Friday, July 19, 2019

Response to Article College is a Waste of Time and Money Essay

The key and initial forces/factors that help children receive a good education are parents’ support, the child’s confidence, and the drive to learn. In The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me, Sherman Alexie demonstrates each characteristic, strives through obstacles and shines through it all. According to therapist, Anna Robinson, the first and key factor in children receiving a good education is parents’ support. Anna discovers that when children come into her office, one key initial common thing the children posse is lack of hearing their parents encourage what they are doing and not pushing them enough. For example, in The Joy of Reading and Writing: Superman and Me, Alexie’s dad doesn’t say anything but encourages Alexie with by collecting books from everywhere. Alexie taught himself how to read first by â€Å"reading† Superman comic books. Now the word reading has parentheses around it because Alexie looks at the pictures and assumes what Superman is doing and saying. â€Å"I look at the narrative above the picture. I cannot read the words†¦.. Aloud, I pretend to re...

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