as a Parent? It will be important for your child to learn ways to reduce his or her anxiety in social situations. If the child does not possess the social skills needed to interact with others, it may be necessary to teach social skills directly. The child also needs to learn to feel better about himself or herself as a person. There are many ways to accomplish these goals. Make sure your child knows that they are loved and valued regardless of their behavior or performance. Talk with your child. about their experiences and help them to evaluate those experiences in nonjudgmental ways that allow them to feel good about themselves. Many times children judge themselves much more harshly than we realize and blame themselves for situations and events they cannot control. As a parent, you can give your child more independence and opportunities to demonstrate responsibility. Successful handling of independence and responsibility will help to foster an improved self-image. A child’s image of himself or herself is built on a foundation of many small experiences. The more of those that demonstrate to the child that they possess the capability to succeed, the better the resulting self-image will be. Parents can seek out and provide activities that will allow the child to experience success in social environments. Structured group activities or small groups of one or two other children may facilitate success for the shy child. Parents can discuss, rehearse, and role-play activities with children such as introducing oneself, asking a peer to play, or joining a group of children who are playing a game. If the child is involved in a social-skills training program, parents can reinforce targeted social skills and provide opportunities for rehearsal of skills. If your child is severely shy and inhibited in most situations, the best course of action may include seeking professional help, either through the school, local mental health agency, or your family physician. Severe shyness affects many aspects of the child’s life and should not be left unaddressed. What Can I Do as a Teacher? Shy children may be easily overlooked in a busy classroom because they do not present classroom management problems and usually comply with instructions. Teachers need to be sensitive to the needs of shy children and facilitate their interaction with others and their participation in the class. Because shy children are often characterized by anxiety, it is best to avoid drawing attention to them or putting them in situations that will require that they be the center of attention. Structured interactions and small group activities may best facilitate participation by shy students. When children are to work on projects in small groups, the teacher should form the groups rather than allowing students to group themselves. Teachers can take this opportunity to pair shy youngsters with socially competent students who will serve as models for them. Teachers need to avoid reinforcing shy behavior, to be sensitive to the needs of shy children but to refrain from giving the shy child special attention or privileges. When shy children interact appropriately that is the behavior that should be reinforced. There is a natural tendency to either ignore or be overly protective of shy children, but neither of these responses benefits the child. Shy children should be encouraged to interact, provided with opportunities to interact in small, structured settings, and reinforced for interacting. Direct social-skills training and contingency management procedures have been found to produce positive results and may be beneficial for the entire class.
Monday, September 16, 2019
HP Case Study Essay
The company Hewlett Packard (HP) was founded in 1938 by William Hewlett and David Packard, two electrical engineers from the Stanford University. They initially started it in a garage behind Packard’s home in the state of California, manufacturing only electronic instruments at that time. Their first product was a resistance-capacity audio oscillator, an instrument used to test the sound equipment. The biggest customer of that product was Walt Disney Company. In 1940, HP was formed, with the establishment of Hewlett and Packard’s own factory in Palo Alto. By the end of this year, HP’s revenue exceeded $2 million and the company employed 166 employees. During 1950’s HP gained popularity as a producer of innovative measuring and testing equipment of premium quality. HP first acquired the F. L. Moseley Company in 1957, which was the producer of quality graphic recorders. After this, HP started to globalize its Business. In 1959, it opened the first Marketing office in Switzerland and a manufacturing plant in Germany. Realizing the need to sustain the synergy in the organization Hewlett and Packard formulated the values and objectives of the organization, these values and objectives formed the basis of the management style at the company, referred as ‘The HP Way’ nowadays. (Moganty, n. d. ) Thus HP transformed into a democratic organization where every employee has the autonomy to talk to his immediate boss and other employees having different hierarchical positions. The company continued to diversify its business and entered the Asian market in 1963 forming a joint venture with a Japanese firm. In 1968, HP invented the HP 9100 desktop scientific calculator, after that many innovative computing products in the 1970s, hence, till 1980s HP’s business portfolio was filled with a wide array of products and to strengthen its position HP acquired Apollo Computers, which was then the leading manufacturer of workstations. By 1990s HP had 92,000 employees and earned revenues of approximately $13. billion. External Environment With the recession in PC industry of the United States in 1990, HP started to lag behind, and significantly loss a share in innovative products, it was not able to cope with the changing conductions in the industry due to its old fashioned organizational culture. Employees started becoming dissatisfied with the way the company was managed. According to a poll conducted among HP employees, HP lacked in clear directions and was said to have become too product oriented. In order to deal with this situation, HP decided to focus on its computer business and spun off its measuring, testing and medical equipment division into a new company. This was done in early 1999 and a new company named Agilent Technologies Inc. was founded, which only dealt with the devices other than those related to computing. As a consequence, HP was left with only four main divisions; Personal computers, inkjet printers, laser printers and servers. Despite the measures, taken by the company to reduce costs and drafting a new internet strategy, it was believed that what HP actually needs is a change in leadership. So a CEO named Carly Fiorina was hired. Soon after becoming the CEO, she started a mass marketing program for HP, new advertisements were made in which the employees of HP were referred as ‘A fearless collection of inventors,’ many of those advertisements had Fiornia herself. But all of this went in vain, and on the top of it the merger between HP and Compaq Computers Corp. made the conditions even worst for HP. As a consequence, the company’s culture change and new rules were set which were in the favor of the company according to Fiornia. But the laying off of approximately 17,000 HP employees was beyond the level of understanding of all the people. Ever since the merger took place HP was having disappointing earnings which indicated the epic fail of Fiornia’s leadership. HP was facing continuous losses and the estimated sales forecasts also turned out to be lower than what was expected. HP’s share price also fall up to 13% and Fiornia was blamed for all this. According to critics, she was unsuccessful in managing the company well because during her tenure she behaved like a celebrity, travelling in limousine and not communicating with the employees face to face. Fiornia was terminated for not being able to delegate the firm’s strategies. (Paul, 2005) Industry Analysis Based on the Porter’s framework of industry analysis the following results are most likely to occur for HP: Threat of New Entrants Since HP only has two major competitors, Lenovo and Dell, the threat of new entrants is not as a matter of concern for HP now-a-days. Because the products of HP are unique and are innovative and are not easy to copy by the rival companies or any new firm that is trying to enter in the PC industry. Even if the products of HP are copied they would not be as reliable as of HP. Bargaining Power of Suppliers HP believes in providing its customers with products that are of premium quality, and since there are only few suppliers in the computing market, they may have an effective bargaining effect on HP to give them high charges for assembling or providing parts for their computing devices. Bargaining Power of Suppliers Customers are the main priority for any company and so for HP. In order to retain its customers, Hp made a number of efforts. It had provided its customers with innovative and unique products that no one else in the industry provided before. Threat of Substitutes Substitutes are available in the market for HP products, but as discussed earlier, the quality of HP products is much higher. Since, different technologies were introducing at the time of Fiornia’s tenure, HP was not able to keep up with its traditional image of producing innovative computer, so as a result the customers switched to other brands due to which the company started to get in losses. Vyomesh, 2005) Rivalry Dell and Lenovo are major rivals of HP; these companies gained the most when HP was facing different kinds of leadership crisis. When people started switching to these brands, the companies started to make the most of it and increased their prices, while disappointed customers of HP were ready to purchase other brands because HP was not performing up to the mark. (Novelguide, n. d. )
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Response Paper: Don Quixote de la Mancha Essay
â€Å"Don Quixote de la Mancha†by Miguel de Cervantes is one of the most recognizable classics in the world of literature. It is a narrative that is being retold in almost every generation that had followed since its publication. Much the success of the story is really undeniable as it had even infused a term to the English language, the term â€Å"quixotic. †It is certainly one of the most unforgettable stories ever written. Here is a quote from the text that I would like to pose a response: â€Å"I shall never be so mad as to make myself a knight-errant for I see well enough that things are not how they used to be in those days, when they say those famous knights rule the world†(Cervantes 161) This line was spoken by the innkeeper in the first part XXXII The tone of this particular quote seems to a response to the main theme of the story. This main theme is Don Quixote’s idea desire to live a life of a knight. The quote implies that to follow an ideal or a dream would be a waste of time. This particular quote stands out because it is one of the few pessimistic statements in the very positive, or shall I say â€Å"quixotic†theme of the narrative. This is the kind of statements that would be uttered by those who forget how to dream. People that would say this kind of words are the type that brings the hopes of other people down. The context is just like when pessimists argued that man cannot go space. The kind of thinking that pessimists have is what makes life look miserable and dull. Fortunately, Miguel de Cervantes had introduced to us Don Quixoteâ€â€some who would always remind us that it is just alright to dream and seek adventures in life. Work Cited Cervantes, Miguel de. Don Quixote de la Mancha. Harvard University Press. 1842
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Two Ultimate Decisions
In the next few years, I would have finished college and would soon need to earn a living to support myself and maybe the family I intend to have. Given this scenario, I will be deciding between two options: whether I would be maintaining my own business or if I would rather be employed by a big company. Having my own business sounds appealing. I would be working at my own hours and at my own pace. I have full control of my time. I can do whatever I would like to do. Nobody can tell me what I should accomplish first and what should I do last. All I have to do is to keep committed in making my business grow and expand. Whatever I do and however I do it, it will all be up to me. I decide if I wanted to start the day early, or if I should stay up late working. I determine my own hours. I pay my own wage. Maintaining a business is going to be a very challenging feat for me. I would be using my intellectual strength and my innate marketing talents to succeed. I can establish my own success. I will thrive because of my own hard work and nobody else’s. My achievements will be because I did so well and I made the right decisions. I will be responsible for whatever happens, and I only have myself to account for. Managing my own business means I could also be helping others. I will have the ability to employ people; and as my business gets bigger, more people will be needed so more people will be hired. I will be able to make a lot of people’s lives better, and I can undoubtedly contribute to the economy at that. Indeed, starting a business proposes to be a good decision at this point. However, the call of being a part of a much bigger company is deafening as well. If I decide to get a job with a corporation bigwig, I can be able to earn easily through the monthly wage they will be paying me. I would be able to utilize all my learning and my stuck knowledge. I will be a part of an institution and would carry its pride as well. I will be able to meet big and influential people; and even become friends with each of them. I will start as a normal employee aiming toward the top position of the company, and this sure mean a real test of wits and endurance. I will be engaging in a friendly and worthwhile competition with my fellow co-workers who are also aspiring to be a top-notch executive like me. And with proper strength and staying power, I believe I will be able to reach it. If I do my job well enough, I will be promoted in just a matter of several months. I will then be the head of my own department. I will be enjoying my job as I enjoy the company of my colleagues which are also my comrades. I can also become a mentor, thus I will be able to share and transfer my knowledge to my apprentices. As I leave my position to one of my subordinates, I will be going up the ladder into the executive world. I will have the ability to become one of the most respected people in the company; and I can do it the shortest time possible. Furthermore, I will make critical company decisions which could change the whole company. I will be instrumental in the company’s failure or success, and that is because I will become the best executive, a senior manager whose opinion is always sought and is well-considered. I will be a very powerful person both in and out of the corporate world. And because I have this ability to become powerful, being rich and famous will soon follow. I will become rich because I will be fully compensated by the company I belong to. And I will become famous because as I become the company’s leader, I would need to attend business conferences as well as business lunches and parties. Right now, working for a top company seems to be a good decision for me too. Considering each of these points, it is equally advantageous holding down a job and managing a business. Although it is possible to do both, I would still need to make a decision, as to which of the two should be my primary career path. Given the points and my own personality, I believe that I will be more productive if I start off as a regular employee in a regular position, and then slowly take myself towards the top, through diligence, perseverance, and hard work. The time that is going to be required to achieve this is going to be less in a company setup. A few years should be enough to hoist myself up the corporate ladder. Being in a part of a corporation does not require that much capital either. I would only need to invest in myself, and that is not going to be too much. The risks involved in a business are also unpredictable. A business is like a gamble, you win some and you lose some. You really cannot accurately forecast the feasibility of your business decision unless the market is virtually stable, and that doesn’t really happen. The market does change, and in a volatile manner at that. If one is in a corporate setup, on the other hand, things are more constant. One knows what he is up against, and being so, one can easily devise strategies as to how to overcome it. The corporate world may have its own share of politics, but that is part of the game. I am considering that just as one of the risks that come with any of my choices. At this point, I believe that my decision will be to work for the corporate bigwigs. Its benefits weigh far too heavy than the benefits of being in the business world.
Burts Bees Essay Example for Free
Burts Bees Essay A while back in 2007, Burts Bee’s was bought out by Clorox for $913 million. In buying Burts Bee’s Clorox is promising to go green. This was Clorox’s start in buying out other green companies to help them achieve their goal in going completely green. Mr. Shavitz and Ms. Quimby the original owners of Burt’s Bees had a huge fall out that began in the late 1990’s which has been going on ever since. (1) The reason that Clorox was willing to pay almost $1 Billion for Burts Bee’s because they see a big opportunity in the market to make their products green. The Burt’s Bess is really into the whole giving back to the community, and always helping. A few events they have done for the community is Urban Gardening when they teamed up with NEEM, to help make Durham, North Carolina greener, and help them plant more community gardens. Another event that they have done is help create green homes in North Carolina. As I was looking on the Burt’s Bees website on their most frequently asked questions someone asked how they can receive donations, and the answer the company gave threw me aback. â€Å"At this time, Burt’s Bees is not currently providing product or financial donations. We remain committed to supporting local community organizations committed to The Greater Good†(2) Personally in reading this I feel like if they want to help create that customer satisfaction, they should be willing to help everyone go green and not just the community. Since the buyout according to Clorox, their natural care products already account for over $6 billion in sales and is growing at a fast rate. The sales are climbing to a yearly rate of around 9%. As for the stalk holder Clorox states, they rose from $1. 69, 2. 8%. to $62. 69. This was a huge boost for the stockholders, and for people who wanted to buy into the stalk. As of 25th 2013, the stalks are at $83. 25. (3) This was also helping Clorox’s public relations by helping them get well known. Clorox does a whole bunch of press releases to help show that they have turned green. They also do press releases when they win an award or do contests for people to enter. When you go on the Clorox website they give you three options to choose from, Press Releases, Media Resources, and Press contacts. Since working together with Burt’s Bee’s, Clorox is also trying to get more involved in the community which they never used to do. On their website they state, â€Å"Clorox knows that it can’t do it alone and actively seeks partners and other affiliations to help us become a more sustainable company. Clorox also cares. In addition to our work to make Clorox a more sustainable company, we strive to make a positive eco impact beyond Clorox. †(4) Clorox donates nearly $1 million dollars to environmental causes. Some of things they do to help the community is they donate products to the Save the Frogs, and Save the California Oaks. They also have their own foundations to help Keep America Beautiful. Burts Bees. (2016, Oct 01).
Friday, September 13, 2019
BRAZIL Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
BRAZIL - Essay Example Dazzling beaches, lush green forests and ever awake nightlife comes together to make Brazil a magical land. In the following part a brief discussion has been led on the Brazilian Beaches and natural beauty, people, carnival and culture. Rio de Janeiro one of the most beautiful cities of the world might be termed as the crown of Brazilian beauty. Though it stands second to Sao Paulo in terms of population but is the most famous among tourists. Rio lies amidst Guanabara Bay, Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon beaches and a lush green mountain range. However the most beautiful Brazilian beach is not in Rio or by the ocean; rather it is deep into the heart of the famous rainforests of Amazon. This beach is known as Alter do Chao. Tourists often call Amazon a green inferno considering the hot and humid climate here. If it is true then the mentioned beach is nothing short of a golden paradise. Fernando de Noronha is an archipelago at the north east coast of Brazil. It is place of clear blue wa ter when one can easily spot turtle, octopus, sharks and many other sea lives. The Brazilian authority strictly maintains the number of tourists to keep the disturbance to the natural habitat at minimal. This might be one of the most important causes that the food chain has remained unaffected here and the sharks therefore can find plenty to eat without targeting the human beings. Praia do Toque is a beach that is a bit isolated from the hue and cries of the day to day life and therefore offers perfect leisure time (McOwan). These are only a few beaches that have been mentioned here apart from these there is many others which by no means any less appealing to the tourists. Apart from beaches the rain forest of Amazon is another attraction in Brazilian tourist Map (Gray). The Brazilian part of the Amazon rain forest displays a diverse eco system and lies in the northern part of the country. At the very centre of the Brazilian part of the Amazon rain forest is the world famous Pantana l. Considering the immense natural diversity and unique eco system of the mentioned place, it has been recognised as the Patrimony of Mankind by UNESCO. With its dense vegetation that is highest in America, Pantanal is the richest and most divers of the eco systems in the world. However, Brazil is not only a country of sand, beaches and forests; it is the home of one of the most spectacular falls of the world. The Iguazu falls located almost at the border of Brazil and Argentina memorises with its immense beauty and perhaps the most alluring natural features of Brazil. (Brazil) Among all the attractions of Brazil perhaps Brazilian people occupies the first place considering their overwhelming warmth, friendliness and intense passion towards enjoying life. Like its natural diversity the people of Brazil are also diversified. The whites and the browns occupy the lion’s share followed by blacks. There are also traces of Asian and Amerindians. The intermarriage between the indige nous people, Portuguese settlers and the African slaves who were brought into Brazil to work in fields reproduced the browns that include Caboclos, Mulattos and Cafuzos. (Brazil and Africa) Most of the country’s population live in and around the urban centres of the country and the urban population displays a higher literacy rate than that of the rural population. Overall the country has a high literacy rate. The people of the country are predominantly catholic, though over that last
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Global Challenges Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Global Challenges - Essay Example he last two decades or so and one can see roads being built, businesses getting their offshore hubs within the South Asian country and new organizations opening their offices every now and then, which at the end of the day has really boosted the economic developments within India. Piracy of intellectual property has remained a problem as far as the economic and political ranks are concerned and when the same is compared with the US regimes, one understands that the US authorities have taken giant and firm strides to counter the threat that poses them in the related regards. Considering the case of another nation, Pakistan for instance, the same might not be true when it comes to proper planning and implementation of policies which would plug the gaps as far as piracy of intellectual property is linked. There would be inadequate working methodologies in place and no such genuine force to combat the force that comes from the pirate institutions that are on rampage whilst coming up with their respective products on a day to day basis, thus ruining the economic and political domains present within the country. The seriousness of this issue could be gauged from the fact that US is taking all the corrective measures in order to fill the gap which has been left with the other nations all over the world while the remaining countries have a lot of catching up to do as far as this notion is concerned. Indian economy has not only benefited from the outsourcing regimes but also the US, Japan and European economies with the passage of time. The availability of cheap labor and the required resources within the Indian nation make it a viable option for the US business entrepreneurs and thus they invest heavily within this nation. It means that the manufacturing and economic developments within India are direct proportional with the US developments and thus the returns are manifolds and are shared across a number of different countries, regions and areas for that matter. The
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Business Environment - Essay Example These elements may include leadership and management, clientele, technological factors, rules and regulations of a government, competition, financial planning. In addition, marketing strategies, demand and supply within the area of business, the economic inclinations are other factors that influence the business environment (McNamara 1999). Therefore, the is a distinction in both the purpose and objectives of different types of organizations within any business environment. This determines whether the organization is profit or nonprofit based (McNamara 1999). Profit organizations have the sole purpose of generating profits, such that the amount of money the organization is taking out should be less than the amount of money the organization is taking in (McNamara 1999). In addition, the organization leaders or owners may opt to hold s larger portion of the returns after deducting all the expenses such as salaries and benefits to employees, bills, among others (McNamara 1999). Addition ally, in the profit organizations, the management may choose to cut back on running costs in order to maximize profits. For example, the organization may choose to cut back on personnel in case the management feels that they do not require as much personal or in case they want to incorporate more technological advancements (McNamara 1999). In general, the management has the overall decision making capacity and formulate plans that enable the organization maximize on its returns as it acquires its market share within the economic sector. As a result, marketing strategies become vital for profit organizations as its main goal is to maximize its returns through reaching to a larger clientele (McNamara 1999). Examples of profit organization include Coca Cola, Microsoft, Apple, Samsung, among others. On the other hand, the sole purpose of nonprofit organizations is to benefit the society. They are mostly created for specific tasks such as religious, educational, or charitable (Carter 200 8). For the sole purpose of nonprofit organizations is to serve the community, they operate under strict rules and regulations that ban the owners of the organization from taking the profits for their own gain. This means that, nonprofit organizations have laws that allow them to operate some business activities although the proceeds obtained are to benefit the community (McNamara 1999). Therefore, the profits obtained from the business activities is recirculates into the organization in order for it to achieve its mission and objectives for the community (Carter 2008). Therefore, nonprofit organizations not only run some business activities but they obtain their funding from donations from the public or grants from other organizations. The examples of nonprofit organizations include research institutes, foundations, public schools, public universities, museums, public hospitals, professional associations, among others (Justia 2013). Typical real world examples include Red Cross, UN , (Justia 2013). Any organization, whether profit or nonprofit formulated objectives and missions targeting a particular group or clientele. Therefore, any organization has responsibilities to reach their targets. For instance, in case the organization is profit based, then its responsibilities will vary from making sure of the
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