Thursday, October 31, 2019
Analysis of the Business Environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
Analysis of the Business Environment - Essay Example The daring steps in the formulation of the monetary policy have been taken in order to contain the deflation in the country. Despite the continuous efforts of the government the yield of the bonds issued by the government of Japan has remained more or less static and low. On the other hand the net public debt of the economy of Japan is as high as 134 % of the GDP. This is one of the highest levels of public debt out of the advanced economies of the world. In such a situation the Abenomics policies of 2013 to bring about a surge in the growth rate of the country and to bring about inflation in the country is considered to be having a lot of uncertainty and is dependent on the proper implementation of the strategies. This report is an analysis of the key measures under the policies, the main objectives as well as the long term implications of the policy. Scholarly resources have been consulted extensively in order to conduct the research and to draw appropriate inferences. Discussion B ackground of the Japanese economy In the post world war period Japan experienced spectacular growth of the economy. During the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s the average rate of the economy had been 10%, 5% and 4% respectively. The country moved to being one of the advanced economies. However, Japan witnessed a burst in the assets bubble in the early 1990s. There was an economic slowdown which resulted in a high level of unemployment in the country. Adding to this there was a huge amount of deficit in the budget which occurred due to the ventures of the government to finance the projects related to public works in the country. However the stagnation in the economy could in no way be stimulated by the different infrastructure projects. In order to battle such an economic situation the Japanese government took policy measures that would take out the speculative part of the surplus liquidity from the stock markets as well as the real estate markets. These policies led the country into a phase of intensive deflation during the phase of 1990 to 2004 (Arslanalp and Lam, 2013, pp. 12-16). Due to the policies the economy recovered once again but the deflation still persisted. At the time of the financial crisis which had hit almost all the countries of the world, Japan experienced a loss in the level of GDP by 0.7% in the year 2008 and about 5.2% in the year 2009. On the other hand the growth rate of GDP of the country was negative in 2009. The volume of international trade in the country also suffered a decline of 27%. Key policies under Abenomics The policies under Abenomics comprise of mainly three strategies which are better known as the â€Å"three arrows†(Itoh, 2013, pp. 2-3). The three pillars are Bold monetary policy Flexibility in the Fiscal Policy Strategy to induce growth The Prime Minister intended to take a bold monetary policy through the introduction of quantitative easing as well as increasing the level of spending on the public expenditure along with the attempt to devalue yen. The Bank of Japan intended to undertake a strategy of Quantitative Easing through this policy. The bank would be buying assets from the open market worth $ 1.4 trillion so that the money
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Why a Firms Market Value Differs From Its Book Value Essay
Why a Firms Market Value Differs From Its Book Value - Essay Example This paper illustrates that the role of book values of companies is losing its importance as it tends to be usually lower than market value. The approach taken for accounting is past-oriented from the market value which denotes mostly the companies earnings and hence the difference. This occurs because for evaluation of the real value of a company it takes into consideration its earnings measured in money as well as other intangible and tangible assets etc., also unlike the market valuation. There are many evaluation methods followed and the most relevant of them are the evaluation based on the Economic Value Added (EVA) which is Net Operating Profit Minus Adjusted Taxes reduced by (Invested Capital*Cost of Capital). This method takes into account the opportunity costs of capital. EVA too suffers from the drawbacks as from accounting. Another theory, Shareholder value theory suggests that through the interests of the stakeholders, the shareholder value can be reaped. This is for ensu ring return satisfaction to all the interested parties in the long run. The stakeholder theory aims at a collective interest of all stakeholders or sees the realization of their goals as the ultimate objective. Double value creation system is also followed where a company increases its customer value through its operations as well as creates its shareholder value through the sale of its product. Thus, it could be noted that the company value could be increased only if both the shareholders and stakeholders interest are considered simultaneously while doing the performance evaluation. This results in the distortions or disparity between the MVE and the CSE (market value and book value) and the conditions for this are (i) Economic rents (unbiased accounting) (ii) Accounting distortions (Perfectly competitive equilibrium) Thus, the information bearing upon the performance evaluation of a company helps in explaining the reason for the difference between the market value and the book val ue. Ideally, it could be inferred that the most important things to be considered in value creation processes are: 1) The Performance evaluation should be able to provide information for proper decision-making and ensure feedback. 2) The kind and nature of the information collected and the source from which the information is collected for valuations are therefore significant. The source, its nature, the methods used for valuation, the coherency, the adaptability with the strategic objectives etc serve as crucial indicators.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Karl Marx book Wage labour and capital
The Karl Marx book Wage labour and capital Written in 1847 by Karl Marx, the German philosopher, political economist and communist revolutionary, Wage Labour and Capital is an in-depth text centered around the idea that labour power is sold to capitalists. The book was republished by Engels in 1891 as he believed specific changes needed to be made, specifically the distinction between labour and labour power' (1). Marx who was born in Trier Germany in 1818 (2), had a significant impact in developing ideas based around communism and socialism and published these ideas in various works. This specific piece focuses primarily on how a particular economy (capitalist) works, how those in a capitalist economy are exploited and ultimately how the relationship between capital and labour is dialectically self-destructive (Marx-Engels, pg. 203). In this essay, I will discuss exactly what Marx is trying to explain to us with regard to wage labour and capital, as well as demonstrate why he believes the capital system is flawed. Further more, I will provide my own personal view on the subject by explaining which ideas of Marx I agree and perhaps disagree with.            Marx immediately jumps into the discussion of wage labour by posing two basic questions, What are wages? and How are they determined? (Marx-Engels, pg 204). According to Marx, any worker(s) in a capitalist economy are ultimately selling their labour power to the capitalist for a specific sum of money. Marx uses the example of weaving a yard of linen or type-setting a printed sheet. The capitalist is in theory buying the labour power with money, while workers are selling labour power for money. It is clear, however, that the money that is given to the worker(s) by the capitalist could have been spent on any other available commodity, thus the labour power a worker offers is equivalent to any other commodity. As Marx explains in his example, the two marks, with which he bought two pounds of sugar, are the price of the two pounds of sugar. The two marks, with which he bought twelve hours use of labour power, are the price of twelve hours of labour (Marx-Engels, pg 204). In other wor ds, the workers labour power has been exchanged for an amount of commodities measured by money (1). Why is labour power sold by the worker(s) to the capitalist? It is simple, to be able to live! What Marx explains is the fact that the labour which workers engage in is basically the way in which they live their life. Thus, his life-activity is for him only a means to enable him to exist (Marx-Engels, pg 204). A worker must sell this labour in order to be able to live. Their work is what lets them live. The worker also does not reckon labor as a part of his life, it is rather a sacrifice of his life (Marx-Engels, pg 204). It is evident that Marx is trying to expose the fact that labour was not always wage labour, and that a slave did not sell his labour power to a slave owner ((Marx-Engels, pg 205). The concept of wage labour is the result of capitalism, where workers are free to choose whether or not they want to sell this labour power they posses to any willing capitalists who might be interested in buying. Likewise, capitalists have the free choice to fire workers when they believe profits are not being made. When one worker is worn out he can be replaced by another. I found this section extremely intriguing as Marx exposed me to new ideas that I had never considered prior to reading this piece. At first it was hard to comprehend, but I soon understood what he was trying to say. Originally, when I thought of someone working, thats all it was to me, someone working. Now, however, I see the relationship between labour power and capital. I can see how Marx tries to show us that man is in essence capital and that the labour workers provide is essentially a commodity like all others. The goal of capitalists is to make the most profit possible while maintaining the lowest costs of production. They dont care about the workers, because they mean nothing. It is easy to mistake the fact that we think we need the capitalist when in reality, we are the ones who posse ss the skill and labour power, so ultimately it is he/she who needs us. Though it was somewhat challenging, I felt that Marx made this section extremely rewarding when understood.    In the proceeding section Marx goes into further depth with regard to capital. He explains that it consists of raw materials, instruments of labour and means of subsistence of all kinds, which are utilized in order to produce new raw materials, new instruments of labour and new means of subsistence. However, these components are merely creations of labour, product of labour, [and] accumulated labour. Accumulated labour which serves as a means of new production is capital (Marx-Engels, pg 207). Additionally, we learn that during production, men must interact between one another, exchanging their activities in order to produce something. Only once a definite connection and relation (Marx-Engels pg 207) has been established can their action of production actually occur.  We also learn that these social relations which are created between men constantly change over time with new innovations and developments to means of production. It is as if all components are intertwi ned, whereby social relations of production make up the social relations, society, and, specifically a society at definitive stage of historical development (Marx-Engels, pg 207). Therefore, any society at any specific point in time is displaying the stage of development by mankind. For example, the bourgeois society is responsible for the production relation that is capital. But what exactly is capital? Capital in itself must be the sum of all material products, commodities, exchange values, or social magnitudes.  So what exactly is happening when this capital grows? In other words, capital thrives solely on exchanging itself with wage labour. When capital goes up so does wage labour, and more wage workers are required, resulting in the capitalist to gaining more power over the worker(s).Growth of productive capital, therefore, means that the capitalists is gaining more power over the workers. Marx then goes on to question what will occur to wages when there is a growth of pr oduction capital. What he tells us here is that when productive capital increases, so does the accumulation of labour. As a result the number of capitals in enabled to increase creating more competition amongst them. This increased competition creates tension amongst to capitalists where one wants to be better then the other. One thing thats clear is when the power of labour armies increases, the capitalists has the ability to try and ruin his competitors. How can he do this? Its obvious, sell cheaper than your competitors. You must however find the balance where you can sell cheap enough without harming yourself, and Marx says this can be done by boosting the productive power of labour. Marx also makes it evident that by improving machinery one can create greater division of labour, which would result in increase productive power of labour. This is because there is more division amongst a larger labour force and more improved machinery, which causes the cost of production for the c apitalist to decrease. Thus, as Marx points out, a general rivalry arises among the capitalist to increase the division of labour and machinery and to exploit them on the greatest scale possible (Marx-Engels, pg 212). The question is what will happen according to Marx if this continues? We can conclude by saying that if capital continues to grow, then the competition between the worker(s) will also grow. However, the growth in competition experienced by the working class will be even larger than the rate of growth experienced by capital. After reading the next few sections, I soon realized that they were even more challenging and testing than the previous ones. Marx goes into such depth with regard to the relations between labour power and capital as well as all the components that make up capital. After reading it several times I soon understood how production was ultimately the relations built between men, whereby men had to come to terms by cooperating with one another in a certa in way and mutually exchanging their activities (Marxs-Engels, pg 207). Marx makes it clear that the capitalist goal is to try and increase their productive power as much as possible at whatever cost possible and figure they can do this by lowering all costs of production. This is something experienced every day. Companys attempting to gain market power by improving machinery to lower costs of production, so that they can sell what is being produced at the lowest possible price. It is also clear that workers have to compete with one another more and more. The capitalist doesnt care about the worker at all. We can see how Marx tries to explain how the capitalists are solely concerned with extending markets, but in doing so are contracting the world market as fewer and fewer new markets remain available for exploitation (Marx-Engels, pg 217). As a result he feels the whole system will come down and cave in on itself. To conclude, I felt this piece on wage labour and capital was extremely insightful. I was able to penetrate into the mind of Karl Marx and uncover his personal views on the capitalistic economy and the way in which he feels it is flawed. As he is a strong believer in the communistic ways, it is clear Marx is determined to expose why we mustnt follow the ways of other economies. Though I felt the work was somewhat demanding to understand, after reading it several times I slowly began to make the connections to what he was trying to say. Personally, I enjoyed learning how a strict communist views capitalism and why he thinks its a bad system.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Higher Education Organizational Theory and Leadership :: Public Administration
Higher Education Organizational Theory and Leadership The following briefing paper has been prepared to assist you in preparing your speech to the local chamber of commerce. The topic you have been asked to speak on is outlining the differences in leading an institution of higher education as opposed to running a for-profit business. The briefing highlights key points from three oft-referenced scholarly articles on the topic of higher education organizational theory and leadership. These points explain higher education structures and the differences between higher education organization and leadership and what your audience might be accustomed to. I have included references for your aid. Introduction. Higher education and private business have much in common. They use resources to produce a product for a defined client base. They are led by individuals with vision, passion, and leadership for their organizations. At their heart are dedicated people that make up the organization. However, there are also many differences, especially in making these organizations work well. The Complex Structure of Higher Education. The university is a complex organization. Baldridge, Curtis, Ecker and Riley (1982) found that colleges and universities have characteristics that distinguish them from private enterprises as well as other government organizations. They describe the higher education environment as one where resources allow individuals within the organization room to grow in different directions without the tight restraints seen in other types of environments. They go on to describe the role of the president and other university leaders as catalysts or facilitators rather than the â€Å"my way or the highway†mentality of some private CEOs. Baldridge et al. describe this environment as â€Å"organized anarchy†where this facilitation role, also described as collegial decision making, leads to an environment where decisions â€Å"happen†rather than are â€Å"made.†Politically, this environment tends to be mostly inactive wi th very fluid, fragmented participation. The president assumes the role as â€Å"first among equals†, a mediator between power blocs on campus. This is very different in all but a few private corporations. Loosely Coupled Systems. Weick (1976) takes a very similar view of this organizational theory but from a slightly different perspective. He writes of the higher education institution as a â€Å"loosely coupled system†, a system that differs markedly from the organization system of a private enterprise. The basic theory is that, unlike the militaristic ideal of the â€Å"tight ship†that many private organizations have adopted, loosely coupled systems have â€Å"softer†linkages between each unit of the organization.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Comparison of the Great Gatsby, Leisure Class, and Teaching in Tehran Essay
Class differences in society are a major impact on the lifestyle of people. Even today we can see how it effects how a person experiences their life. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, we can clearly see how Gatsby’s social status changes while in Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi we can see how class differences effect the opinions of the people in the class. The Theory of the Leisure Class by Thorstein Veblen also demonstrates the philosophy and the dynamics of the differences between the rich and the poor. In these three works, status is portrayed as a dominant force in shaping one’s educational and/or social experience. In The Great Gatsby we can see how one’s status effects a person’s educational and/or social experience. Gatsby was born into a poor family and so he wasn’t able to get a proper education. Instead he worked as a clam-digger and a salmon-fisher, unlike Tom and Nick who had the best education due to their higher status and abundance of money. Gatsby had a different social experiece from Nick who was raised as a wealthy young boy who knew of his status. This acted as a confidence booster, one that assured him of his identity. Nick’s father once said to him â€Å"‘Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone†¦ just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had†(1). Gatsby, on the other hand, had a different social experience. Gatsby wasn’t spoiled and became mature at a younger age. However, when Gatsby moves to West Egg, his educational and social experiences now differ from his past due to him being a higher status. Gatsby, now a wealthy man, is able to pursue an education with more confidence. He is also able to experience a new social standing. An example of him excercising his new wealth and position in society is his hosting of popular parties in which he is able to observe how higher class people interact. Despite this he is always uncomfortable with the rest of the higher class and is only a spectator of his parties. He never really fits in because although he is now a higher class, he grew up poor with different ideals. Growing up in a different environment made Gatsby think that with money he can achieve anything – even his goal of attaining Daisy’s love. His naivety with money shows distinct class division between poor and rich. Interaction between men and women in Tehran make women dependent on men. Gender plays a role in determining staus in Tehran. No matter how poor a man is he is seen as having more status than most women. In the excerpt Reading Lolita in Tehran, we can see the different educational and social values between men and women. Since men are raised thinking they have the superior status and their outlook on women are all similar. Unlike men, women are forced to be dependent on the male because of Tehran laws. This restricts women to do what men want to. Educationally both men and women were taught in this excerpt ,but how they perceived education was different. For a very religous man like Mr Nyazi, The Great Gastby as a book goes against eveything he believed in. Religon and his beliefs made him more narrow-minded and unable to look at the whole picture, making his argument biased. Mr. Nyazi argued, â€Å"West is our great enemy, it is the Great Satan, not because of its military might, not because of its economic power, but because of its sinister assault†(126). For a woman in Tehran to be able to argue back to a man was a big deal. Zarrin had a less biased view than Mr. Nyazi arguing how he wasn’t reading critically enough. Zarrin said, â€Å"An inablility to read a novel on its own terms. All he knows is judgement, crude, and simplistic exaltation of right and wrong†(128). In this particular society, gender is a status that is even more difficult to break through than wealth. Being born into a wealthy family meant that you have many advantages. In The Theory of the Leisure Class we can see how the standards of the wealthy are very different from the poor. Being born into a higher class also comes with social pressure to be like everyone else and be different from the poor. Thorstein speaks of some guidelines wealthy people follow to show off their wealth to say I’m not poor ,but rich. At this tage of wealth consists chiefly of slaves benefits accruing from the possesions of the riches and personal service and the immediate products of personal service†(1). What the wealthy experience is very different from the poor. The wealthy has more freedom of choice, having more leisure time to do what they please, while the poor must work everyday to survive. Whether through status or gender ,these roles in society inevitably effect the experiences and oppurtunities that are offered. Gatsby being how he changed from the lower class to the higher class or even how Zarrin viewed The Great Gatsby versus Mr. Nyazi’s view.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Challenges in International Business
GunungRapatHiongPiahSdn. Bhd. (579801-M) PHYSICAL CHALLENGES Since the Gunung Rapat Hiong Piah Sdn. Bhd. is responsible for the food manufacturing, wholesale distribution, and export of Yee Hup products, it is facing physical challenges in international business on products, workforce and even physical distribution challenges. For the products challenge, it may face the problem on warranty since there are no warranty available for this products. Everyone is know about the Yee Hup is a local business in Malaysia and it needs to spend certain of time to export such products to oversea such as Southeast Asia, Oceania, Middle East, Eastern Asia and Western Europe. When the products are on the way shipping to the particular country, it may has the probability to encounter damage such as crushes because of the unpredictable cases and it is unrealized since the biscuits are packaging in a package, but even in a carton size. The Yee Hup biscuits are selling to the customers without realized that the products are crushes and the customers are not available to get the warranty or compensation after they bought the products. It considered a challenge of this company because on the customers’perception, no warranty offered is bring the meaning that the company has no confident on their own products. Since the ‘customers are always right’, Yee Hup may lose the sales because of the products deficiency. For the workforce challenge, although the company is almost full automated in the production process, skilled staffs are still needed. For example, retail assistants as Yee Hup required such retail assistant with previous retail experience because the full trainingis not necessary will be provided. In this case, Yee Hup is facing the shortage of workforce although the labor market is enough large. Moreover, the number of R&D staff is merely less than five people. It becomes the stones in designing products since people are more pay attention in packaging nowadays. And lastly is about the physical distribution challenge. It is talking about what transportation is using by the company to move a large volume of products to other countries. It simple means that handling, movement, and storage of goods from the point of origin to the point of consumption or use, via various channels of distribution. Since one of the responsibility of GunungRapatHiongPiahSdn. Bhd. is wholesaledistribution and export of Yee Hup products, if the products failure to reach the destination within a fixed time, the company have to blamed for it. SOCIAL CHALLENGES How Yee Hup going to expand its target market consider as a social challenge. For example, age and gender. Since ‘HiongPiah’ is a famous products of Yee Hup with a long established reputation, majority of youth in local still do not know on this famous products,even thoughin global market. Yee Hup has to solve the problem on difference age group. How Yee Hup is going to change the youth customers’ perception since they feel that‘HiongPiah’ is traditional Chinese snacks, no tasty and the outlooks are not attractive? For the old generation, how Yee Hup is going to attract them to buy such sticky products? COMPETITIVE CHALLENGES Khong Guan and Mr. Christie are the main competitors to Yee Hup. Khong Guan is one of the most well known Malaysian cookie brand in Canada. The Khong Guan organization spans South East Asia and exports its cookies around the world. Khong Guan manufactures a wide range of cookies and as a result its products have become a popular demand in supermarkets. Khong Guan would pose a risk to Yee Hup’s product lines because Khong Guan is a well established brand which means they have established a mass market clientele. Mr. Christie is a well known Western brand in Canada which poses a risk to Yee Hup’s product lines. Many customers might consider eating a Western cookie rather than an Asian cookie since some consumers are not familiar with this type of product and might be hesitant to try something new. This could lead to less sales of the product.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Definition of career couples and parent employees The WritePass Journal
Definition of career couples and parent employees Introduction Definition of career couples and parent employees IntroductionConclusionRelated Introduction In modern years there has been an increasing interest in the mixture work and family, or more general, the integration of work and family life. One of the main reasons for this increasing interest is the increased contribution of women in professional employment, a development which has drastically altered traditional family structures and gender roles. Greater access to and involvement in education and enhanced career opportunities for women has led to a more diversified working population and the increase of the dual-worker family. The dual-careercouplesrefers to a specific kind of dual-worker family in which bothmembers follow a professional career and concurrently keep a family life together. In dual-career relationships conventional family roles, specifying role behaviors, are challenged in a basic. In the conventional family representation, the male is regarded as the main ‘breadwinner’ and assures that the family has an adequate sum of financial earnings to live. His breadwinner function, limits his ability to connect in family responsibilities and therefore, the female manages the family, performs every family chores, and takes care of the kids. Regardless of strong historical value, the number of families that fit this conventional mould of the male as only breadwinner and female as the main housekeeper and care-giver is diminishing considerably. Factors for instance equal opportunity legislation, economic inevitability, expansion in white-collar employment and the impact of the female liberation/ the women’s movement have led to a raise in the number of nontraditional (i.e. dual-worker and dual-career) families. These factors, amongst others, hav e caused women to engage in employment in the marketplace and chase professional careers parallel to those pursued by their male counterparts. Dual-career couples are consequently expected to become a more common fact in the near future. Authors like Crompton (1999) pointed out that the question of work-life-balance was comparatively unproblematic until the closing decades of the twentieth century because of two frequently acknowledged assumptions: (a) the standard employee was full-time and almost always a man, and  (b) women were assigned to voluntary labour of caring and family tasks. So, finding the right balance between work and family was relatively easy in this era, due to the domestication of women in addition to their exclusion from professional employment. Conclusion The bigger contribution of women in the labour market since the beginning of the 21st century has considerably changed the demography of the work-force and reshaped conventional family associations, demonstrating a difference from traditional societal norms. So, women’s vigorous contribution in the labour market has placed stresses and tensions upon the conventional household and professional responsibilities. This dynamic interaction between work and family responsibilities complicates the attainment of a healthy work-life balance which may be vital for the efficient performance of the employee. Companies cannot and should not overlook the larger setting in which the work is performed. Families function as social systems, with an inter-relationship between work and non-work roles, so that tensions in one are inevitably transferred to the other. In addition to that, conflicts and tensions arising from multiple stress have a de motivating effect on employees, this raise the chances of absenteeism and signify a risk to the quality of organisations. Therefore, the innate difficulties of the dual-career life are likely to have significant direct consequences for dual-career employees employing organizations. The significance of proper employer responses to dual-career issues and dual-careers has develop into a central area of interest for human resource management.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Isolationism essays
Isolationism essays Isolationism is best defined as opposition to U.S. intervention in war outside the Western Hemisphere, particularly in Europe; to involvement in binding military alliances; and to participation in collective-security organizations. Historically, isolationists have sought above all to preserve the nations freedom of action, each action had an impact on the future. In contrast to pacifists, isolationists can favor unilateral military action. From the founding of the republic through the early twentieth century, the United States pursued an isolationist policy. In Common Sense (in the early 1776), Thomas Pain warned that continued ties to Britain tends directly to involve this continent in European wars and quarrels. John Adamss Model Treaty of 1776 envisioned a purely commercial treaty with France, a proposal the French rejected. Former President George Washingtons farewell address of 1796 advised his country to steer clear of permanent Alliances. In his first inaugural address in 1801, Thomas Jefferson sought peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none. Although the United States engaged in several major wars in the nineteenth century the war of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Spanish-American War all these conflicts were fought unilaterally and therefore did not violate classic isolationist principles. But the years 1934-1937 marked the peak of isolationist activism. As more Americans endorsed collective action against rising dictatorships, isolationism became increasingly contested. As the word itself became more pejorative, isolationists preferred such terms as noninterventionist, hemispherist, nationalist, and continentalist the term favored by the historian Charles A. Beard. Classic isolationism ended on December 7, 1941, with the Japanese attack ...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Audit - Assurance - and Compliance Trimester
The company, Bio Sustainable Feeds Ltd of Australia Is mainly engaged in the research and development process related to different eco-friendly products including fish feed. So far the case study says, the engagement of Bio Sustainable Fish Feeds Ltd in the research of fish feed had faced early setback when their effort towards research of exploring new range of fish feed with the ingredients of earthly items like canola, corn, soya-bean, sunflower, etc. could not be able to produce desired result. To hour their effort with constant endeavor to excel in the field of environmental friendly fish feed had been recognized by Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization or CSIRO by extending a grant of AUD 500 million with specific terms and conditions of spending the money in the activity of research on the eco-friendly fish feed (Morgan, 2015). The company had engaged themselves with further research in this filed of fish feed by exploring the scope of deploying ingredients like wood chips, cane residue or captured methane gas from different sources, which had seen some success in the respective field in the context of feed products increasing the weight of the valuable fishes like salmon, tuna, trout with reasonable satisfactory standard. The respective company will undergo a audit program by a professional audit agency who will undertake the assignment after verifying certain issues like the detection of audit risk, the financial accounting documents and with the context of certification of the claim of the company related to their exclusive patent right and TBL as per GPFS of BSF ltd. As per the standard procedure, the audit firm has to set steps of audit before the assignment is to be started. There are different opinions of fixation of steps of audit for any assignment which is depending upon the volume of documents to be checked and assessing the gravity of the situation which is needed for concluding part through generation of audit report. Steps are basically framed in macro level with planning of audit, conducting audit and conclusion of the audit activity. These steps are divided micro level of activities to be compliant of audit purpose (Asic, 2016). These steps will be discussed as follows to understand the utility of these steps and the respective outcome these steps can produce to make the final audit report for the stakeholders of the company. The basic requirements of an audit program is to be entertained with the steps of audit program and these preliminary steps are more essential to ensure the accuracy of the audit process and ultimately to provide with the best possible audit report to the process owner and other stakeholders of the company (Penn, 2016). Planning of audit is divided into different micro aspects which are being appended below: To plan any audit assignment, first to derive by the auditor is to ascertain of the assignment is suitable for the auditors. The identity of an auditor for any assignment is unique and in any case auditor should not get involved with any such assignment which is of material interest. The auditor has to ensure that he is not at all attached to the company by any means with some material interest and except for the purpose of audit, the auditor should not get involved in any sort of such activity which is directing towards any sort of interest of the auditor with the company or any such activity which is related to company other than of audit process. It is also advised to introduce fresh personnel in the audit process to have fresh outlook on the process (Penn, 2016). To ensure the above point, the auditor and his team should involve themselves in the derivation of the size of the audit process along with the scope of the audit work. To ensure this, there should be an homework to ascertain how the members of the audit team will get involve in the process with the specific time limit to be fixed related to this assignment. Also it is to be noted if any special investigation is to be done any specific issues which is related to work-intensive. These elements can make the leader of the audit team about fixing the number of team members for successful completion of audit assignment (Acca, 2016).  Prior to staring the audit process, the team leader should assess the probable areas which may produce potential mistakes which will be caused due to misstatement in the reports of financial accounting system of the company. The right spade of ding this is the highly professional and experienced background of the team leader. This identification process can be done though the knowledge of the company with the past financial statements and as because this is of subjective nature; the team leader should depend upon his self-judgment. Post the introductory assessment, the auditor has to fix the strategy of undertaken audit assessment by segregating different activities to be done which should include identifying the critical area of interests depending upon which the task assignment is to be made with the factor of time limit by which the job is to be done (Asic, 2016). It is the execution part of the audit assignment which includes different micro activities like advance intimation, verification of concerned documents, like financial accounting statement and relevant documents, compliance of statutory obligation, reviewing of the audit process and making of draft audit report. It is the first step of conducting audit to place the intimation to the company in which the audit process is to be taken care. The intimation should be in black and white and will contain the start date of the audit process with proposed completion date, checklist of documents and records pertaining to the financial accounting to be made available for the purpose of audit, well in advance for the period specified for which the audit process will take place (Mediacongo, 2015). The basic criterion of any audit process is to ensure proper verification of financial accounting documents and records in the form of receipts, payments and the respective entries in journal and ledger. The main job of auditing is to verify the documents provided by the company with proper checking. The documents such ought to be verified are statements, registers and records. While checking the application of mind with the professional knowledge is required for checking and subsequent derivation of judgment. The documents and records are to be substantiated with the respective journal and ledger entries which are instrumental for the process of finalization of accounts; hence this is the most discrete part of the entire audit operation (Mediacongo, 2015). The statutory obligations for any company arise from the implication of several taxes payable by the company through the generation of business. It is the obligatory part of the company to ensure the payment of taxes and other statutory compliance within specified period; otherwise the company will face liability by penalty and interest, being a defaulter. Hence it is one of the important areas to find out by auditor that the compliance in the said field is properly ensured by the company. After the audit is over, the generation of financial review report is compulsory with the view of the auditor. The same report is to be forwarded to the management of the company for required clarification in different issues which are found not abiding by the system and the process of the company. Post all these activities, the auditor has to furnish the recommendation which will guide the company to make their strategies to be reviewed or fixed as per the constitution of the company. Violation on any issues must be highlighted with the preferred recommendation of the auditor to get rid of such instances. After all activities related to audit process is over, the auditor ahs to handover the necessary copies to the respective stakeholders with signature. The report is to be signed by the director of the company simultaneously as a token of acceptance of the facts revealed in the audit. With all the above steps to be completed, the audit process comes to an end for any specific financial period of the company concerned. The audit report will be elementary for the company to find out the lacuna of the system adopted by the company with clear and transparent recommendation to avoid those in future so far accounting standard is concerned. When the auditor will take the assignment of BSF Ltd. Preferably these steps will be adopted for a professional audit of the company. Audit risk is a regular feature for determining if the assignment is to be taken or not. There are three types of risks prevalent in this segment- inherent risk, control risk and detection risk. It is that type of risk which is inherent in nature within the culture of the company due to misstatement of subject appearing in the financial statement of the company. Inherent risk is featured in the high range where it s found that high level of judgment is involved to encounter complex transactions observed in the process (Accounting-simplified, 2010). This risk is generated from the activities which are arising out of the lesser –practice of internal control which subsequently leaves the scope of high level of material misstatement. To mitigate control risk, high level of multi-layer internal control check is to be implemented with the professional knowledge in the respective field of accounting and finance. This risk arises when the auditor can not detect the focus area and put highlight on the areas which are not so important, and at the same time ignoring the areas which are of more importance is status. This situation arises when the auditor is getting confused with the issues arising during the process of audit (Unifr, 2016). The acceptable model of risk assessment determination is practiced with the below formula:- Audit risk= Inherent risk x control risk x detection risk  In this case the assumed audit risk is derived with the coefficient provided in case of BSF Ltd.:- Inherent risk = 90%, control risk =5% and detection risk = 80% Thus audit risk derived is = 90% x5% x 80% or 0.036 This audit is risk is reasonable, if the audit firm is accepting. Otherwise the audit firm has to follow the specified benchmark they follow for derivation of audit risk (Unifr, 2016). Following is the audit program for BSF Ltd.: The Assigned audit firm has to assess the audit risk and then serve a notice to the management of BSF Ltd with the time limit and the requirement of the financial documents of BSF Ltd. along with acceptance of the assignment. To start with the process, schedule of audit is to be made containing the detailed program and the time limit with assigned members of the audit team. The plan of audit is the next step which should emphasize on the objective, scope and detection of critical area of the audit to be made on BSF Ltd. Management of audit process is the most vital step of audit program which is the responsibility of the team leader who will concentrate on the schedule and ensure compliance of audit plan. Submission of the draft audit report to the management for further discussion on the gray areas of observation is the next step with highlighting the discrepancies found during the course of audit(Cag, 2011).  Spent on research 1 st installment  Expense on procurement of fixed assets for research  Spent on research 2 nd  installment  Spent on research 3 rd and final installment Observations of the journal entries related to CSIRO grant and R & D expenses: CSIRO grant had been booked properly in the books of financial accounting. R & D expenses are booked as per expenses made with the conditions applied as per CSIRO TBL or Triple Bottom Line concept endorses the concept of compliance of any organization by exposing their concern about social environmental and economical bottom line. As per BSF Ltd. they are claiming their compliance of TBL through GPFS and they need the certification of the same from the auditor. So far their activities of research with the eco friendly ingredients are proved, and with their endeavor to serve the society through their efforts they are substantially comply the same along with the economic bottom line of profit generation. Hence the claim may be certified with true and fair observations from the auditor. It is found that BSFR had acquired the patent of the product which is the result of their effort exploiting the environment friendly bacterial based resource. Their patent is being allowed on the subject with the product they have explored. But the entire field of bacterial based feeds technology can’t be their claim area as patent. Hence the claim such placed may not be allowed by the auditor keeping in mind the said factor of covering entire range of that technology (Acca, 2016). Acca. (2016, May 31). Planning an Audit of Financial Statements. Retrieved September 22, 2016, from accaglobal: Accounting-simplified. (2010). Audit Risk Model Inherent Risk, Control Risk & Detection Risk. Retrieved September 20, 2016, from Aicpa. (2006). Audit Risk and Materiality in Conducting an Audit. Effective for audits of financial statements for periods beginning on or after December 15, 2006. Earlier application is permitted; , 47 (107), 1647-1662. Asic. (2016). Are you a large or small proprietary company. Retrieved September 17, 2016, from Cag. (2011, March 31). Audit Plan. Retrieved September 22, 2016, from Cag: Mediacongo. (2015, April 15). ToR Audit BSF-IA Final. Retrieved September 17, 2016, from mediacongo: Morgan, H. (2015, December 07). CSIRO fund to support Australian start-ups. Retrieved September 22, 2016, from Csiro: Penn, S. (2016). Six-Step Audit Process. Retrieved 09 17, 2016, from Unifr. (2016). Risks (Audit Risk Formula). Retrieved September 20, 2016, from With a decade's experience in providing essay help,
Friday, October 18, 2019
Kinship System and Culture Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Kinship System and Culture - Research Paper Example A study on the kinship system of the San reflects that they belonged to a nuclear family comprising of father, mother and children. The kinship connection in relation to both mother and father is important among the San’s. This particular kinship system is referred to as the bilateral kinship system. Because of the bilateral kinship system among the San, there is a presence of relative in every band living nearby. The San’s are prohibited to marry their second cousins or marrying someone close in relationship to the person. San girls oppose marriage at an early age. The women in the San culture are highly responsible for the gathering of their foods. Women generally collect fruits, lemons, nuts, while the no vegetarian food is collected by the men. The San families work together as a group. The kinship system they had helps them to survive in disasters. If one family is unable to collect food for a day, they move to other families and take the foods from them. San people live in large number of groups and a group may consist of more than 30 members. The groups are connected by marriage and kinship and help them in providing safety and comfort. During scarcity of food and other needs they move on to other camps and take their help. Marriage between inter band members strengthens the harmony among the groups. The kinship system actually affects the thought process of the San. It is because of their necessity to live in dependence of the group, for which the inter-group marriage has become popular.
Obesity Discourses and Physical Education Essay
Obesity Discourses and Physical Education - Essay Example Lesser than 18.5 is considered to be underweight, while 30.0 up to 34.9 BMI is considered to be overweight. Plotted next is 22 year-old Tom's BMI. His 58.2 BMI corresponded into class 3 obesity or what the narrator classified as morbidly obese. Less than 39.1 up to 35.0 is class 2 obesity and lesser than 34.9 which is up to 30.0 is class 1 obesity. Narrator cited that factors of his irregular BMI into fats, sugars, and salt. These are the ingredients that are rampant in to the common food that Tom had been eating combined with lack of exercise, "it resulted into a one chubby Tom," he said. Obesity is a serious disease. Organs are affected when one is overweight, much more if he is classified with obesity. One of the most in the affected organs is the heart, due to the possible artery blockage. (Medline Plus, 2008) According to the U.S. Surgeon General in their work Call to Action to Prevent and Decrease Overweight and Obesity (2001), "overweight and obesity result from an energy imbalance. This involves eating too many calories and not getting enough physical activity". In it they also cited that "body weight is the result of genes, metabolism, behavior, environment, culture, and socioeconomic status." (Medline Plus, 2008) Along with these claims, they provided that in state of obesity, one is more likely prone to have diabetes, stroke, arthritis, and some cancers. In direct medical definition, obesity means having too much body fat, which is different from being simply overweight, it weighs beyond that. (Medline Plus, 2008) What is alarming is the report of the rapid increase of obesity case in the United States of America and in Australia. Baker Heart Institute reported in their study, Australia Future Fat Bomb (2005) that there are 14,000 adults in Australia that is obese. (Medindia, 2008) In the estimation, there are 70 percent of men 60 percent of women. Ages are ranging from 45 to 65 years old, having the BMI of 25 and greater. The estimation of the statistics outweighed even the United States of America. (Medindia, 2008) In United States a dramatic increase took place during the past 20 years. It was cited that "thirty states had prevalence equal to or greater than 25%; thereof these states (Alabama, Mississippi and Tennessee) had a prevalence of obesity equal to o greater that 30%." (Medline Plus, 2008) U.S. Surgeon General also added that "behavior and environment play a large role causing the people to be overweight and obese. These are the greatest areas for prevention and treatment actions." (Medline Plus, 2001) Similarly to the medical experts, the "obesity crisis" received wide spread attention from sport educators, researchers, health experts and the media and they
The Effect of PeerTutoring and Computer Assisted Tutoring on Thesis
The Effect of PeerTutoring and Computer Assisted Tutoring on Standardized Math Scores - Thesis Example The purpose of this action research study is to determine the value of tutoring strategies in augmenting mathematical studies for junior high school students. My purpose is to study the results of two types of tutoring programs used with adolescent groups. The two tutorial groups are computer assisted instruction and peer-tutoring. Raul Yzaguirre School for Success (RYSS) is an urban charter school with a majority-minority Hispanic student population. RYSS is a Title I school with 100% of the students receiving free and reduced lunch. I am currently teaching Language Arts for the eighth grade while obtaining my administration internship. The purpose of the study is to discover the best available strategy to aid RYSS students in the improvement of their standardized test scores for mathematics. The administrative team at RYSS has approved a tutoring program for summer school students. Tutoring fits into the larger context of education because (a) tutoring helps students who are struggling while allowing them to engage in a challenging, rigorous learning experience; (b) tutoring assists students in moving toward grade level achievement, and (c) tutoring builds successful students so that they move from success to succes
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Globalisation and the State - Discuss Literature review
Globalisation and the State - Discuss - Literature review Example This term provides, in a nut shell, the idea of capitalist globalisation. The transnational capitalist class consists of four segments. These are the owners and affiliates of the transnational corporations that control the business objectives and activities of these corporations; politicians and bureaucrats from different nations; professionals working globally in different sectors and finally the consumerist elite class consisting of rich merchants and media professionals (Sklair, 2001). The transnational capital has become an important part of the capital endowment of the world. Different classes in the Marxist understanding refer to the divisions among workers all over the world on the basis of the relation they have with the social production function (Fouskas and Gokay, 2012). The translational capitalist class has no national boundaries and they are forerunners of the modern spree of globalization. This new bourgeoisie class is recognised as the capitalist class and they repres ent the transnational capital. ... However, recently, the concept of sustainable development has evolved and companies are now concerned about the sustainability of their business activities (Robinson, 2003). Great depression of 2008: Capitalism Perspective Various economists and researchers have studied the phenomenon of the global depression which was a consequence of the large scale financial crisis that occurred during 2007-2008. The global depression of the 2008 has been viewed by many scholars under the light of the global capitalist theory (Krugman, 2009). The rise of the transnational capital and transnational capitalist class has led to the emergence of a â€Å"globally integrated production and financial system†(Robinson, 2012). According to the reports published by commentators of events of economic and political significance in the world, the crisis has its roots in the sub-prime loan fiasco in the United States that had surfaced in mid-2007 (Jones, 2004). It has been emphasised that the financial debacle had been taking its shape for a long period of time even before it came to public notice in mid-2007. The overall global recession followed inevitably and remained effective over the next year. The original cause of the crisis lies deep in Marxist understanding. It can be stated with evidence that the crisis situation was a result of contradictions of state power and over-accumulation. Capitalism strives and progresses by the means of capital accumulation. However, over accumulation of capital restricts the direct productive involvement of human capital in the process of the production. Due to over accumulation, the economic system cannot expand. Marginalization of a considerably high portion of the working population from direct productive participation and downward pressure on wages
Hong Kong film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hong Kong film - Essay Example This research will provide you a ability to examine the workings and products of the creative and hugely accepted current Hong Kong film industry, contribution you the chance to investigate your interests about the connections among popular culture, national personality, and the commercial realities of filmmaking. All along the way we'll dissimilarity some Mainland Chinese film work with Hong Kong films to appreciate the complexities of the Mainland's sight of itself and of Hong Kong film industry. I have also focus to pursuing explore on the growing interface among the Hollywood and Hong Kong film industries, identifying and analyzing latest trends in mutually (moreover, the growing use of CGI in Hong Kong; the claim of Hong Kong construction methods to film series like the Matrix and Lord of the Rings trilogies), and will like tentative Hong Kong's advance to reinventing traditional accepted film genres. In this research I have argue a well-known question: what do we make of film as industrial product and film as cultural body For the purposes of this research on hong kong film culture I use 'film culture' in a limited sense to submit to film expenditure, or the globe of movement of the cinema between different audience groups. At the very beginning I hope to spot out that I create a number of statements, at times challenging ones, devoid of given that suitable clarifications or proof. This is suitable method to deal with hard problems. Though, It may be pardon for opting for the simple way out in the glow of the constraints of space. 'Kung Fu: Negotiating Nationalism and Modernity' According to the article writer movies, as a shape of art, too, exemplify the vision of its audiences. A few celebrate its charming originality; others derogate its delusive diversion. Whether optimistic or pessimistic, it is no doubt that cinematic vision possesses its exclusive meaning and its secure association by realism, mutually psychical and physical. In the late twentieth century, or to put it further exact, in the 70's, kung fu genre, pioneered by the unending star Bruce Lee, arose, moving a marvelous tempest in the movie industry. The vision of Bruce Lee's kung fu movies is clear, and has been discussed in numerous researches. For instance, David Desser, by analyzing "the heart of kung fu's fandom" in the United States, that is, "black youth in the inner city and the rural South", says that kung fu movies "was the genre of the underdog, the underdog of color fighting against colonialist enemies" . Or as experts has seen in Lee's kung fu globe, there exists the option of pol y-culturalism which "accepts the differences in cultural carry out" (Lee, Joanna Ching Yun,2002 , PP129-147). The desire, apparently an anti-colonial one, envisioned by Bruce Lee's kung fu movies is also one factor that contributes to its success. Though, as Joel Stein, the columnist of Time, scornfully comments on Bruce Lee's three free movies in America: one of which was unwatchably awful, the further two of which were watchably awful", the plot of kung fu movies is just droning, boring and unsurprising. In fact, what the audience actually loves concerning Lee's films is other than his thrashing up the Japanese or
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
The Effect of PeerTutoring and Computer Assisted Tutoring on Thesis
The Effect of PeerTutoring and Computer Assisted Tutoring on Standardized Math Scores - Thesis Example The purpose of this action research study is to determine the value of tutoring strategies in augmenting mathematical studies for junior high school students. My purpose is to study the results of two types of tutoring programs used with adolescent groups. The two tutorial groups are computer assisted instruction and peer-tutoring. Raul Yzaguirre School for Success (RYSS) is an urban charter school with a majority-minority Hispanic student population. RYSS is a Title I school with 100% of the students receiving free and reduced lunch. I am currently teaching Language Arts for the eighth grade while obtaining my administration internship. The purpose of the study is to discover the best available strategy to aid RYSS students in the improvement of their standardized test scores for mathematics. The administrative team at RYSS has approved a tutoring program for summer school students. Tutoring fits into the larger context of education because (a) tutoring helps students who are struggling while allowing them to engage in a challenging, rigorous learning experience; (b) tutoring assists students in moving toward grade level achievement, and (c) tutoring builds successful students so that they move from success to succes
Hong Kong film Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Hong Kong film - Essay Example This research will provide you a ability to examine the workings and products of the creative and hugely accepted current Hong Kong film industry, contribution you the chance to investigate your interests about the connections among popular culture, national personality, and the commercial realities of filmmaking. All along the way we'll dissimilarity some Mainland Chinese film work with Hong Kong films to appreciate the complexities of the Mainland's sight of itself and of Hong Kong film industry. I have also focus to pursuing explore on the growing interface among the Hollywood and Hong Kong film industries, identifying and analyzing latest trends in mutually (moreover, the growing use of CGI in Hong Kong; the claim of Hong Kong construction methods to film series like the Matrix and Lord of the Rings trilogies), and will like tentative Hong Kong's advance to reinventing traditional accepted film genres. In this research I have argue a well-known question: what do we make of film as industrial product and film as cultural body For the purposes of this research on hong kong film culture I use 'film culture' in a limited sense to submit to film expenditure, or the globe of movement of the cinema between different audience groups. At the very beginning I hope to spot out that I create a number of statements, at times challenging ones, devoid of given that suitable clarifications or proof. This is suitable method to deal with hard problems. Though, It may be pardon for opting for the simple way out in the glow of the constraints of space. 'Kung Fu: Negotiating Nationalism and Modernity' According to the article writer movies, as a shape of art, too, exemplify the vision of its audiences. A few celebrate its charming originality; others derogate its delusive diversion. Whether optimistic or pessimistic, it is no doubt that cinematic vision possesses its exclusive meaning and its secure association by realism, mutually psychical and physical. In the late twentieth century, or to put it further exact, in the 70's, kung fu genre, pioneered by the unending star Bruce Lee, arose, moving a marvelous tempest in the movie industry. The vision of Bruce Lee's kung fu movies is clear, and has been discussed in numerous researches. For instance, David Desser, by analyzing "the heart of kung fu's fandom" in the United States, that is, "black youth in the inner city and the rural South", says that kung fu movies "was the genre of the underdog, the underdog of color fighting against colonialist enemies" . Or as experts has seen in Lee's kung fu globe, there exists the option of pol y-culturalism which "accepts the differences in cultural carry out" (Lee, Joanna Ching Yun,2002 , PP129-147). The desire, apparently an anti-colonial one, envisioned by Bruce Lee's kung fu movies is also one factor that contributes to its success. Though, as Joel Stein, the columnist of Time, scornfully comments on Bruce Lee's three free movies in America: one of which was unwatchably awful, the further two of which were watchably awful", the plot of kung fu movies is just droning, boring and unsurprising. In fact, what the audience actually loves concerning Lee's films is other than his thrashing up the Japanese or
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Mississippi Burning Essay Example for Free
Mississippi Burning Essay Burning is a movie about racial hate and bigotry. How has the director Alan Parker presented the genre through the use of Camera, Music and other techniques? Racial hate has been one of the biggest issues in society over the past 100 years. Film has traditionally been considered a very effective medium in presenting a message about this. Mississippi Burning is a heart wrenching film based on racial hate and bigotry. Alan Parker is the director of the film and has incorporated many techniques such as, camera angles and lighting, costume and language and sound. All of these techniques are to suit particular scenes in the film and or to highlight certain attributes. Alan Parker provides a theme and or message with in his film, and his techniques used without help to provide the message and or theme he wishes to portray. Camera Angles and Lighting are highly influenced in the film as they help symbolise certain objects and highlight hidden meanings. SCENE displays this as once the FBI men have had the fright of their life they spot something outside, to then see it is a burning cross. At this point the cross is burning bright and the environment around is dull, almost not there. This is highlighting the fact that at this point of time the police are winning and their ways are brighter and better then there’s. This proves that the police believe that treating black people like dogs is okay. Throughout the film there are dramatic camera angles, the best one that highlights the whole movie is the opening scene, where we are looking directly at a white mans’ drinking fountain and a black mans’ drinking fountain, the differences in the fountains show that black men have no rights and white men have too many. Alan Parker uses language and costume to highlight certain characters and their actions. Language being a strong point throughout the film, Alan highlights the fact that the police for example are pig headed by the way they speak. They have a lot of slag and a lot of attitude. Alan highlights the fact that the black people have a voice as when they do speak, they are polite and confident. The way the characters all dress reflects them too, as Alan tries to portray a message that the black people cannot afford not only nice clothes but a better life, that the white men can afford to dress nice but cannot afford a nice attitude. Sound is used to help maintain a scene, to help make it more dramatic, to make you more excited, to prove a point or make you sadder. Sound helps portray messages in such a way that words cant. Mississippi Burning without fail reaches to enhance these points as the film carries out many strong ‘sound’ points. SCENE when the three civil right men are found, the funeral is withheld and a black woman with a strong voice take the scene as she evokes the point that the two white boys were not allowed to be buried near the black boy and not only she, but the whole black culture has had enough of being treated like dirt. This scene shows a rise up, a community of black people standing together for the last time as dirt and rising up together as strong-willed people. Mississippi Burning uses a wide range of techniques to provoke messages being hidden throughout the film. Racial hate and bigotry are constantly highlighted behind mixed messages and a hidden meaning as Alan Parker allows a viewer to withhold their own opinion on not just the film, but racism itself.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Hangzhou Wahaha Food Group Management Essay
Hangzhou Wahaha Food Group Management Essay In the global market today, culture has gradually seeped into our daily lives. People can no longer work within their own comfort zone, but the current business markets requires a need to step out of peoples comfort zone to explore the wonders of cross cultural working culture. Like a coin, Culture has its flip side though it has been considered as one of the main factors in shaping and accounting for successful business attempt. However, culture has always been considered a sensitive topic among people, companies and even the nations. In the recent years, many multi-national companies have not yet grasp the culture of the country which they are operating or selling their products in. By using case studies of Danone Vs Wahaha and Renault Vs Nissan in our research, we attempt to compare the vast differences in national culture between France, China and Japan using Geert Hofstedes 6 dimensions of defining and interpreting culture. In 1996, Chinas Hangzhou Wahaha food group, Frances Danone group and Hong Kongs Bai fu qin corporation decided to form a joint venture named Wahaha. In this joint venture, Danone attempted to enter the china market using Wahaha brand that is well-received by the Chinese. However, problems started to arise when Danone become the biggest shareholder in 1998; thus producing resentment from the Chinas Wahaha group as they felt that Danone has misled them from the very beginning. To worsen the problem, Hangzhou Wahaha food group that is managed by Chairman Zong was accused of breaching the contract by establishing non-joint ventures which have infringed the interest of Danone, claiming that the Hangzhou Wahahas establishment of the nonjoint ventures as well as the illegal use of the Wahaha trademark has violated the clause started in the contract. After which Wahahas Chairman Zong was sued into courts by Danone in California and Italy, he further created a series of small companies produc ing the same products as the joint venture. The Wahaha Vs Danone case has significantly depicted a dispute between ownership rights. If reading were done further in depth, conflicts between Danone and Wahaha may be caused by unawareness of the cross cultural differences between France and China. Nissan Vs Renault Nissan, a Japanese company and Renault, a French company have decided to come together to work on a joint project. Both companies were well known for their distinct corporate cultures and brand identity. The joint project was formed as both companies shares a single joint of strategy for profitable growth and community of interest. However, Nissans management style strongly encouraged group performance while the Renault focuses on individual performance. Communication between the top management and employees were not clear and direct, therefore resulting in misunderstanding within the company. The conflict arises between the 2 partners was due to Nissans employees assumed that Renault was another company similar to them by encouraging group performance. However, Renaults management style belongs to a much more individualistic approach, making the Nissans employees felt uncomfortable of having the feeling of losing their family atmosphere. Communication between the Nissan employees and Renault employees broke down; Nissan did not understood what were Renaults main objectives and their company goals in their partnership with Nissan. Some of the Nissans managers felt frustrated and opposed to the entry of Renault representative on Nissans board. The managers were old employees, and they felt that employees should be promoted according to their seniority instead of individual performance. The breakdown of communication is also caused by the differences in their language. With such a significant difference in their management style, there is a need in cross cultural awareness f or the business joint venture to be a successful one. Geert Hofstedes 6 dimensions According to Geert Hofstedes cultural research studies, he has interpreted that culture can be classified into 6 different dimensions; Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism Vs Collectivism, Masculinity Vs Femininity, Long term orientation Vs Short term orientation. The table below shows the different scores allocated to the different dimensions for France, China and Japan France China Japan Power Distance 68 80 54 Uncertainty Avoidance 86 30 92 Individualism Vs Collectivism 71 20 46 Masculinity Vs Femininity 43 66 95 Long Term Orientation Vs Short term Orientation 39 118 80 ** INSERT THE VALUES MEANING Power Distance Power distance deals with the fact that all individuals in societies are not equal it expresses the attitude of the culture towards inequalities among us. Power distance can be defined as to the extent to which the less powerful expects and accepts that power is distributed unequally. (Geert Hofstede,2001 ) In comparison of France, China and Japan, China belongs to a society where the people believes that inequalities is acceptable where there is a presence of a powerful employer-subordinate relationship which the subordinate will abide by all rules and regulations set by the employer. France on the other hand may be prone towards a more hierarchical organization system where the attitude towards managers are more formal. Japan belongs to a more hierarchical society where the Japanese should be conscious of their hierarchical position in any situations. All decisions made must be confirmed by each level of the management and finally by the top management. Individualism Vs Collectivism In the dimension of Individualism Vs Collectivism, Individualism can be identified as the high degree of independence a society maintains among its members. It relates to peoples self image in terms of I while Collectivism can be identified to be the opposite. In a individualist society, people tends to only look after themselves and their direct family only while a collectivist society consists of people belonging to a group that takes care of them in exchange for their loyalty.(Geert Hofstede,2001) Comparing the 3 countries, there is a significant difference; China belongs to a highly collectivist country where people act at an interest of a group. In this norm, personal relationships prevail over the task and company. However in France, there is a certain degree of independence a society maintains among its members. The French prefers individual and private opinions and work relationships between the employer and employees are contract based where everyones focus is on the task itself. Communication within a individualist company would be direct where everyone can give their opinions freely if they do not agree. Referring back to the Nissan Vs Renault case, it has clearly shown that Renault (France) encouraged a more individualist approach by promoting individual initiatives and hoped that the employees are promoted through individual performance. Direct contacts between the top management and employees were encouraged in their individualistic approach. Japan similar to china belongs to a highly collectivist society, this can be shown through putting their harmony of group above the expression of individual opinions and the Japanese have a strong sense of shame for losing face. In the Nissan Vs Renault case, Nissans employees feel that it is important to have a family atmosphere in their working environment. The managers of Nissan felt frustrated and opposed to the entry of Nissan as they felt that promotions should be done according to seniority, not individual performance. This clearly shows that Nissan (Japan) belongs to a collectivist society. Masculinity Vs Feminity Masculinity Vs Feminity is another dimension where we can infer that a masculine society will be driven by competition, achievement and success. It is a value system that starts in the school and continues throughout organizational behavior. On the contrary, a feminine society will be driven by caring for others and quality of life. It is one where quality of life is the sign of success and standing out from the crowd is not admirable. (Geert Hofstede, 2001) In China, Leisure time to the Chinese is not as important compared to the status and better salaries. Such examples can be found in students as they care very much about their exam scores and ranking as the main criteria to achieve success or not. France belongs to a relatively feminine society. It may be due to their famous welfare system, securità © sociale where the French are only required to work 35 working hours per week and entitled to 5 weeks of holidays per year. France cares greatly for their quality of life and focuses more on work in order to live the reverse. Competition in the working environment is usually not encouraged and flashy signs of success should not be shown in the public. In the Renault Vs Nissan case, Nissan is shown to be treated males and females equally. Some of the female employees were offered several managerial positions in the company. Japan, a total opposite from France has a highly masculine culture. It is usually shown through competitive situations between groups, not individuals. Their famous workaholism is also another expression of their highly masculine culture. In Japan, women find it difficult to climb the corporate ladder due to their masculine norm of hard and long working hours. Contrasting Renault in the case study, Nissan belongs to a masculine company which managerial positions are only offered to the male employees, not the female workers. Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty avoidance has to do with how the society deals with the fact that their future will not be known. The unknown elements will bring about ambiguity and different cultures will react to the ambiguity in different ways. The uncertainty avoidance can be defined as the extent to which the members of a culture feels threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have created beliefs and institutions that try to avoid these. (Geert Hofstede, 2001) The high degree of ambiguity can be seen from the Chinese as their language is often full of ambiguity that can be seen as confusing for the westerners. It is shown that the Chinese are comfortable with ambiguity and seen to be adaptable and entrepreneurial. 70%-80% of Chinese businesses tend to be small to medium sized and family owned. France on the other hand tends to have their teachings and training done in a deductive approach. In the management level, rules and securities are ensured to create a stress free working environment and a certain level of expertise are welcomed. A change of policies can also be seen as a stressful event. Japanese is one of the few countries that have the highest uncertainty avoidance score. It may be due to the fact that Japan is constantly threatened with natural disasters such as earthquake, volcanoes eruptions that most Japanese are always prepared in any kind of situations. In the business environment, a lot of time and effort are put into feasibility studies and all the risk must be worked out before the project can proceed. Long term Vs Short term orientation In the Long term Vs Short term orientation, a long term orientation can be seen closely related to teachings of Confucius and can be separately interpreted as dealing with societys search for virtue. Long term orientation can be defined as the extent to which a society shows a pragmatic future orientated perspective while Short term orientation shows a conventional historical short term point of view. (Geert Hofstede, 2001) China belongs to a long term orientated society whereby persistence and perseverance is seen to be normal. The Chinese are thrifty and tends to invest in long term projects such as real estate. They also recognized that the government is by men rather than being influenced by external factors such as god or the laws. France on a contrary is a short term oriented society; there is a great respect towards traditions, cultures and their language. In business related issues, the French tends to focus on short term results and therefore, companies are usually driven by quarterly results. They do not focus on saving and the management style is based on self-reliance, personal achievement, hard work and managers are judged based on short term results. In Japan, people lives their lives guided by virtues and good examples in life. There is a hint of long term orientation in the constantly high rate of investment in RD, even through difficult times. This is all done for the sake of a steady growth for market share instead of a quarterly profit, thus increasing the durability of the company, serving the stakeholders and the society for many generations to come. From the graph above, it has shown that the cultural differences between France and China is distinctly difference in terms of their power distance, Individualism, Masculinity, Uncertainty avoidance and Long term orientation. With that significant difference, there is furthermore a need to focus on the awareness of cross cultural differences between the 2 country in order for the joint venture between Wahaha and Danone to be a successful one. By relating back to the case study, Danone, the French company may not understand the ambiguity in how the Chinese operates in Wahaha and may misinterpreted their good intentions. Likewise, for Hangzhou Wahaha, it is founded by the Chairman Zong who started the company from a small company which may be very much more family-owned. Chairman Zong may not have a vast understanding of how international joint ventures works and can end up leading to bigger misunderstanding and conflicts which results in the failure of the joint venture or business at tempts. Given an example from the case study; Zhang Cheryl(2001) stated that the interpretation of losing control is different between the western society and china. In the western society, the meaning of losing control may not be treated at a personal level. However, losing control in china is equally be meant as losing face, and losing face in this case study would refers to losing the power to make decisions which puts Chairman Zong of Wahaha in a disrespectful situation among his employees. Wahaha therefore insist to runs normally in their daily operations in order to keep their face. To worsen the situation, Wahaha perceived it was losing face when Danone established other IJVs with their competitors resulting in Wahaha being less motivated to settle their conflicts and disputes between each other. From the case study, we have seen how important cross cultural awareness is important in shaping and cultivating a good business attempt. In comparison of France and Japan, there is still a significant difference in the 6 dimension index from Hofstedes theory. In the Nissan Vs Renault case study, the difference in management style, breakdown of communication, different cultural values and language barrier are factors which may have caused a conflict between the 2 companies. One of the major problems may be the different management style; where Nissan is prone to work in a family like atmosphere. However, Renault focus on individual performance where individual employees only cares about their own results. Nissan can also be seen as a more masculine society which managerial positions are only offered to male employees while Renault treats all employees as it can be shown that several managerial positions were taken up by female employees. In such a different cultural environment, it is important that both companies should have cross cultural awareness for the business venture to be successful. Importance of national culture As discussed above, The analysis and evaluation between Danone Vs Wahaha and Renault Vs Nissan (France, Japan China), we have identified and come to an understanding that both companies have failed to understand and account for each partys culture thus leading to main issues such as communication breakdown, management problems and conflicts. Previously where this essay has analyzed and critically evaluated the two different case studies of Danone Vs Wahaha and Renault Vs Nissan (countries France, China and Japan), what we have identified is that that both companies have failed to understand and account for each others culture because of the failure to do so, main issues like communication breakdown, management problems and conflict happens. It is therefore crucial for large multinational companies to be exposed to the different international cultural differences as in their daily operations they are exposed to multiple national cultures. This suggests that managing across borders introduces substantial complexity because it forces multinationals to attune their practices and approaches to each and every cultural context they operate in. In the previous section, Geert Hofstedes 6 dimensions index were discussed to evaluate the two case studies. It has shown that each country would have its own significant difference from the 6 dimension index from Hofstedes theory. Failure to appreciate and account for them can lead to issues like strain relationships between employees and employers or between stakeholders, communication breakdown between management team and drag down business performance. Each country has a unique cultural perspective and approach to certain situations and hence it is important for companies to strive to understand and support relevant programs or strategies in each region. However, based on Geert Hofstedes research on national culture, he has demonstrated that organizations can no longer ignore the impact of national cultures on organizations cultures particularly for multinational companies. It is also clear that in the current times, the implementation of positive organizational cultures and effectively merging of national cultures into organizational culture is critical for positive business performance and outcomes. Newman Nollen (1996) state that there is no one best way to manage a business. Differences in national cultures call for differences in management practices. One of their conclusions also states the importance of the congruence between management practices and the national culture should be in harmony in order to produce better performance outcomes, therefore pinpointing in another way the importance of cultural differences. Therefore, the management team of a company should pay extra attention to national cultural differences as it may influence the effectiveness of the strategies and decisions that the company makes. In addition, it may also affect the managers management style too. Therefore as a start, multinational companies should understand and be aware of the different types of national culture as well as adopting a fitting organizational culture themselves to account for international culture differences towards their employee, employers and well as their customers. Organizational Culture Greenberg and Baron (1997) define organizational culture as a cognitive framework consisting of attitudes, values, behavioral norms, and expectations. These values stated have a strong influence on employees behaviors, thinking, and behavioral patterns. For example, if a company is in the international business industry, having a culture that encourages diversity and adaptability will support its performance. In turn, the employees behaviors and thinking may be affected overtime and will react positively to diversity within their company and welcome it. In current times, companies operate in an increasingly complex and global environment where they are conducting more and more business in foreign countries. Apart from serving a global diverse marketplace, multinational companies would also consists of a diverse staff. As such, companies are faced with the challenge of managing a culturally diverse workforce. Martin (1992) and Goffee and Jones (1996) also demonstrates that strong cultures exist where employee values are unified and aligned to the values of the organization hence creating a sense of belonging and loyalty toward the company. Organizational culture is also an effective control mechanism for managing employee behavior. Therefore, this is a need for an organizational culture that fits to the needs of the company and its employees. Influence of Organizational culture Organizational culture shapes the way people do business, the way they do things varies across different countries. As such, same organizations of different national origins may have to do things differently and bearing in mind the culture of the nation or origin in which they operate. This certainly impacts on policies, communication strategies, organizational structure, human resources, recruitment and retention. Organizations particularly multinational companies can therefore no longer afford not to consider the national origins of countries where there operate and the degree to which the national cultures of these origins affect organizational culture when doing business. Organizational culture precedes employee behavior. Managers have the ability to influence and manage organizational culture. When this is done effectively, employees will too express those values positively through their behavior. To elaborate, if a typical organization has an extensive range of people who have international differences, the company would then need to foster a cultural diversity culture among its employees to create a mutual respect for the different cultures. This also in turns enables their employees to reach their full potential. The company should also portray the cultural diversity aspect of the organization in their mission statement. Edgard Scheins Three Levels of Culture Apart from Geert Hofstedes 6 dimensions of defining culture, there is another famous culture theorist, Edgard Schein that devotes all his effort into comparing and identifying the organizational cultural differences. According to Edward Schein(1992), Organizational learning, development, and planned change cannot be understood without considering culture as the primary source to change. Schein has categorized culture into 3 different levels: Artifacts, Espoused Values, Basic assumptions and values. Three Levels of Culture (Schein, 2004, Organizational culture and leadership, 27) Schein defined that culture is first seen through artifacts such as visual organizational structures or tangible items. Underlying artifacts is the values such as strategies, goals and philosophies. The core of the 3 levels would be assumptions such as taken for granted beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings through experience. Applying Scheins 3 levels of defining culture into Wahaha Vs Danone and Nissan Vs Renault case studies, a person would first judge a person through tangible and visible elements. In Nissan Vs Renault case study, the Japanese employees from Nissan first perceived Renault as a company from France with elements such as language, or even particular dress codes from the French employees. Underlying that judgment through visible elements would be espoused values such as how the organization represents itself through official statements or philosophies present in the company. In Renault, the common culture within the employees is that the top management focus on individual performance and everyone is equal to vie for the managerial position. Vice versa for Nissan, the common culture within the company would be Family first mantra which promotes the family-like atmosphere in the company. With the diverse differences between the 2 companies, conflicts would arise when the 2 companies espoused values are not aligned with one another. Lastly, the core element would be the shared basic assumptions which are usually deeply integrated into the culture and usually unconscious, thus people find it difficult to identify from within. Edgar Schein argues that the different cultures which people belongs can affect the different assumptions we would make about a particular situations based on our own values. According to the Wahaha Vs Danone case study, the assumption of losing face to Danone was nothing close to personal; however Wahaha views losing face as a disrespect among the employees. Such situations would cause a dispute between both companies who has diverse differences in their national culture. From the previous case studies from Wahaha Vs Danone and Nissan Vs Renault where they are example of companies that have failed to grasp the culture of the country and to adopt a fitting organizational culture. Now, using a case study on Google in our research, we will attempt to evaluate how Google makes use of national culture and their organizational culture to account and shape for international differences using Edgard Scheins Three Levels of Culture theory. Google Google is a worldwide company that has strong practices in diversity. Google culture revolves around their mission: to organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful. (Corporate Information, 2011) Google consists of a diverse staff, and supports a variety of cultural norms. Through this cultural norm, Google encourages and supports the diversity of its contacts and employees. Diversity is an essential component of the culture and business at Google. Google has employees that speak many languages to cater to the diversity of their consumer base. In fact more than half of the results Google provides to its customers are outside of the United States (Corporate Information, 2010). Diversity is distinguishable in all parts of Google such as their employees, offices, products, and customers. Therefore, when employing people from different cultural backgrounds, companies may benefit from generating a unified organizational culture. Googles Culture As Google consist of a diverse staff group, it shows the importance of having a strategically appropriate culture, a culture which will fits the needs of the organization, its employees and the marketplace. At Google, we dont just accept difference we thrive on it, we celebrate it, and we support it for the bene ¬Ã‚ t of our employees, our products, and our community. (Google Annual Report, 2010) Google has embraced diversity and integrated it into their culture and into their core culture statement. The manifestations of Googles culture are analyzed by evaluating the artifacts at Google (Gagliardi, 1992). Through looking at the various aspects of Google, it is shown that Google has an integrated and informal culture (Martin, 1992), which comprises of four key elements. Mission Innovation Fun Reward Using Edgard Scheins Three Levels of Culture, it is first defined and seen through the artifacts such as visual organizational structures or tangible items. Google supports diversity of norms in each office by utilizing local expressions of each location, from a mural in Buenos Aires to ski gondolas in Zurich, showcasing each offices region and personality (Corporate Information, 2010). One of the key aspects of Googles culture is that they promote communication between the employees. Googles office and cafes are designed to encourage interactions between employees within and across teams, and to spark conversation about work as well as play. Social interactions stimulate knowledge and learning breakthroughs. Without communication, there is no way to express thoughts, ideas, manage differences and feelings. Communication plays an important role in keeping and maintaining values and relationships necessary to keep the system of the organisation united. The next level of culture would be the exposed values which are the strategies, goals and philosophies. Daft (2003) stated that managing a global environment requires managers to have the ability to manage change through innovation and creativity. Therefore, the employees in Google are motivated to contribute their suggestions and ideas. Most of Googles work are project based hence employees are required to team up and pursue the project. The team may consist of a diverse group of members. Through the concept of a group project, members would then need to learn to accept one another and work together. This enhances the communication between Googles employees and hence they share a unified common goal and vision. As Google consists of a diversity of staff and most of the work is project based, conflicts are bound to happen between the employees. Therefore, conflict management between employees and respect for cultures must be structured and organized for the many cultures and diversities. This notion requires much research, training, and awareness to be spread throughout the company. One strategy that Google implement is to create awareness of international differences is by organizing national cultural events such as The 6th Sense: Diversity Week in India and Diwali and Google Mela to develop cultural intelligence to the employees and international cultural competence. Cultural intelligence integrates the three interrelated elements of knowledge, mindfulness, and behavioral skills. International cultural competence goes in depth to a complex skill that make use of cognitive, affective, and behavioral learning to effectively engage in successful cross-cultural relationships. The purpose of these cultural events is that the employees would generate a culture-specific understanding of the other and positively regard of the other. Through these events, it will groom and educate the employees on cultural awareness. During such events, Googles employees are able to interact and appreciate each others culture; consequently, an accommodating culture and organizational behavior is then established within the organization. The next level of culture would be the assumptions such as taken for granted beliefs, perceptions, thoughts and feelings through experience. Googles employees are passionate and self-motivated, and the company empowers them to a certain degree to make responsible decisions. Therefore, employees could get the opportunity to innovate and unleash their imagination and ideas. After analyzing all of Google culture characteristic, using Deal and Kennedy model of organizational culture (Deal and Kennedy, 1982), Google most likely falls into the work hard/play hard culture. Characteristics of the culture include high levels of activity and where employee has to take few risks. We have identified that most of the work that Googles employees faced are project based and employee have the freedom of choice to complete their project in any way they would like. Another characteristic of this culture includes ensuring that quality accompanies the high levels of activity. Google integrates the concept of the 70-20-10 Rule where they are encouraged using 70 percent of their working time on central business functions, 20 percent on related business functions, and 10 percent on areas entirely of their own choice (Google Corporate Information, 2012). In addition, due to stiff competition the employees are also passionate and motivated to develop one by continuously contr ibuting ideas, suggestions to potential profit gaining activities though their meetings. Through the concept of organizational culture on how they are establish and
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